“Verily, I say unto you, this generation shall not pass away until all that has been hidden is brought again into the light, for it is the epoch for the fulfillment of promise.”
Oracles of Celestine Light, Nexus 1:21

The Fifth Kingdom


Yeshua takes Miriam, Salome, the Apostles and Lazarus to another strange world. This one is in Qaorroz, the Fifth Kingdom of resonance. Accompanied by Lazarus, they enter through a portal in the courtyard of the home of Miriam’s parents. Once there they have some interesting experiences with beings called Hebs who are very different in appearance from an Alamar and very scientifically advanced.

1 Yeshua, Miriam, Salome and the Apostles remained only a single night in Bethany but it was a joyous time of reunion with Martha and the children who had all not expected to see everyone again so soon, and Yeshua, not ever again in the flesh.

The Lanaka
2 That night Yeshua asked everyone at the house to group into threes and to separate into different rooms or outside into different areas and share the Lanaka together.
3 When they were all finished he asked them to now group together with six or seven in a group and do the Lanaka once more.
4 After they had all completed the Lanaka a second time, he asked everyone to group together in a Circles of Power in the central courtyard outside and share the Lanaka once again.
5 When they were finished everyone quietly began to look at one another and acknowledged with soft spoken words the humbling power of what they had just experienced.
6 And Yeshua said unto them, “With this you have felt the outpouring of the spirit of Elohim that fills your being and radiates out from your aura with the Lanaka, some of you for the first time.
7 You have seen how when more Children of Light are added to the circle the strength you feel is multiplied many times more than the numbers that have been added.
8 From the sacred Circles of Power the essence of the Lanaka and many other wonderful blessings of the Celestine Light can be manifested.
9 I show this to you now that you will all remember this when I am no more among you in the flesh, both the adults and the children. Remember then to share the Lanaka often among yourselves, whenever two or more Children of Light are gathered together with love and one intent.”

Lazarus Seeks Permission to Accompany
10 The following morning, everyone rose at first light before the sun came above the horizon. After breakfast, Yeshua asked his wives and Apostles to gather inside the garden courtyard, for it was surrounded by the house on one side and walls on the other three, giving it complete privacy from curious eyes.
11 Lazarus came out into the courtyard with them and when Yeshua told everyone that they would depart for the Fifth Kingdom from this spot, Lazarus asked if he might go with them.
12 Yeshua put his hand upon the shoulder of Lazarus and smiled gently with love and said unto him, “Alas my good brother Lazarus, it cannot be. Where we go, even my Apostles will scarce be able to bear the strangeness, and they have seen and experienced many unusual things as they have traveled with me.”
13 Lazarus’s face was crestfallen and he implored Yeshua to let him come with them saying, “Surely if my sister and Salome can bear the shocks, then so can I, a man who has faced brigands on the Caravan trails and experienced a slow, painful death. What could be worse than death?”
14 And Miriam overhearing his words came over and putting her arm through Yeshua’s said unto him, “My brother has been so faithful and true, please grant him permission, that he may come and see the wonders of the places to which you take us. Surely, no harm will come to him, for you will be there, and I will stay near to him.”
15 Lazarus thanked his sister, but piqued with some surprise, “I am grateful for your support Miriam, but surely you will not need to be near to me for my sake. I am a man and can take care of myself, and you and Salome too, if needs be. If there will be danger it is all the more reason I should accompany you. I will bring my sword.”
16 All of the Apostles were standing near enough to hear the conversation and there was laughter from several of them upon hearing the declaration of Lazarus. Cephas came up to him and said, “Your sister is not quite the sister you remember, dear brother. I think she will fear no place, nor man or beast, and I would happily have her with me anywhere I might go that I would fear. And best leave your sword here if you come. Wherever we are going I am sure it would not be of much use.”
17 Lazarus looked at Cephas perplexed, and replied, “Yes, there can be no doubt Miriam is remarkable among women, but let us not forget she is still a woman, and it is we men whom Elohim has endowed with strength that we might be a protector of women and children. And for this swords can be useful.”
