“Verily, I say unto you, this generation shall not pass away until all that has been hidden is brought again into the light, for it is the epoch for the fulfillment of promise.”
Oracles of Celestine Light, Nexus 1:21

In the World But Not Of It


As a continuation of his talk to the community members, Yeshua speaks about the importance of self-sufficiency and not being dependent upon, or in debt to, the things of the world. He encourages them to make all the things they need for food, clothing, and shelter, within the community and to do so with great creativity. He also speaks about making good choices for health and longevity.

1 Yeshua continued to speak to the brothers and sisters of the Communities of Light, saying, “I exhort you now, my brothers and sisters of light, to always set yourselves apart from and above the world.
2 As you grow in numbers and talents of the members of the communities, seek to become self-sufficient in your most basic needs, that though you may know of the world, you will not be dependent upon it, or in debt to it, or under threat of the vacillations and pettiness of its leaders.
3 Be always proficient in the making of homes and boats and all things such as you have need of in your daily lives.
4 Let each brother who has a skill teach it to many other brothers of the community, and let each sister who has a skill teach it to many other sisters of the community.
5 There will always be both necessities and gifts that you will purchase from the merchants of the world, but as much as it is possible with your numbers and talents, provide for yourselves the things in which you are in need.
6 Strive with diligence to have bounty and excess far beyond your needs, that you may store some for days of famine and pestilence that will surely come.
7 It will be well with you if all of the things which you eat and drink come from your own hands, from fruits and vegetables you have planted, harvested, and collected wild from the bounty of the Earth, from fish you have caught and sea plants you have gathered, from honey you have fetched from the bees, and from all manner of foods you have prepared from the things you have brought unto you.
8 Food, shelter, clothing, and a means to earn a livelihood—in these things, let the Communities of Light become as self-sufficient as your numbers and talents and resources will allow.
9 The greater your self-sufficiency, the more you will be above the world and beyond the reach of its poisons, with the opportunity every day to live a life of happiness, joy, and fulfillment.
10 But the less self-sufficient you are, the more you will be within the grasp of the evil and people of the world insomuch that your life will often be darkened by the clouds of the world, the storms thereof which only bring pain, suffering, broken lives, and lost dreams.
11 The things you eat and drink must be of great importance to you. As you grow as a Child of Light, you learn which foods and drinks benefit your body and which do not.
12 As many of the foods and drinks of the world bring darkness into your body instead of light, it is far better if all of your food and drink comes only from those things which you have grown, caught, gathered, and prepared yourself.
13 Let the wine you drink also only be from your vineyards and orchards, from fruits you have grown and harvested and made into wine.
14 Let not your wine be defiled with excessive spirits that befuddle the head, but let it be like Tiyrosh of the pure fruits- sweet to the taste, slight of spirits, invigorating to the body, and calming to the restlessness of man.
15 Let Celestine wine be of two types- that of normal consumption which is like sweet water and should contain not more than three parts per hundred of the spirits to help preserve its freshness and purity, and that of celebrations and holidays which may contain up to five parts per hundred but is limited to one cup each day of the holiday or celebration, and then shared only within the privacy of your homes among friends and family in a salutation of inspiration.
16 And make no excuses for a second cup or a large cup that is in reality more than one. For that is the way of the world where one cup leads to another until drunkenness and defiling of the temple occurs. But be Celestines as you have been called- honoring your temples and master of yourselves.
17 Of the wines of the world, drink not at all, save in a most dire need, and then only Tiyrosh and never Shekar or any other type of strong drink on any occasion.
18 Only with the wine you make with your own hands, grown from grapes in your own vineyards and fruits in your own orchards, can you depend to be pure and of light, free from the poisons and errors that men of the world might put upon that which they make, be it intentionally or unintentionally.
19 Let this be an endeavor of the Communities of Light that Celestine wine shall become known among the world for its purity and deliciousness insomuch that even Caesar and the priests shall come unto you for an elixir of heaven.
20 Listen now, brothers and sisters, for I have another thing of great importance to share with you. Even now as you build the Communities of Light around Lake Gennesaret, you must begin preparing for the days when you shall depart from this land, never to return.
21 For there shall come great tribulations upon all the land of Palestine because of the Romans, and when those days come, the Children of Light must be no more in this place.
22 Therefore, begin preparing for your departure, not to one place alone, but to a few places upon the world where you can take root in peace upon the land and let your light shine forth upon it, until the days when the pull of the world can no longer hold the righteous and virtuous, and they shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye from mortality to immortality and rise to meet me in the sky.
23 Some will go into the sanctuary of the mountains, and others shall be children of the sea. Still others will dwell at the very heart of the world and be unseen.
