“Verily, I say unto you, this generation shall not pass away until all that has been hidden is brought again into the light, for it is the epoch for the fulfillment of promise.”
Oracles of Celestine Light, Nexus 1:21

Lessons at the Beach


Yeshua, Miriam, Salome, and the Apostles and their wives take a break from their traveling and spend a day relaxing and playing on the beach. After the midday meal, Yeshua speaks about the lessons of mortality and growing from one’s experiences, which is evidenced by the demonstration of character. He also speaks about the power of prayer, what to pray for and what not to pray for. Yeshua emphasizes the importance of knowledge and continual learning and how members of the Community of Light should have varied expertise’s that collectively make one community with great knowledge and abilities. He details the importance of living on the sea for health and longevity. He concludes by teaching them the Celestine Light techniques needed to call forth the energies required to do as he did when saving Ya’akov and Marit after they fell off the cliff.

1 And it came to pass that Yeshua and those who traveled with him continued on their journey to the city of Tyre.
2 After they descended down the north side of the Ladder of Tyre, Marit and Ya’akov came to Yeshua as he was walking with Miriam and Salome, and Ya’akov said unto him, “Marit and I wanted to thank you again for saving us from certain doom.”
3 Yeshua smiled and answered him, saying, “As Miriam has told me she reminded everyone, you still have much work to do for Elohim before you can go off to paradise.”
4 Ya’akov let out a deep sigh and responded, “Still it was an amazing joy to still be alive. One moment, the few seconds I thought would be my last, I was reaching as I plummeted down to touch Marit’s hand that we might die together, for I could not bear to be without her, and she was looking up reaching for me even as she fell.
5 The next moment I was somehow alive, next to Marit, looking up at the imposing white cliffs and at you, being where you couldn’t have been, but you were.
6 No matter how or why, I, we, can never thank you enough for saving us.”
7 Yeshua put an arm around Ya’akov’s shoulder and pulled him toward him in the friendly manner of men and answered, “You are welcome. But the how and the why are important, so let us discuss that with the others when we stop for the midday meal.”
8 “As you wish, Yeshua,” Ya’akov answered, and he turned to move back with Marit to the group that followed so Yeshua could again be alone with Miriam and Salome as he walked. Marit came first to Yeshua and grasping his hand, she kissed it reverently and said, “I too must give you my deepest thanks, Yeshua. I was so foolish to not be careful walking along the precipice. And in my foolishness, both my husband and I would have lost our lives save for you.
9 Nothing I can say or do will ever adequately show the gratitude in my heart, but call upon me as you need for the work of Elohim and I will be there before the dawn. You turned my darkness into light, even as you do in so many ways for each of us every day. Thank you, Yeshua, Lord of Light, thank you.”
10 Yeshua kissed Marit’s hand even as she had kissed his and said, “In the days to come, you will have much to do for the work of Elohim, Marit. But each day, simply continue to be the light of sweetness and kindness that you always have been, and you will be serving Elohim well. The example of your life is as great as any other thing you can say or do.”
11 Marit bowed her head to Yeshua and said thank-you once more; then she and Ya’akov stepped back to be with the others who walked in a group behind Yeshua.
12 They came at last to a beautiful sandy beach, and as far as they could see in any direction, there were no other people. Salome ran onto the beach and, throwing off her sandals, went onto the sand and twirled around with her arms extended, exclaiming, “It is as if we are the only people in all the world, and such a beautiful world it is!”
13 The others soon followed and, casting off their sandals, began to revel in the feeling of the warm sand and water upon their feet as they walked on the beach and in the small surf.
14 Miriam came up behind Salome. Leaning over her shoulder she kissed her mischievously on the cheek and pointed down the beach. “Alas, we are not all alone. Look further down the beach and you can see a Roman villa and beyond that the island of Tyre.”
15 Salome turned, and holding both of Miriam’s hands, she looked at her playfully and said, “I like my illusion just fine as it is, dear Miriam. So let us leave the cities and the Romans for another day and today stay in my illusion.”