18 Amram spoke then to Lazarus, saying, “We have been humbled by all we have learned as we have accompanied Yeshua and Miriam; chief among the humbling being that beyond strength of arm or mind, there is something greater, and that something- Miriam has in abundance.”
19 “What something? Lazarus asked with rising curiosity.
20 Yeshua smiled as he listened to the verbal exchanges and his heart softened, insomuch that he decided to allow Lazarus to come with them to the Fifth Kingdom. “Though you do not yet understand, you may accompany us, as long as you promise to remain by your sister’s side, and this I assure you is for your protection, not hers. And leave your sword here, for where we go Cephas is correct- it will not help you.”
21 Lazarus gave a little laugh and with a big smile he replied, “Thank you Yeshua. In deepest sincerity this means so much to me. Although I think you and the brethren are still playing a little game with me and Miriam. But I will do as you ask and see what comes.”
22 Yeshua smiled back at him, saying, “So you shall brother. Let me know if you have any surprises.” And Lazarus nodded to him affirmatively.

Yuda the Younger Opens the Portal
23 Yeshua then walked over to one of the high courtyard walls and asked for a volunteer to open a gateway there to the Fifth Kingdom. Yuda the Younger stepped forward and hesitantly raised his hand, saying, “Good Yeshua, if I may be so bold, might I attempt to open the portal?”
24 Yeshua smiled with happiness to see Yuda the Younger, who had some timidity, ask to open the gateway, and he said unto him, “That would be excellent Yuda. And you will not be needing Miriam’s crystal, will you?”
25 Yuda answered with some surprise, and a smile of appreciation, “Oh, you have seen me as I have whittled my wand?”
26 “What my physical eyes see not, my spiritual eyes behold,” Yeshua replied.
27 Then Yuda stepped toward the wall and pulled a straight wand of wood from his sleeve where he had made a pouch to hold it. But as he stepped toward the wall with his wand raised he was intercepted by some of his brethren who grasped his arm that they could examine more closely the wand he had produced.
28 Philip in particular was very excited, and he asked Yuda if he could look closely at his wand before he used it.
29 Yuda nodded his head and handed his wand to Philip and he noted the very fine workmanship that Yuda had wrought upon the wood. It was made of an exceedingly hard wood, yet nevertheless, had a deeply carved spiral groove going from its base to its tip. “When did you make this?” Philip inquired.
30 “Last night while everyone slept,” Yuda answered. “I took the wood from a fallen piece of the peculiar flowering tree standing near the spring that wanted to eat you at the last kingdom. It called to me in spirit. I carved a spiral into it last night by the light of the full moon; for Yeshua has said that a spiral enhances the flow of the powers of Celestine Light upon which we call.”
31 “It is impressive,” Philip commended him. Then handing the wand back to Yuda, he admonished, “Please, without delay, let us see the power of Celestine Light you can call forth and focus with such a tool.”
32 Yuda smiled with almost childlike enthusiasm. After looking to Yeshua and getting a nod of approval, he went over to the wall and using the tip of his wand he drew the Celestine diagram to open the portal and uttered the Celestine word of power. Immediately the shimmering, unearthly blue spiral light appeared, and the portal opened before them in the wall the height and breadth of a man. The wall became opaquely translucent at that spot, and though it could dimly be seen, there was a land that was far different than the land that was usually on the other side of the wall.
33 “Marvelous!” Yeshua exclaimed. “Well done, Yuda.” Yuda beamed with Yeshua’s compliment.
34 Yeshua, Miriam and Salome then walked to the entry of the portal and Lazarus came with them that he might remain by his sister’s side as he had promised Yeshua.
35 Before passing through, Yeshua turned to the brethren and said unto them, “The world we now travel to is in the Fifth Kingdom. Upon this world are beings that are greater than you in all things, except the spiritual and the powers of Celestine Light that are your gifts. Do not be awed or cowed by the strangeness of these people or the grandeur of their cities, for compared to the glories of the Celestial Kingdom that await you, we travel to a city of bare branches and camel hair.”
36 “It will be like a trip to Egypt,” Lazarus exclaimed with anticipation in his voice. “Hopefully without the flies, heat and bandits.”
37 “Much more than that brother,” Miriam replied. “And much quicker too.”