24 While you are still nurtured in the communities of Gennesaret, become learned in skills that will serve you well, both in the community and upon the far places of the world. By this, even when you are living among the Ganish, you will be respected for your abilities, virtue, and character.
25 With the gifts given to you as Children of Light by Elohim, while you are still upon the Earth in mortality, you are called to be stewards of the land and all the creatures therein and healers of both animals and people, both among the Children of Light and among those of the world who are lost, but still of virtue and righteousness, looking for a greater light to guide their lives.
26 When you depart the communities of Lake Gennesaret, see that you remember and continue to live the principles of life you have learned here, that your light will kindle the fire of truth in others to whom it shall touch, until the day comes when you are called together again to travel home to the greatest light and to your reward as faithful Children of Elohim.
27 Whether you become part of those who form a Community of Light on an isle of the sea, or in a land afar, or in the heart of the lands of the Ganish, see that you keep alive all of the things I have taught you, especially about your gifts and callings and the exclusivity of your food and drink from that of the world and the importance of self-reliance and self-sufficiency, leaning only upon your fellow brothers and sisters of light, and not upon the world.
28 Teach these precepts to your children and admonish them to teach them to their children and on unto the last generation for those who remain behind by their choice, when most will depart to their glory. By seeing these precepts lived, it shall be a way by which one Child of Light shall recognize another when they first encounter one another in lands far away.
29 For in the days to come, new Children of Light shall come down to the Earth from the Celestine Light, sprinkled like celestial rain upon the Earth, born into families of many cultures, races, and religions. Many will never have seen another Child of Light before they meet you or those who remain behind to hold the light.
30 Regardless of the color of their skin or their culture or class or the religion they may profess, by the light of their life you shall know them, and by the wonder of your light, which will resonate in their heart, they shall recognize you.
31 And there are those who become Children of Light as they live their lives and make good choices despite the darkness that may surround them.
32 They too will shine in a way unlike all others around them, and you may know them by their light, and they will know you by yours.
33 Let them gather unto you that they may leave the dreariness and darkness and discover the Family of Light and be one with the light that their brilliance may come forth.
34 For whether a Child of Light came from Heaven and held true to their essence despite the adversity of the world or came upon the Earth without light, surrounded by darkness, but by choices of virtue and nobility became a Child of Light, in the eyes of Elohim, they are one and the same.
35 I would speak to you now somewhat of miracles and healing.
36 When those who only see with the eyes of the world see a miracle, it seems like magic to them because they do not understand the well from which it issues.
37 When the blind see, or the lame walk, or the storm is stilled, or the food is multiplied, or any other miracle that you may see or do is accomplished, it is not by some magic power, as it would seem to the eyes of the world, but by an understanding and adherence to immutable laws of Elohim that permeate all of nature, even the very air we breathe.
38 A person of the world, even one without education, thinks that they understand the law of the attraction of the Earth that if something is dropped, be it a stone or a beam, it falls to the ground.
39 But they do not understand, nor can they learn in any school, that there is also the law of the attraction of the sky, whereby the stone upon the ground may fly up into the air. Someday, men will learn of this law, but it is given to the Children of Light today to understand every natural law by which Elohim governs all things.
40 Therefore, when you command a stone to rise off the ground and fly through the air, it will seem as if you are endowed with magical powers to the people of the world, but in truth, you are merely Children of Light, utilizing laws of Elohim, unknown to the world, but known to you, because to the faithful, Elohim shares all the secrets of Heaven.
41 As Children of Light, you are blessed to learn the secrets and mysteries of Heaven. Anything you have seen or heard that I have done, you also can do, and much more than that, as you learn and understand the laws of all creation, given by Elohim.
42 The mystery of all things I shall teach to my Apostles, and they shall teach to the faithful, one step at a time. Do not seek to learn of the greater powers until you have mastered the lesser, for it is by mastery of the lesser that the great powers can be manifested.
43 Now I would speak to you concerning health and longevity and healing of the sick and afflicted, for unless you have an understanding of these things, you will always be blocked in your understanding of greater things.
44 In all things, you reap what you sow, and concerning how long you shall live or how robust your health shall be while you live, these things are like the miracles I spoke of; they are governed in many ways by immutable laws laid down upon all creation by Elohim. They who know the laws sow in understanding and reap accordingly, and great is the harvest.
45 Now it is taught in the synagogues and in many of the religions of the world that the days of man are numbered by Elohim, but this is not so. The end is written not in the stars, but in daily choices people make for life or death. The number is known to Elohim, but set by the choices made by man.
46 Though death can come suddenly and unexpectedly by accident or war, it most often comes in a thousand bites of poison that slowly sap the health and life of even the man of strongest vigor.
47 Now Elohim sees the number of days of man upon the Earth, not because they were numbered by Elohim, but because they have been numbered by man by his choices of health and vigor, and seeing this, Elohim knows when the end shall come upon the man.
