“Verily, I say unto you, this generation shall not pass away until all that has been hidden is brought again into the light, for it is the epoch for the fulfillment of promise.”
Oracles of Celestine Light, Nexus 1:21

The Power of Stones


Yeshua speaks to the Children of Light about the power of stones and how to utilize their special attributes based upon faith.

1 And it came to pass that on the following Sabbath, Yeshua once again met with the Children of Light from the four communities on Lake Gennesaret by speaking to them from the boat of Cephas as they sat and stood listening to him on the shore.
2 Looking at them, he asked everyone to pick up a nearby stone and hold it in their hand. Some reached for stones the size of a chicken egg, and others for small pebbles they could rub in their fingers.
3 Yeshua said unto them, “How often do you trod upon the ground and pass by stones big and small and think nothing of them? Yet to every stone, there is one or more special attributes given by Elohim imbued by the forces of its creation.
4 When you were conceived in your mother’s womb, the moment of creation and the gestation of pregnancy had some bearing on the person you became. What your mother ate while you were in the womb, what stresses were upon her from life, and whether you were conceived in love or only in lust, all exerted forces that contributed more than you imagine to the person you are today, both your personal challenges and your virtues.
5 So it is with all of creation, even with the stones under your feet.
6 Whether a man grows to become a mighty man or a weak and sickly man begins in his mother’s womb. There is much more to it than that, but that is the beginning. So too, whether a rock becomes just a hard piece of dirt or a stone with amazing properties depends upon its conception and gestation within the womb of the Mother Earth.
7 Most stones and the elements in the stones have far more uses than you understand, even as clay, which can be used not only to make vessels of pottery, but also to heal wounds and stings, and certain varieties that are even taken into your mouth and stomach to counteract poisons and other noxious upsets.
8 Know with certainty that there is no stone, no element, no type of soil, put upon this Earth, save it was put by Elohim for the benefit of man. But the benefits of most are far more than you have ever known.
9 Some elements have powers that stand alone, even as sulfur by itself can be used to heal many diseases of the skin, speed the healing of wounds, and kill vermin that may infest the body. Besides the healing benefit of the hot water, it is because of the sulfur in the water, along with various salts, that the mineral spring baths are so therapeutic.
10 Other minerals are given more to be used as tools, even as obsidian makes the finest instruments of surgery, or Kazza is used to filter impurities.a
11 These are the uses you can easily see and understand with your eyes and senses. But there are many uses of elements and stones that you cannot easily see or understand with your senses, and it is of these that I speak.
12 Some years ago, my brother Yochanan the Baptizer journeyed in Egypt with me and my family. On one occasion, he sold some rock crystals to priests of a certain temple. These were crystals he had discovered in a small hole in the ground during his journeys in the wilderness as a youth.
13 Now the priests of the temple were most delighted to receive these particular crystals, and they paid Yochanan a goodly sum for them.
14 It was not for adornment that they paid such a price, but because they understood how to use the powers of these particular rock crystals, and they had singular faith to invoke the powers. Verily, there is power within some crystals, and though unseen, it can sometimes be powerfully felt.
15 More often, crystals of various minerals are merely another tool. They can be used to focus your own energy or other aeons you are calling upon, to very specific points, for healing or other purposes.
16 Whether a stone or a crystal has power unto itself or is only waiting to be used as a tool depends upon its birth and gestation, even as who you became depended in some part upon yours.
17 Some rocks and crystals are birthed deep within the Mother Earth. Others are deposited over time at the bottom of the seas. Still others are birthed from cataclysms.
18 Where a stone is birthed and gestated will have bearing upon whether it can be used solely in a physical way that is easily seen with your eyes or can be used in a greater way that affects the auras and energies of the people and things it is directed upon.
19 Those stones that will have unseen power, both in themselves and as tools, are those that were birthed deep within the Earth and have either clarity or profound color and usually a greater hardness than most other stones.
20 That is not to say that other stones not birthed deep in the Earth cannot also have unseen powers or be utilized as tools to focus unseen aeons. But as a simple measure, those stones with the most clarity or vividness of color or unusual color or rainbow effect and with the greatest hardness, coming from the deepest womb of the Earth, are going to be the greatest gemstones of unseen power.
21 Once you hold a stone of power in your hand or wear it in a ring on your finger or a pendant about your neck, how does the aeon come forth?
22 It is not enough to merely hold the stone. You must also hold faith in Elohim, faith in yourself, and have a harmony and oneness with the Earth from which the stone came forth.
23 So while anyone may use a stone for its physical properties, only a person of deep faith can call upon the unseen powers of Celestine Light within the special stones of the Earth.
24 Let me demonstrate the meaning of my words. I would like to ask my wife Miriam to step forward upon the beach to the edge of the water so that all can see her and also call upon the Pharisees present to send a representative to stand beside her.”
25 As Yeshua spoke, Miriam stood up from where she had been sitting at the front of the crowd with their children and Salome and Martha and walked a few steps to the edge of the beach.
26 Off to the side of the crowd stood a group of six Pharisees who had come, as the Pharisees often did, to listen to Yeshua speak.
27 Hearing Yeshua’s bidding, they conversed quickly among themselves and most were against participating in his demonstration, thinking it would be a trap to embarrass them. But Zophas, one of the Pharisees, told his brethren, “I will go forth, for I have some knowledge of the tricks of magic, and in this, perhaps it will be the blasphemer Yeshua who is embarrassed in front of all of his followers and exposed for the charlatan that he is.”
28 So saying, Zophas came and stood a pace away beside Miriam. Yeshua reached back and taking a stone that Cephas handed to him, he tossed it ashore, and Zophas caught it in his hand.