The Power of Both Belief and Non-belief
38 Yeshua moved his arm forward with an open hand toward the portal, saying, “Lazarus, why don’t you pass through first and we will all follow. Just step into the blue light.”
39 Now that the opportunity he had so sought was before him, Lazarus hesitated, saying, “Stepping into the light, I will truly be taken to another land? I will not just be hitting my head against the hard wall to everyone’s humor?”
40 “Perhaps you will hit your head Lazarus,” Yeshua answered, “if that is what you expect. The gateway is open, and even those who have no faith in what lies on the other side can pass through, as long as they do not disbelief. Yet disbelief or absence of faith can make it impassable.
41 If you believe nothing, then you affect nothing. But if you believe something, either in this gateway to another world beyond the blue light or not, your belief or lack of belief will manifest unto you.
42 If you simply walk through the blue light without thinking there is a passageway behind it or fearing there is a wall, neither believing nor disbelieving, you will pass through with ease. It will be the same as one who has faith in the existence of the portal.
43 But if you doubt its existence or believe there is only a stone wall behind the blue light, then surely you will end up sitting on the ground with a headache from hitting the wall and look around to find all of us gone, for we will have passed through while you were rubbing your aching head.”
44 Lazarus looked at Yeshua with devotion, saying, “You have told me there is a portal to a new land, beyond the blue light. Therefore I have not faith, but a sure knowledge that it is so! Stand aside now, for here comes Lazarus!” And without looking back he leaped in one bound into the spinning blue light and disappeared. All the others rapidly followed after him.

First Impressions of the Fifth Kingdom
45 “Amazing!” Lazarus exclaimed as he stepped out of the gateway into the Fifth Kingdom. “To take a single step, as simple as passing into another room…but it is not another room to which we have come…but another land…one such as I have never seen or imagined,” he said in awe as he looked around at the strangely hued and shaped vegetation.
46 The Apostles soon followed and also stood looking all about at the astounding world upon which they had arrived.
47 “Look in the sky!” Yuda the Younger said incredulously pointing upward. “There are two suns!”
48 “And look at that forest in the distance!” Shim’on said, pointing in wonder. “The trees rise to impossible heights. Even from as far away as we stand, those trees are surely ten times taller than any trees we have ever seen.”
49 “Those are not trees,” Yeshua interjected calmly. “Those are tall buildings in a city greater by far than Rome.”
50 “Buildings?”Queried Yudas Iscariot. How can buildings possibly be so tall and thin and not fall down?”
51 “We must consider that it is possible,” Cephas proffered. “For we are looking at the city. And there are great trees, like the Cedar forests of Lebanon, that are tall and thin and they do not fall down. Therefore, perhaps the men of this land can likewise make buildings of great height and thinness that somehow also do not fall down.”
52 Yeshua spoke quickly after Cephas, saying, “Concerning the men of this world- you should be aware that there are no men here such as you. You have never seen their likeness. But they have seen Alamar-like creatures that look somewhat like you, and they are mortal enemies. Therefore do not expect a warm greeting when they first come upon our party.”

Apostles Left On Their Own to Call Forth Their Gifts
53 “Do you think they will attack us or merely be offended by our presence?” Philip wondered, “For we have no weapons to defend ourselves. You even told Lazarus not to bring his sword.”
54 Yeshua turned and looked at Philip with some sadness, saying, “What need would you have of weapons Philip even if an army attacked? Have you not the authority of Elohim upon you? Have you not received gifts of Celestine Light that can see you through the greatest darkness and overcome the mightiest foe?”
55 “Yes, of course,” Philip stammered. “We all have our gifts and our faith in Elohim. But in truth, it is not faith in Elohim I lack, but faith in myself, and in the current usefulness of my gifts of Celestine Light, which I am only beginning to understand, and have virtually no experience at using, or even a sure knowledge of how to use them.
56 It is as if a man who had never seen a sling is given one and told to defend himself as an enemy is preparing to charge him. Perhaps he will intuitively figure out how to use it, or perhaps he will wonder how a skinny piece of cloth and string could possibly be used for a weapon, and will be slain while he is trying to understand it.