48 But the ways of man can change, and in saying this, know that I include women and children too. If a man continues upon the path of health he walks, be it good or bad, Elohim knows when his end shall come upon him.
49 But when the man changes a bad habit for a good, a poor choice for a better, the days he has numbered upon the Earth increase, and Elohim then sees the days to come that were not there before.
50 It is given unto you to understand how to utilize faith and call upon the powers of Heaven for healing the sick and afflicted, but I exhort you to be prudent in the use of this gift of knowledge, ability, and faith.
51 All the people of the world and many of the Children of Light are afflicted with diverse afflictions and diseases that cause them pain and suffering and shorten their life. Should you spend your days healing all of these people?
52 Better it would be to spend your days teaching them the ways of health and longevity as revealed by Elohim unto the faithful that by better choices, many of the people could heal themselves.
53 And what shall you do when a man who is afflicted comes to you begging for a healing, and your heart beats in sympathy with his because of his pain? Or the man who is dying and offers to give you his fortune if you will just give him more days upon the Earth? Or when one such as this is, a friend or a member of your family whom you love greatly?
54 Verily, I say unto you: It is your obligation as a son or daughter of light and Love to use the knowledge and powers that have been given to you to heal all those who are ready to be healed, who call upon you and Elohim, be they a Child of Light or a confused wanderer in the world.
55 But for those not ready to be healed, even among the Children of Light, you have no obligation, nor should you heal them, even from compassion, save it be for a greater glory of Elohim.
56 Who then is ready to be healed? Always those who are of good heart and character and have proven by their actions a commitment to live the greater laws of health and vigor and longevity as given by Elohim, also those who strive to live in the light and whose affliction was not caused by their choices, but simply by adversity.
57 This may sound to be without compassion, but it is truly said with the greatest of love and desire to see all be in health and wellness.
58 Your greater task is not to heal the afflicted, but to teach the afflicted better ways to live, that their afflictions will be no more.
59 When a man does not love himself enough to treat his body like a temple, as Elohim has asked, he dishonors both himself and Elohim.
60 To heal the afflicted of pain and suffering caused by their own choices before they have shown a commitment to the higher path of health is to squander your time and talents upon something you will not change except for a moment in time.
61 For a time, the afflicted will be healed by your blessing and the healing may even be momentous. But unless the person was changed in their heart to a higher path of health before you healed them, they will continue on the path that led to their infirmity, and their end will still be a destruction of their temple, despite all that you did.
62 Consider the fisherman who, thinking himself cunning, sought to slip among the crocodiles of the river Nile to catch a great fish, but instead was caught in the jaws of many teeth. Staggering back to safety, he sought a Child of Light to restore his arm torn asunder.
63 Once healed, he thought to himself still of the great fish and, vowing to be even more cunning, sought it once more among the crocodiles, and this time, lost not just his arm, but his life.
64 Of what good then was the healing upon his arm if in his heart he had not changed? Without first a change of heart, the healing is not esteemed, Elohim is not glorified, and the man’s fate is not averted, merely delayed.
65 Therefore, even if it is your own wife or husband upon the sickbed, let the sickness run its course, unless they have shown by word and deed and the truth of the vision of their aura that they are committed to the higher course of health as given by Elohim, and if that is so, heal them quickly.
66 If it is not, love them, teach them, and help them to be stronger in their will than they have been. But do not heal them until they have proven commitment to the path that will banish sickness and afflictions that come only because of their own slackness in obedience to the laws of health as given by Elohim.
67 With children who are afflicted, use your wisdom and give your love. Because of their youth, they may not yet fully understand the consequences of their actions and may become sick or afflicted in ignorance.
68 Therefore, where their life is not in danger from their sickness, let it be upon them just a bit so they learn the pain of poor choices, then heal them quickly that they learn the power of Elohim through the hands of the righteous, endowed with the knowledge of the workings of all things.
69 And what are the laws of life and health you must teach? To keep the Twelve Commandments of Sinai, to breathe good air and drink good water that is clear and flowing and abounding in life.
70 To eat the foods you have been taught to eat is of the greatest of importance to your health and longevity, as are the habits of cleanliness that you keep.
71 In that regard do not keep domestic animals in your home and let the place of sleep, even for pets, be beyond the threshold, except for those that are tiny, and leave no fur or waste amidst the places you dwell.
72 Wash your body often with herbs of cleansing and your hands more so, even every time you touch anything unclean and always before you prepare or eat your food.
73 You need to be outside often with vigorous movements of your body, sweating sometimes and drinking in sunshine over every part of your bare skin.
74 Therefore, if you are a Child of Light, do not be ashamed of your nakedness, for thus were you made by Elohim that you might be blessed by the healing light of the Sun and invigorated by the depth of its warmth. But suffer not those who lust upon those so revealed to see their glory. And if the lustful cannot repent and overcome themselves, suffer them not to remain among you.