16 As they spoke, all of the others had also begun to relax and even play on the beach, and Yeshua seeing this gave a great smile of joy. Raising his voice just a little, he said unto them, “Though we have barely traveled today, this is a very good place. Therefore, after you have frolicked for a while, let us make camp and spend both the day and the night here. Tomorrow, we shall come upon Tyre, and for all the peace and serenity here, there are great challenges of spirit in that city. Therefore, store up good spirit from the Earth and the sea, and your love one for another today that the reservoir will uphold you tomorrow.”
17 And it came to pass that with Yeshua’s encouragement and participation, everyone reveled in the Sun and the sea and the sand, playing with one another like the children they once were but had long forgotten.
18 Casting a net they had brought with them, some of the fishermen quickly caught many small fish, and everyone ate a fine midday meal accompanied with vegetables they harvested from both the land and the sea.
19 When they were finished eating, they sat on the beach and Yeshua spoke to them, saying, “Please remember this day and the feeling you have had upon this beach. The cares and challenges and strifes of the world have been forgotten for this moment in time.
20 Released from your many responsibilities and worries, you have been able to give your adult a rest and let your child out to play.
21 There is no one here to bother or persecute you or demand payment or labor, and that is a very good feeling, is it not?
22 You have only the clothes on your back, but want for nothing including food as a sumptuous meal provided by Elohim that was easy to catch and harvest.
23 The air is warm, the friendly company outstanding, and it is easy in this place to realize how little is really needed to find contentment.
24 I say again, remember the feeling of this place each of the days to come in your life. Use it as motivation to remove yourselves from the ways of the world and seek out and live the simple life of contentment you feel today.
25 Because of who you are, you will still need to venture into the world from time to time for the purposes of Elohim. But seek to build communities that are alive with the carefree serenity that you feel today. You do not have to go to Heaven to find it, for you can create it and live it even upon this world.
26 Earth is still an Eden for those who see it and desire it to be so.
27 But the pure carefree joy and vibrant energy you feel on this beach cannot be found away from the warm sea. The sea warmed by the sun is a great reservoir of good aeon. And where the land meets the sea, the energy is released for the benefit of the Children of the Earth.
28 I tell you these things that you may plan for your future. In Palestine, we are in the cauldron and the land of Palestine shall only become hotter upon the cauldron in the days to come.
29 As I have spoken before, the time will soon come when you must abandon the communities you have built and travel to lands beyond the reach of Rome or under the fist of tyrants.
30 It will ever be so that people fight over desolate pieces of land while staying away from the sea of bounty, which they fear.
31 You must not fear the sea. The Children of Light are meant to be children of the sea as well as the earth. Upon the sea, the Children of Light would do well to live or to return to often.
32 We will come tomorrow upon the ancient island city of Tyre. Consider it well. Though Alexander of Macedonia destroyed the city, it had remained virtually impregnable for thousands of years before his day.
33 As an island upon a sea of bounty, protected by its natural virtues and the fortifications of its citizens, it grew to great opulence and decadence. When you see it, do not dwell upon what it once was or is today, but envision what it could have been if it had been a city of light instead of darkness.
34 Appreciate the harmony of an island in the sea as a place where the Children of Light can have the best of both the land and the sea, while also being apart and protected from many of the perils of the world.
35 This is what you should seek in the Communities of Light to come as you are given the light by Elohim to find and create them.
36 The sea is much more than water and fish. It is life. It is the renewal of the life of the mortal tabernacle wherein dwells your spirit and soul.
37 Do you remember why you are in these frail bodies? Why do you not simply go from spirit to eternal life in an immortal body? Why bother with this life of mortality at all? Especially considering the terrible pain and trauma it is for many people?”
38 Cephas answered, “As you have told us, Yeshua, we are here to learn and grow from our experiences and our relationships and to build faith in Elohim and ourselves as we contend with the challenges of mortal life.”
39 Yeshua nodded his head in agreement and told them, “Teach that and you will be teaching the Celestine Light, but know that there is still more light than this. What is the purpose of contending with the challenges of life: to learn and grow?