57 I am ashamed to say, that is how I feel about my gifts of Celestine Light. I am honored beyond measure to have been deemed worthy to receive them. But I am woefully unaware of how to use them.”
58 Hearing his confession of ineptitude, most of the other Apostles spoke up in agreement, saying they too lacked faith in their capability to employ the sacred gifts they had been given.
59 “To master your gifts of Celestine Light and gain an unshakeable faith in yourself, is why we have come to this particular world in the Fifth Kingdom today,” Yeshua explained. “You will encounter people and their creations, such as you have never imagined. They will consider you an enemy and seek to have power over you. You will need to rely upon your gifts to save yourselves.”
60 Yeshua pointed to a nearby hill. “Miriam and I shall move to that hill along with Lazarus to observe you, but we will not interfere to aid you overtly. However we shall give you counsel in your minds as you receive the challenges of a civilization unlike any upon the Earth you call home. As you move to different places, we will continue to move with you, staying back far enough to not be physically involved in your affairs.”
61 “No, no, no. Please no.” Toma protested. “You cannot leave us alone to fend for ourselves against an enemy we know not, with no weapons save our gifts, which none of us have shown any significant ability to use.
62 We are like the ignorant man with the sling in the example Philip told. Please forgive me for so saying Yeshua, but it seems unreasonable to expect this much of us when we are still just infants in our abilities.”
63 Yeshua answered, saying, “As I have said before, where much has been given, much is expected. You have received great gifts of Celestine Light that you may accomplish great things. When you have a light you do not hide it under a basket; and you are the lights of the world.
64 Tomorrow is the day that the weak will become strong and the ignorant enlightened. But today is the day that the strong recognize their strength. Today is the day that you discover who you really are.”
65 Cephas took a step forward and holding his hands spread in front of him he lifted them up and down, saying, “We have all been practicing, a little here and a little there with our gifts.” Then he cupped his hands closely together with his palms up, saying, “But it is only this little bit that we have actually mastered.
66 I think I am further along than most, but even so, I would still prefer a sharp sword or a stout staff to defend myself against attackers until you have taught us more in the ways to call forth our gifts of Celestine Light with power and focused direction, and we have had more time to practice using what knowledge we gain.”
67 Yeshua smiled slightly as he answered Cephas, saying, “Swords may help you against brigands on your Earth, but here, they would be as useless against your foes as throwing an ant at an armored Roman soldier. Only your gifts will save you.”
68 Then looking around at all of them, he elaborated, saying, “There are some things that need to be taught, such as Celestine words of power that call in certain specific forces of the Celestine Light, but these things you have already learned in our days together.
69 What remains is simply the need for total faith in Elohim, in yourself, and in the gifts that you know you have. That and a love for your brethren and a passion to succeed using your gifts. Remember, even if they have yet to be seen, I have told you that you have these gifts, therefore you know that it is so.
70 You have heard me teach often that with faith nothing is impossible to you. If you believe in me, you must also believe in yourselves, else you deny your belief in me.
71 Now, before the first citizens of this world come upon you, prepare yourselves. Find a stick of wood that you can quickly fashion into a wand to more surely focus your gifts. Or dedicate a rock crystal or a spiral shell that you carry to serve the same purpose, if you have not already done so.
72 Give thanks for your callings and offer a prayer to Elohim to be able to call forth your gifts.
73 When the time comes upon you to resist the people of this world, remember that all life is precious, for everyone is on a path of eternal progression, and it is wrong to end someone’s progression in the physical life unless there is no other way to save your own or that of your friends. And with your gifts of Celestine Light, there will always be another way if you are calling upon them in their fullness.
74 And how is it that you should call upon them? Do now as I say. Focus your energy this moment into your core. Pull in your aura and concentrate it near your J Feel it inside of you. Swirl it around faster and faster and feel it swirling inside of you.
75 Use your Ka to direct your auric energy to swirl here and there, within you.
76 Command yourself to feel it, swirling through your abdomen, then down your arms and shooting out your fingertips, then swirling again in your abdomen, then shooting out of your eyes, then your feet.
