“Verily, I say unto you, this generation shall not pass away until all that has been hidden is brought again into the light, for it is the epoch for the fulfillment of promise.”
Oracles of Celestine Light, Nexus 1:21

The Youthfulness of Age


After the evening meal, Yeshua invites his Apostles to ask him any question they wish, and Yuda asks about Enoch and if it is also their destiny to translate to Heaven without tasting death. Yeshua speaks about the trials and tribulations of life and how they should help you to grow so that you leave life greater than you began and that taking care of your body is of utmost importance, more so than living a perfect life.

1 That night, they encamped in a meadow high on the mountain, looking down upon a vast expanse of valley below them.
2 After the evening meal of small fish and wild greens they had gathered on their walk up the mountain, they sat in a circle to hear the words of Yeshua. Miriam sat at his right hand, and Salome sat next to her, holding her arm and resting her head upon her shoulder. Cephas was to Yeshua’s left, and the other Apostles and their wives sat wherever they desired to complete the circle.
3 Yeshua invited them to ask any question they desired, and Yuda, son of Cleophas, was first to speak, asking, “It is said that Enoch and all the people of his city never tasted death, but changed in a moment from mortality to immortality. Is this also the destiny for us that serve Elohim with all our life?”
4 Yeshua answered him, saying, “If you become so enraptured and harmonious with the Celestine Light of Elohim that you are perfected beyond the world and are unaffected by the mortal world around you, then you will be translated in the blink of an eye from mortality to immortality, for this world will no longer be able to keep you upon it, because your resonance has exceeded its capacity to hold you.
5 There have been some through the generations that have found this path, but I tell you in truth, it is nothing to aspire to.
6 If Elohim had wanted your mortal bodies to go from mortality to immortality without tasting death, that is the way you would have been created or the promise you would have been given to worthy Children of Light. Though it would seem to be a sweet reward for the pure and virtuous, in truth it only makes their path longer.
7 Never forget that one of the reasons you are here in this mortal world of strife, pain, and turmoil is to learn from your experiences, both the bitter and the sweet. If you never tasted the bitter, you would not fully appreciate the delight of the sweet.
8 If you never had to test yourself against the physical challenges of work and life, you would not become strong and healthy, but would become a husk without muscle or strength.
9 If you never had to speak with others and learn to sometimes have a game of wit and words, you would never become a leader, but live and die as you began.
10 If you never had occasion to fall ill or see your body begin to age, you would have far less motivation to eat a proper diet, have good hygiene, or do all the other things I have taught you to have health and vitality.
11 To first live a full life and then to lay the mortal shell down for its final rest, be it in peace or with pain, is an important step on the path of eternal progression. And whether it is with peace or pain is most often in your hands.
12 Most people are not afraid of growing old or infirmed. They are afraid of what comes after that.
13 Many do not have an unwavering faith in the life to come. They are afraid that when they die that will be the end of their existence. And fearing this, they cling in desperation to every last breath and wish to extend their mortality to the utmost, even when it is in a painful and degraded state.
14 Others have a faith in the hereafter, but still fear death, knowing they will have to make an accounting for the poor life they have led and fearing the place of cold and darkness they intuitively feel must be their destination. Though enfeebled and infirmed, they hold with intensity to every breath of mortality, apprehensive that the next life will be even less kind to them.
15 But the Children of Light should have a different understanding about life and death and the door to immortality that opens at the very moment of your last breath.
16 If you did not have challenges in life of all kinds-physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional-you would leave mortality no greater than you came into it. You would be like the stunted tree standing alone on the plain, always receiving water and sun but never growing tall and mighty among its kind because it lacked the challenge of competing for water in sun among its brethren in the forest.
17 In trees and man, it is not good nourishment alone that builds greatness, but also learning to deal with adversity and growing stronger and taller because of it.
18 This does not mean you should not always be striving for a life of peace and harmony, for you should be. But know that despite all you can do, there will be times when adversity still comes knocking at your door, and you will be tried by the fires of mortality.
19 At those times, do not pray for Elohim to take your trials away, but for Elohim to bolster your fortitude and help you know and do the things you must to overcome the challenges, that your soul will grow and expand from your experiences. For this is one of your great purposes upon the Earth.
20 But then comes the day when mortality slips away, and your spirit and soul rise in freedom into immortality.
21 This is not the end, but a new beginning. For those who endeavored to walk mortality with love, honesty, and respect, the immortality that greets them is more glorious than you can possibly imagine.
22 What I wish you to clearly understand is that aging and leaving the shell of mortality is a helpful part of your eternal progression. Experiencing that, allows you to, all the more, cherish and appreciate the immortality that follows.