40 To learn is easy to understand: If you touch a hot fire, you are burned and you learn from that lesson not to touch a hot fire again. But how did you grow from that experience?
41 If you have learned the lesson of not touching the hot fire and one day have a man about your fire who has never understood that lesson and reaches for the fire, what do you do before his hand is singed?”
42 Yuda answered, “Let him burn his hand a little so he too can learn and remember the lesson from his own experience and be sure to never do it again.”
43 Yeshua laughed hearing this and said, “Yes, you could do that, and in truth, lessons learned from experience are the ones best remembered. But in the goodness of your light, what would be another alternative?”
44 Yuda responded, saying, “I could warn him of the consequences because I have already tasted those consequences, admittedly when I was a little child, so I don’t know where this man has been sheltered all of his life. But being hardheaded as most men are, he probably would not listen or believe until he had been scorched himself.”
45 Yeshua nodded in agreement, saying, “It is as you say. But the difference is when you gave warning, you shared from what you had learned in life and sought to prevent the pain of another person. In doing this, you demonstrated character, and it is character that is the fruit of your experiences and the evidence of your growth.
46 Know then that mortality is more than just a place to learn and grow and develop faith. It is the place where you demonstrate by your character your worthiness to exaltation in the eternity to come.
47 You have heard me say that faith without works is like a cart without wheels. By this, I do not mean works such as the Pharisees do, meaningless actions simply because they believe those actions please God and show their devotion.
48 Rather, works are simply the character by which you live your life. Your character, good or bad, dictates your actions, your responses, and your interaction with others.
49 These are the works Elohim looks upon, and these are the works by which you are judged, not how you cut or style your hair, nor how you wear your clothes, nor how many steps you take on the Sabbath.
50 But how you treat your fellow men and women, even when there is no one to see, and how you choose to do right even when there would be no one to see you do wrong and how you are not apathetic, but are ever seeking for ways to improve your world and help the lives of your family, friends, and fellow travelers in mortality.
51 This then is the answer to how you grow. You grow by continually adding to the depth and quality of your character, and this is the path with faith and love to the Celestine Lights of Heaven.”
52 Yeshua was silent for a moment to allow his words to reach into the hearts of those who listened to him.
53 After a time, when no one spoke, he continued saying, “Each day, mortality puts a weight of challenges upon every person. Some are small like the advent of a slight illness that comes for a day or two and then is gone.
54 Others are great, such as an infirmity that strikes, causing ever-increasing pain every day of life thereafter.
55 Relationships that are not harmonious can cause an anguish to the heart greater than the pain of any affliction of the body.
56 There are also those who suffer in slavery and then there are those who are called free but suffer as slaves to their weaknesses. They ever give in to their lusts to be fulfilled for a moment, but emptier and emptier in their spirit day by day.
57 There are challenges to put a roof over the head of your family and food upon the table, to raise your children well, and to overcome the grief that is felt when someone you love passes beyond mortality.
58 Day by day, in ways both small and great, you are tested by life, and it seems natural to call upon Elohim to help you, to ease your suffering or make the road before you easier.
59 But if life’s challenges are the furnace in which you learn and grow from your mortal experiences and through which your character is forged and these are the measures by which your exaltation in eternity is judged, is it really in your best interest to have Elohim intervene on your behalf?
60 Nay, it is not.
61 There are many faiths and religions that are believed and followed among the people living upon this great Salt Sea. Some worship the Earth, some a plethora of gods. All pray to the gods of their belief for their deliverance, for victory over their enemies, to be healed of their infirmities, to find wealth and many more things in their personal lives.
62 And to all these requests to receive a blessing, how does Elohim respond? In most instances, not at all. Though the matter may be life or death for the person saying the prayer, even a Child of Light, it is better in most instances for them to experience what they will and make the choices they will to deal with it, rather than have an intervention in their lives by Elohim.”
63 Again Yeshua stopped speaking to let his words settle into the hearts and minds of those who listened, and there was immediately much talking one with another about the words he had just spoken.