77 Call upon Elohim and the energies of Celestine Light, which permeates all things, to come into you, and strengthen you, and augment and increase the power of your own aura. So much so that your body lightens and feels as if it is beginning to float off of the ground. And so it can if you call forth your gifts in fullness.”
78 The Apostles did as Yeshua bade, each in their own way, some with eyes closed, some with eyes open. Some standing, some on their knees praying, some looking upward into the heavens, as they called upon the powers of Elohim to imbue them.
79 While they were thus engaged, Yeshua, Miriam and Lazarus began to walk away toward the nearby hill where Yeshua had said they would go. Salome had not been doing any of the things Yeshua had directed and seeing Miriam departing she called out to her and ran up to be with her, saying, “Why do you leave me here alone with the men?”
80 Miriam embraced her with great affection, and kissing her forehead softly, said unto her, “It is also your destiny, dearest flower, to blossom into your fullest splendor. This place is a garden in which you will come forth in your glory.”
81 “But I am not an Apostle,” Salome protested. “I have not been given the multitude of special gifts they have because of their calling. What shall become of me?”
82 Miriam took a step back still holding onto each of Salome’s hands. She smiled at her lovingly, saying, “The men need their special callings as Apostles to more easily bring forth their gifts, but you need no such calling, for you are a virtuous woman, who loves and is loved, whose eye is single to the light of Elohim, therefore, the Celestine Light is one with you, in ways the men can scarcely comprehend, for they know not the Celestine love that you know.
83 You are a daughter of God who knows who you are, and all the powers of the Celestine Light in all the heavens upon the numberless worlds of creation, are waiting to come to you as you call upon them.
84 The men will struggle. They will succeed, but it will be a great effort for many of them. But for you dearest Salome, to call forth any gift of Elohim that is given for mortal men and women to have, is as easy as breathing. Whatsoever you can conceive, you can manifest, even if you do not yet know the structure, s long as you keep love at your core and fear not.”
85 A wide smile of happiness spread across Salome’s face and she stepped forward and lightly kissed Miriam on the lips, and gazed for a moment with deep love into her eyes, saying, “Thank you my precious Miriam.” Then she turned and ran back toward the men and looking into the heavens began to call upon the powers of God.
86 After about ten minutes, everyone seemed to walk with a more upright stance and confidence as they had been filled by the Celestine Light of Elohim which they had sought.
87 They spread out a little then as some sought sticks which they could fashion into wands. Salome and some of the others brought out rock crystals or spiral shells which they had been carrying in their garments, most no larger than the length of a hand, and some barely as long as a finger.
88 Each person performed a quick bonding ritual with their wands of wood, or crystal or shell, and then Yeshua spoke to them in their minds, saying, “Begin to now explore this world. As you walk, continue to call in more Celestine Light from the heavens. Continue to keep your aura very close to you and feel your own energy swirling inside of you.”
89 Yeshua, Miriam and Lazarus walked up on a sloping ridge of short, red grass that stretched out a great distance forming the side of a narrow valley and followed the Apostles and Salome at a distance as they walked about in the valley below.

Attack of the Silver Orbs
90 After about an hour Cephas, who was leading the Apostles, pointed into the sky toward the city, saying, “Look! Rapidly approaching are some type of birds.”
91 They all looked at the sky toward the city and saw the seven small dots grow larger as they approached, until they could discern that they were not birds, but small spheres about four times the size of a man’s head. Nothing protruded from them, and they were entirely made of a brilliant, silvery substance which reflected the light of the two suns in bright glares.
92 The seven orbs were quickly upon them, encircling them, in complete silence. Two suddenly broke away and zoomed over to hover above Yeshua, Miriam and Lazarus.
93 The Apostles gazed at the silver orbs in awe. Mattayah blinked his eyes and held both hands to his face in bewilderment, asking, “How are they staying up in the air without wings?”
94 The other Apostles looked equally perplexed and all began to utter similar questions among themselves. Some looked back toward the hill where Yeshua, Miriam and Lazarus were standing in the distance, but they received no sign from them.
95 Suddenly all of the Apostles, Salome and Lazarus standing beside Yeshua and Miriam, became rigidly straight, with their arms flattened against their sides. The Apostles and Salome then turned and faced the city and began to walk and totter with what seemed to be great reluctance toward it.