23 Those who never taste death in mortality, who simply lay the body upon the ground and rise with their spirit and soul to the fullness of the Celestine Light, are blessed greatly for the personage of light they have become that enabled them to transcend the body.
24 But they are also lacking in understanding from experiences, of the frailties and limitations of mortality. These are things they must then learn by proxy and indirect experience over a far longer time in the world to come.
25 It is like a carpenter who learned by experience how to inlay wood for a perfect fit. When he sees the work of another, with a fine and perfect inlay, he admires it greatly and appreciates the skill and expertise of his fellow craftsman. If the other craftsman were to have a challenge, the first would have complete understanding and sympathy, for they had walked the same path and shared the same challenges.
26 But were an observer to come that had never learned to inlay wood, that had never experienced the frustration of time gone to naught when the tiny sliver of inlay breaks, he would not be able to have the same empathy as a fellow carpenter who had walked the same path.
27 At least not at first. Over time, if the man without experience was open to the heart of the carpenter, he would learn to understand and empathize with his challenges.
28 So it is in the life to come and with those who die in mortality and those who transcend.
29 What do you think life in the world to come is like? Do you think you are just going to be sitting around on the clouds, playing music and singing praises to Elohim?
30 Not on any day; though you will find a complete peace and relaxation such as you have never known, it is also an eternity of great activity and accomplishment, where your eternal progression does not end, but increases.
31 In mortality, it is those who either have false piety or simply little understanding of the nature of God, that are given to excessive praise to Elohim. As in mortality, your praises to Elohim in the world to come are heard more by the things that you do than in the things that you say.
32 And in the Celestine Realms, you do a great deal. Elohim is the architect; you are the builders. Where in mortality you may have built a house or brought a garden to bloom every season; in immortality, you will build paths that lead to the Celestine Light for your brothers and sisters still in mortality and plant gardens that bloom, not just with flowers, but with entire new earths.
33 And much than that you will do in the Celestine Realms. And it will be all the easier and more effective from the moment you arrive, because of your experiences, including growing old and the frailties of mortality.”
34 Everyone was silent for a few moments after Yeshua was finished speaking as they contemplated that which he had spoken. Then Salome asked, “My Lord of Light, I am young, so it is difficult to imagine being old, and having seen a little of the suffering that some have in their last years, I cannot say I look forward to such an end to mortality. Is there not a way that we can avoid the slow degeneration of the body and still learn the lessons we must?”
35 Yeshua smiled broadly upon hearing her question, and he answered her, saying, “Sweet Salome, it is my hope that you and all the Children of Light will have health and a maturity of youth until your very last day.
36 If one seeks to never die a mortal death, but to be translated to Heaven, they need only live a perfect life of love and virtue, with good service among their brothers and sisters of light. That is a path many good Children of Light will walk, but almost none will reach the pinnacle, for it is distant and high.
37 But though that pinnacle will be beyond reach for almost all, think not that you must then be like the people of the world who gather unto themselves new infirmities with every passing year and pass away withered into a shell of their former glory.
38 You are Children of Light, and your life and your departure from mortality should not be like those of the people of the world.
39 It has been given unto you to know every good food that enlivens and renews the body, and every good herb to heal and invigorate.
40 The Celestine powers of Heaven are within your worthy souls, and by your faith and love, all selfless acts of virtue can come to pass.
41 Unto you, it has been revealed the secrets of youth and vitality, and if you follow all that you have been given, you will be young in body, heart, mind, and spirit until the very last breath of your mortality.
42 You will still age, for there is eternal benefit in that experience, but even in your last days, you should retain a countenance, vigor, and happiness of youth that belies your years.
43 Live as you have been taught to live, and most often infirmities shall pass you by and sickness will have no power over you.
44 When either comes calling upon you and catch you unaware, make them but passing unwanted visitors, for you have the power of Heaven within you and the secret knowledge I have given you of water and plants and herbs and rocks of the Earth to banish all infirmities and illnesses of the world.
45 Even without the Celestine powers of Heaven, there is no sickness upon the Earth that Elohim has not also given man a cure in water, plants, herbs and rocks, good diet, sunshine, and good spirit.
46 Among the Children of Light, all these things are known. Therefore, if you wish to be given the glory of the Celestine Realms in the life to come, love one another, love Elohim, and fulfill your potential in the Terrestrial Realm where you now live.
47 In this, you honor Elohim: to be a good steward of the temple of your body and prove by the love and honor of your temple, and your willpower to resist temptations that would degenerate and defile your temple, that you are faithful sons and daughters of God, Celestine Lights of fire, worthy to enter into your glory in the Celestine Realms of Elohim.