29 Yeshua said unto him, “Good Zophas, thank you for coming again to hear my words today. I know little by little, as you see and hear, that the true Celestine Light of Elohim has been touching your heart.”
30 “Humph!” grumbled Zophas in response.
31 Speaking to the multitude, Yeshua elaborated, saying, “Zophas holds a piece of lodestone in his hands from Greece. Some of you may think this rock has magic of its own because objects made of iron are attracted to it with an invisible force. But this is not magic, merely the way it has been created to form in its gestation by Elohim.”
33 Speaking again to Zophas, Yeshua said, “Zophas, would you hold the lodestone above your head along with a piece of iron so everyone can see how the iron is attracted to and held by the lodestone?”
34 Zophas thought for a moment, then removed his sandal, which had an iron decoration, and held it above his head. Bringing his other hand holding the lodestone toward it, he attached it to the piece of iron, then let go of it so everyone could see how it held fast to the iron on the sandal.
35 “This power of the lodestone will work with any person and with any object made of iron,” Yeshua explained. “It could do the same for Miriam as it did for Zophas or any of you.
36 But there is another invisible power in this unusual stone that also has to do with attraction and repulsion, not of iron, but of people, but it will not work for anyone as it does with the iron, but only with someone of faith.”
37 Yeshua asked Zophas to hand the lodestone to Miriam, which he did. Then speaking to Miriam, he asked, “Daughter of light, would you please invoke the power of repulsion in the stone?”
38 Miriam nodded her head, and after bowing it for a moment of silence, she lifted up her head and turned to the multitude with a subtle smile upon her beautiful face.
39 Speaking again to Zophas, Yeshua said unto him, “Zophas, attempt now if you will to touch the garment of Miriam.”
40 But Zophas protested, saying, “It is not proper for me to touch another man’s wife or even her garment. I will not do it.”
41 “Very well,” Yeshua responded. “Then touch her not, but simply move your hand toward her as if you were going to touch her.”
42 Zophas considered Yeshua’s request for a moment and then nodded his head in assent and lifted his arm and moved his hand toward Miriam’s shoulder, but did not touch it.
43 He then lowered his arm and took a step back, and Yeshua asked him, “What did you feel?”
44 And Zophas replied, “I felt nothing, except perhaps my imagination running around trying to deduce what hoax you are trying to perpetrate.”
45 “So the effect is too subtle for you then?” Yeshua inquired of Zophas.
46 “Subtle is defining this charade with greater certainty than warranted. The slight breeze off the lake is felt, but nothing from your wife or her stone,” Zophas replied.
47 “Why do you continue to try to delude these simple people?” Zophas inquired accusingly. “You are leading them astray and away from the teachings of the prophets to their destruction before God.”
48 Yeshua did not answer him, but instead spoke again to Miriam, saying, “Perhaps, you should further invoke the power of the stone.”
49 Miriam spoke no words in reply, but once again bowed her head for a moment and then looked up smiling and turned to look right into the eyes of Zophas, which was most disconcerting for him, for never did women look into the eyes of men that were not of their family.
50 Yeshua spoke again to Zophas, saying, “If you will, reach once again as if to touch the shoulder of Miriam.”
51 But Zophas crossed his arms across his chest, and taking another step away from Miriam, he said, “I shall not. This is nonsense.”
52 Yeshua then spoke again to Miriam, saying, “If Zophas will not come to you, perhaps it is appropriate to go instead to Zophas.”
53 Miriam’s smile widened ever so slightly, and nodding her head in agreement, she took a step toward Zophas. When she did, he put his arms down and showed surprise on his face. As she began to take another step, he looked visibly nervous, and as her reaching foot planted upon the ground and she began to walk upright before him, he fell violently backward upon his posterior, as if he had been hit by a mighty blow.
54 He rapidly stood up brushing the dirt off his clothes and retreated back toward his fellow Pharisees.
55 “It certainly appeared as if you felt something that time,” Yeshua said to Zophas.
56 “I cannot deny it,” Zophas responded. “I felt suddenly sick to my stomach and as if I was a lodestone being repelled by another. It was very strange, but proves nothing, for your wife is spoken of in Galilee as a witch. Surely, the power was not in the stone, but in her mischief or yours.”
57 “You speak words of truth, Zophas,” Yeshua answered. “Though you understand them not, the power was not in the stone, but in the faith of Miriam. With faith, the secret powers of the stones can come forth, but without it, they are simply stones, the same in one person’s hand as another’s.”
58 Then Yeshua once more addressed the multitude, saying, “Children of Light, when you meet this week in your Q’s, my Apostles shall go among you and begin to teach you the many uses of stones and how to call upon their secret powers that the world will never know.
59 Until then, begin to look at every stone, no matter how simple or plain it may seem with new insight and understanding.
60 Verily, there are no simple or plain stones, for every grain of sand upon the Earth has been put here by Elohim for the benefit of man.
61 The men of the world know how to use the minerals of the land to build and fabricate and dye and in some things heal. But it is given only to you, the Children of Light, to understand and be able to call upon the greater powers of the stones and elements and crystals, both as conduits of power and of the aeon contained within some, waiting for those of true faith to call them out.
62 I say again, look anew at every stone you see and remember the other lessons we have recently shared on sound and color, for the colors of each stone are important and define part of their power, even as each stone has a sound that conveys additional secrets and mysteries to those of faith who understand them and call upon them.”
63 Later in the day, Yeshua went upon the lake in three boats with his Apostles, away from the eyes of unbelievers and taught them many wonderful things concerning stones and elements and crystals and the wonders that can come from them and through them when empowered by the faith of a Child of Light.
64 These secrets are taught to this day within the School of Mysteries and practiced in sacred circles of the Katah, Shanar, and Q-roms of the Children of Light.

a. Kazza was the word they used for diatomaceous earth.