96 Lazarus however, seemed not at all reluctant, and immediately after standing rigidly and facing the city, he sauntered down the slope off of the ridge and began walking in easy steps toward it.
97 Only Yeshua and Miriam seemed unaffected and the Apostles and Salome were crying out to them in their minds, “Help us!” “Help us Lord of Light!”
98 “Our bodies are not our own,” Cephas called out to Yeshua in his mind. “We are possessed of demons and are being compelled against our will. Help us!”
99 Miriam heard the voice of Salome calling to her in her mind, pleading, “Miriam, please help me! My body moves even though I command it to stay. I try to resist and there is terrible pain through all of my body. It is unbearable! Please help me!”
100 Hearing Salome in agony Miriam looked to Yeshua, but knowing her thoughts to rescue Salome, he shook his head and said unto her in her mind, “We must love them enough to let them fight their own fight and find themselves and their own power.”
101 “But this is so strange to them, my Lord,” Miriam spoke aloud to him. “Their senses and their minds are overwhelmed, so much so they cannot even line up their thoughts to consider how to use their gifts to resist. Most of them are so confused they cannot even speak to us in their minds.”
102 Yeshua nodded in agreement and answered, “Nevertheless, we must give them time to discover themselves. They will be in pain, but will not be killed, even if they resist.”
103 He then pointed to Lazarus walking away and said, “But see to the safety of your brother, for he has not been given the gifts of the Apostles and goes happily as a lamb to the slaughter without understanding the consequences or means to prevent them.”
104 Miriam nodded her head in agreement and forcefully thrust each hand skyward with fingers splayed, each pointing toward one of the orbs hovering over them. She closed her eyes and uttered a single Celestine word of power and immediately both orbs dropped to the ground with clanging metallic thunks and rolled down the slope to come to rest at its base.
105 Lazarus immediately stopped walking and stood shaking his head for a few moments and turned to look back up at Yeshua and Miriam atop the ridge, and then looked at the group of Apostles to his right who seemed to be walking with great stiffness toward the city.
106 Turning once more toward Yeshua and Miriam, he saw her beckoning for him to return to the ridge and he complied and walked toward the slope.
107 As he came upon one of the fallen orbs laying on the ground, he reached out and touched it with his finger. Immediately he let out a loud shriek and fell to the ground as if dead, and did not move again.
108 Seeing this, Miriam ran down the slope to him, and kneeling down she reached with her left hand and cupped his head raising it slightly off the ground. Then she put the palm of her right hand upon his forehead and within a few seconds his eyes opened and he looked at her groggily. “Have I died and been resurrected again?” he asked innocently.
109 “Nearly,” Miriam replied. “Now come back to the height with us and do not touch any more things of this world that you know not.”
110 Lazarus stood up feebly as Miriam took his hand helping him, and assured her, “That is sage advice my sister. Be certain that I shall follow it henceforth.”
111 Upon arriving atop the ridge Lazarus looked back in confusion at the Apostles and Salome. Some of them were walking stiffly toward the city but seemed to be resisting their own body and trying not to walk. Yudas Iscariot was prone on his belly being dragged backwards toward the city by some unseen force while clawing madly at the ground trying to hold himself in place. Then Yohhanan was also face down on the ground being pulled by an invisible force toward the city; then Amram; then in quick succession Shim’on, Mattayah and Yuda.
112 Salome was standing with her fists clenched while her clothing was nearly being pulled off her body by what seemed to be a great wind. Yet there was no sound or other visible sign of wind; nor did any of the Apostles seem to be affected by a similar phenomenon.
113 Cephas and Philip were both yelling at the orbs in the sky, but they did not respond to them.
114 “What is happening?” Lazarus asked Yeshua and Miriam with some fear tinged in his voice. But Miriam shushed him, saying, “Please do not speak as we must concentrate to talk with our brethren in their minds as they fight with the orbs.”
115 Ignoring her, Lazarus spoke anyway, saying, “Fight with the orbs? What do you mean? The orbs are not fighting with them; they are just sitting there peacefully in the sky.”