64 Yudas Iscariot raised his hand to catch attention and said, “Yeshua, I understand that those who pray to false gods would have nothing but emptiness for an answer, but is this also true for the Children of Light? Wherein is our faith placed if it is not with the conviction that by living in the Celestine Light, we are answered and upheld by the greater light of Elohim in our hours of need?”
65 Yeshua answered him, saying, “Elohim does hear and answer your prayers, but not every prayer you utter, only those given to make you greater than you were, not less.
66 But most of the prayers given by men to any God are given to make them less not more, and the true light of Heaven, even our Mother and Father, love their children too much to give them less instead of more.
67 Therefore, Elohim hears all prayers, but answers few, because the supplicants are asking for the wrong things.
68 Do not ask to be healed of your sickness. Ask to be guided to the knowledge to heal yourself. You truly can heal yourself of illnesses with proper knowledge. But you must be girded up to have the willpower to take the necessary actions to accomplish your healing, beginning with acquiring the knowledge in times before it is needed.
69 Verily, when it comes to health and sickness, Elohim has put upon the earth every herb, mineral, and substance necessary to cure any illness that will ever afflict man when coupled with correct diet and right living.
70 As we walk and heal others I teach you the secret powers of stones, herbs, sounds, colors and of your own aura. Remember these lessons well and continue to expand your knowledge and experience even when I am no more among you.
71 Seek therefore in prayer to be guided to greater knowledge and to better remember the things that you learn. Seek to be strong, not weak, and to live in ways that promote health, instead of destroying it.
72 Nor ask to be delivered from your enemies, but ask to be given the strength of arm or quickness of mind to be able to save yourself. Even better, ask to be guided by the Holy Spirit to paths and places where enemies will not be encountered or to learn to expand your aura of harmony whereby enemies may become friends.
73 In your prayers, therefore, do not seek solutions to your problems from Elohim, but seek from Elohim enhancement of your own knowledge and abilities that you might find a good solution for your own challenges, be they small or great.
74 Even in that, do not seek to instantly know of that which a moment ago you were ignorant. Rather seek to be led to opportunities to learn, to find time to learn, to find a means to learn, and to remember what you learn.
75 Seek to become more by becoming greater than you were, rather than less by doing nothing for yourself and only asking Elohim to take away your challenges.
76 Give thanks for your challenges, for they are the seeds of your greatness and glory.”
77 Yet still there is a time for prayers to Elohim asking for direct intercession and that is after you have done everything within your own power, knowledge and abilities, as have your friends, family and brothers and sisters of light.
78 Only then, after everything you could do has been done in faith and love and knowledge, should you ask Elohim in prayer to directly intercede with a miracle. And you have the sacred promise of Elohim to answer all such prayers that have been offered with faith, humility and love.
79 The people of the world worship a myriad of false gods. But in each instance they pray to their god expecting their god to do everything for them. Do not be like these people of the world who worship gods of their imaginations that they know not, for this is an expectation that cannot and should not be met even by Elohim the one true creator of all that is.
80 You are literally the children of Elohim the Father and Elohim the Mother. Your relationship to Elohim can best be understood and felt in your heart and mind if you compare it to your relationship with your own children, or your relationship with your parents when you were a child.
81 You hope for the best for your children, even as your Father and Mother in the Celestine realms hope for the best for you.
82 You teach your children the good morals that you live to guide them in their life. But you do not force your children to obey them once they are of age. So has your Celestine Father and Mother given you the good morals which you live and teach, but without compulsion to live them.
83 You teach your children all they need to know to make their own way in the world, even as your Celestine Father and Mother teach you all you need to understand and master the mysteries and secrets of Celestine Light, by which you can yourself do great miracles, rather than call upon Elohim to do them for you.
84 And you take joy when you see your children overcome challenges and make their way in the world with happiness and success, even as your heavenly Father and Mother have joy in watching you grow and expand your light as you overcome the challenges before you.
85 But should your children, though well armed with knowledge and abilities, encounter a challenge they cannot meet, and in their need come to you in supplication, you will not turn a deaf ear, but in your enduring love, will do all you can do to help them.