75 Among all the creatures that roam the land, it is man whom Elohim has blessed with a scarcity of hair that their bare skin might more readily absorb the healing light and warmth of the Sun than any other of Elohim’s creations. For this cause, nudity in the Sun for a short time each day should be common and encouraged among the Children of Light.
76 But you must be ever vigilant in both yourself and others of lust outside of the sacredness of marriage. If anyone sees another in nakedness to whom they are not married, of whom they have thoughts of lust, let them not be in their presence. If this requires separation of the sexes when naked, and by sexual inclination, so must it be, but only if you cannot look upon one another simply with admiration and without lust.
77 For your thoughts are the foundations of your actions. When your thoughts are pure, so shall your life be in virtue. But if your thoughts are impure, so shall your actions become defiling.
78 And for health and longevity, your thoughts are also of great importance. Good humor and good thoughts birth long life, while a sour disposition brings about an early death and much misery along the way.
79 Cultivate a love for one another that is deep and abiding insomuch that even beyond the family under your roof, you have a love that is felt in your heart for each of your brothers and sisters of light in the community so much so that whatsoever they should ask of you that is righteous and within your power to grant, you will give it to them with joy and gratitude to be able to help someone you love.
80 And in that channel, find service to one another and to your community. Even as you love one another, love your community, for it is a part of you and you are a part of it.
81 Any good thing therefore that you can do in the service of your brothers and sisters of light or your community is pleasing unto Elohim, warming to your heart, and enlarging upon your soul.
82 Remember to be balanced in all things and gracious, not judgmental in your toleration of the weaknesses of others. Seek first to perfect the temple of your own life before you judge others about theirs.
83 With balance and nonjudgment, see that you also to have no grudges or grievances among you, for such become the wedge that splits the rock.
84 If one of you find a wedge coming between you and another member of the community, first go to them and seek a resolution of peace and with love.
85 If you cannot find this harmony, then go together to the patriarch or matriarch and seek their wisdom.
86 If you still cannot find harmony one with another, go to the Council of Eleven and seek their advice.
87 If you still cannot find harmony, let the council pass a binding judgment to settle the matter and let they who were at odds with one another find a place of peace and love and harmony with the judgment of the council.
88 If one or both cannot find such a place in their hearts, that their disagreement can be forgiven and forgotten, let them leave the community; else, they become the wedge that splits the rock.
89 Understand that all of these things of which I have spoken concerning health and longevity and peace and love and harmony are not commandments but admonishments.
90 You will not be punished by Elohim if you do them not, but will only be punishing yourself with greater sickness and afflictions and life and community challenges when you do them not.
91 Now I would speak to you of joy and revelry, for there should be much of it in the Communities of Light. Let music by instruments and songs ring forth in the communities from many places, from the women in the kitchen to the man upon the sea; let there be songs and whistling and humming and rhythm and harmony of voice with others.
92 Let everyone learn to play an instrument even if only to beat a stick upon a pot. And let music be heard often in the communities, both when alone and with many.
93 Now Elohim is the great creator of all that is, and wondrous are the beautiful creations of Elohim. But you are children of Elohim, and the ability to create works of beauty and wonder also resides within each of you.
94 Therefore, let everything in the community be done with beauty and creativity so that it is pleasing to the eye as well as of function. When you cast a pot, do not simply make a pot, but give it symmetry and adorn it with patterns and designs.
95 When you make a simple gate, do not merely make it with branches laid side by side, but weave them into a pattern of beauty and wonder.
96 When you make a boat to catch the fishes of the sea, do not merely make a boat like all the other fishermen, but create designs upon it, not necessarily with function, but some simply for beauty and artistry.
97 When you lay your food upon the table, do not simply heap it into a bowl, but present it like a flower with patterns and colors that are pleasing to the eye.
98 When you build your house, do not build it plain or exactly like your neighbor, but let it be an expression of you and show creativity in design and color, with artistic accents abounding.
99 When you seek to give a gift to your husband or wife or child, do not simply buy a piece of cloth or a hook for fish or give them an extra bowl of dates, but create something by your own hands with love and artistry, be it functional or just for beauty, that they may have a piece of you with them every time they use it or gaze upon it.
100 Verily, you are the chosen children of Elohim. You are blessed to learn of and know all the mysteries of Heaven: to be able to live in the world but not be of it; to have joy, prosperity, peace, health, and long life, such as the world cannot even imagine.
101 Therefore, remember always who you are, be worthy of yourself and of the great blessings Elohim has given unto you. Live always in the light. Be ever the noble princes and princesses of Heaven; it is your blessing to become as you fulfill the full measure of your creation.”