116 Rather than answer him, without looking back or taking her eyes off of the Apostles and Salome, Miriam cast her hand back toward Lazarus, opening her fingers wide. Immediately he was struck dumb. Nor could he move his feet from the ground where he was standing.
117 He called out in protest to Miriam in his mind, as he knew that she and Yeshua communicated that way between themselves and the Apostles, but she did not answer him.
118 The Apostles meanwhile were obviously fighting mightily against some unseen physical force apparently emanating from the orbs, according to the words of Miriam.
119 Looking at the Apostles there was a great deal of chaos in their actions. Some were praying, some were trying to cast spells, some with their words, and others with the aid of their wands or crystals, but in every case to no avail, as they all were losing ground and being pulled against their will toward the city.
120 “We must unite!” Salome yelled loudly above the din.
121 “She is right!” Cephas shouted above the chaotic sounds of struggle hoping the others could hear. “Alone, we are losing this battle!”
122 “But how?” Philip, who was standing nearby, yelled. “We are all doing different things, fighting different orbs. I’m not even sure many of the others can hear you as they have been dragged too far away already.”
123 Then Cephas heard Yeshua speaking in his mind, saying, “Speak to them with your thoughts. They all can hear you, no matter how far they may be from you. You can do it Cephas.”
124 And Miriam spoke to Salome in her mind, saying, “You are stronger than the men Salome in the power of the Celestine Light. Go now to Cephas. Ignore the pain and will yourself to do it. Touch his gateways and with love, give of your essence to him to strengthen him. Give freely, as much as he needs. Do it now.”
125 Hearing the words of Miriam, Salome turned with eyes fiercely intent upon Cephas standing about five paces away, and with steely resolve resisted the force pulling her toward the city and began to walk toward him, her face a grimace of pain as she fought to pull away from the nerve-wrenching force.
126 “Salome is coming to you,” Yeshua told Cephas in his mind. She will touch you and impart her soul essence to you. Share her strength and reach out then in your mind and command your brethren as I know you can, to be one, for when you are one there is nothing that can stand against you.”
127 Salome’s last steps to Cephas were a mighty struggle, like trying to walk through thick mud while being pricked by a thousand dagger points. Seeing her great effort to reach him, Cephas willed himself to take a step toward her. She stretched out to reach him and fell to her knees, but grasped his hands in hers, intertwining their fingers as she fell, uniting their Alpha/Omega gateways.
128 Immediately, Cephas countenance changed as Salome’s soul essence poured into him, empowering him beyond his own capabilities.
129 Imbued with her essence, he called out to his brethren with confidence, speaking to them in their minds as one, saying, “Each of you, ignore all the other orbs, no matter how great the pain or what is happening to you. Look at the orb closest to me, almost over the head of Philip. In whatever way you can, focus on this orb and command it to be cast dead upon the ground.”
130 Barely had the words left the mind of Cephas and entered the minds of the others than they did as he bid. Turning from their private struggles with the various orbs, they all looked at the orb nearest Cephas and using their various gifts, and each in a different manner, they focused and called upon the powers within themselves and the powers of Elohim through the Celestine Light. As one they commanded the orb to fall to the ground dead; and so it did, almost hitting Philip as it fell.
131 Salome still held fast to Cephas as he clasped her hands in his, but now she stood facing him, and Cephas commanded his brethren once again, saying, “Now the same to the next nearest orb, that is near Mattayah.” Once again the Apostles turned to focus on the orb Cephas has singled out, and once again in seconds it fell to the ground dead.
132 And so they continued one orb after another until all of them had fallen to the ground and moved no more, and only then was their pain and compulsion gone.
133 Still holding her hands intertwined in his, Cephas looked at Salome and with great gratitude said, “Thank you. I know you gave that which is most precious, and I, and all my brethren are most grateful.”
134 Salome smiled weakly at him, and sighed deeply, “For a good cause brother. And I know that which I gave, shall come again, even more so, because I gave with unselfishness and love for you my brethren.”
135 Cephas smiled at her and nodded warmly. Then turning to the scattered Apostles he called them to him, even as Yeshua, Miriam and Lazarus began to make their way down the ridge to also be with them.