86 So it is with our Father and Mother in the Celestine kingdom, who take joy in watching you grow in faith and power. But when you have done all you can do in a worthy endeavor and have still fallen short, they are compelled by an even greater measure of love to answer your prayers for assistance.”
87 Once again, Yeshua stopped speaking and waited for someone to seek greater knowledge about that which he had revealed.
88 Then Toma spoke, asking, “Good teacher, our lives are short, and there is so much to learn. If we are not to pray to Elohim for quick deliverance but to seek respite in knowledge, how will we ever gain all the knowledge we need in an entire lifetime, much less for those who are still young and have not had as many years of opportunity to learn?”
89 Yeshua answered him, saying, “One person alone seeking knowledge would be like one bee alone trying to gather all the honey for the hive. But you are not one but many, and the many should be as one.
90 The knowledge of one does not need to be the knowledge of everyone. In some things, your knowledge will be the same as the knowledge of your brothers and sisters, but let each choose a few areas of immersion that they may learn and excel greater than most of their brothers and sisters in those things.
91 Then let the Children of Light be as one body, that all challenges may be met by one among them who has the knowledge.
92 Part of character is learning to live and work harmoniously within your Family of Light that as a body of one all challenges will be met.
93 Therefore let some become adept in the ways of planting and the harvest and others in the ways of fishing and the sea. Let some learn the deepest secrets of the healing arts and others the hidden mysteries of the power of aura and spirit.
94 Let some become readers of the scriptures and others historians of the people. Let some become teachers and others learn to lead and administer.
95 Let some become artists and others craftsmen; some inquirers of science and others philosophers and lovers of languages.
96 Let none be above any other, but all equal before Elohim and one another in their efforts to become the best they can in the areas they serve.
97 And may all serve one another not for personal glory, but for the good of the Family of Light and the glory of Elohim.
98 But also seek to be well-rounded and ever questing for knowledge in many areas. Though you may become an expert in one thing, ever seek to become more adept in many others as well and even an expert in more than one, even many more.
99 Never forget why you are here, and learning is among the greatest of reasons. You learn greatly from your experiences, but should learn no less every day from your studies and observations.
100 Nor forget that whatsoever you gain in mortality in knowledge, character, and faith will bring you ever higher in the world to come. Your knowledge, character, and faith along with your relationships of love are the treasures that rise with you.
101 Again I return to the sea, to the warm sea that comes ashore gently on sandy beaches and is a delight to the senses to feel upon the body, whether just the toes or swimming naked and free.
102 Children of Light should be lovers of the warm sea, for it is a great and marvelous source of health and longevity.
103 Gaining knowledge does take more than a lifetime, and with the sea, you can give yourself more time, for it will renew the very life essence of your body and prolong your life and health far beyond the years accustomed to men and women in this time.”
104 With these words, everyone seemed to listen more acutely, and Marit asked, “How then shall we use the sea to receive a reward of health and longevity?”
105 Yeshua answered, saying, “If you desire to add years to your life that you may have more time to learn and serve and prepare your character for the world to come, swim naked each day in the living, warm, salt sea for one hour. That, along with the proper diet, good amounts of pure fresh water to drink, and the other good habits of health I have taught you, will find sickness banished from your life and your years of opportunity upon the earth greatly extended in number.”
106 “But what if we do not know how to swim?” Shim’on asked, lifting up his hands questioningly.
107 Hearing his query, everyone laughed, and Yeshua answered him, saying, “Then that should be the first thing you learn in your lifetime of seeking knowledge.”
108 After everyone finished laughing, again, Yeshua spoke to them in earnestness about how it was that he had saved Ya’akov and Marit. He taught them the techniques of Celestine Light needed to call forth this ability and how great faith and love would magnify it.
109 And he cautioned them to never use this gift except within the Family of Light and then only in dire need and not for a trifle, for it was a secret not to be seen in the world. Therefore, it cannot be written in any book, but must remain a mystery to the world and only told by the words of one Child of Light to another, as they are prepared to receive greater knowledge and light.