Taking Life Unnecessarily
136 When everyone had gathered together Yeshua commended them for their efforts, saying, “Well done, my good friends and brothers. Here you faced a challenge unlike anything on your world, beyond your imaginations to conceive, and uniting together you were still able to overcome the great unknown. Remember the lesson from this encounter well, for you will have more opportunities in the years ahead to employ its principles.”
137 “But what is it we did?” Asked Toma. “We commanded things we know not, to die, without even knowing how it is that such things perish.”
138 “In that, you did both good and bad.” Yeshua replied. “The good, is that using your faith, you were able to affect something with your gifts that you had absolutely no comprehension of. Despite your ignorance of the orb, and what its strengths and weaknesses might be, nevertheless, your will was accomplished upon it.
139 But you erred in willing it to perish. For in your lack of knowledge of this world, you may have been killing one of the beings that reside here.
140 The orbs caused you great pain. They compelled you against your will. But never did they give an indication that they intended to kill you, or even maim you. Therefore, in your defense, you overreacted. Using your gifts of Celestine Light, you called upon the orbs to die, and so it seems they did. But you must consider that these orbs may be the life of this Earth in this kingdom.”
141 “Seriously?” Asked Yeshua’s brother Yakov. “You are implying that these shinny balls could be some form of life, like an animal?”
142 “Because you do not know what they are, that possibility cannot be discounted,” Yeshua responded. “If they are not life then what do you think they are Yakov? Or, any of you?” He inquired.
143 Considering Yeshua’s question, the other Ya’akov reached forth to touch the nearest orb in curiosity, but Lazarus quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him back, saying, “Do not touch it Ya’akov. I did so earlier, and I assure you that you will not enjoy the experience.”
144 Yeshua turned to Miriam and directed her, saying, “Please put each of the orbs to sleep that the brethren may touch them without pain.”
145 Miriam then went forth and quickly touched each of the orbs, then returned to Yeshua’s side.

The Hebs and the Broz
146 Yeshua again addressed the Apostles, saying, “You may now freely touch the orbs. They will not harm you as they did Lazarus when he touched one on the ground. I will tell you that they are not life, but creations of the people who live here. But be gentle with them, for they contain a surprise within that must not be damaged.”
147 “A surprise?” Mused Amram. “Perhaps some food, for I am hungry after all of this unfamiliar Xe and Ka exertion.”
148 “We shall see,” Yeshua replied pointing toward the orb laying on the ground nearest Amram. “Let us open one that you may discover its contents.”
149 Amram went over and hefted the orb, saying, “It is very light. I do not think there is any food inside of it.”
150 He shook it gently, observing, “I do not hear anything rattling around inside. Nor can I see any way to get into it other than punching a hole with something sharp, for there are no seams.”
151 He knocked on it with his knuckles producing a faint empty echo. “I think it is hollow, but we will have to make a hole in it to see inside.”
152 “I think not,” Yeshua responded. “There is a way in, but Miriam will need to open it. Surely, each of you could accomplish it, but until you see her do it, you would spend too long of a time trying to fathom it and we have much still to do.”
153 Hearing Yeshua’s words, Miriam went over to the orb next to Amram. She placed a hand on opposite sides of the orb, then said the Celestine word of power, Ezavant, and immediately a seam appeared around the circumference of the orb and one half of it slid back inside the other half, revealing a small unmoving figure, dressed in resplendent clothing and accouterments, reclining on its back in a tiny chair.
154 “What in the world is that?” Mattayah exclaimed hitting his face lightly with his hand.
155 “Is it some type of animal?” Wondered Toma.
156 “Not an animal,” Cephas declared. It is some type of thing like one of us, except, very small.”
157 “It is not at all like us,” Yakov refuted. “Look at the proportions. Besides being no bigger than two rats end to end, its head is disproportionately too large for its very, very long and slender body. The girth of our bodies are much bigger than the girth of our heads, where its head is greater in girth than its body. And it has almost no neck. It has no hair whatsoever and it is entirely green. Have you ever seen a green person?”
158 Philip stuck his head quite close so he could see the creature more clearly. “I think it has three eyes as well.” He announced. “I cannot be sure, for the slits are tiny like the creature. Nor do I see a mouth or ears of any type. No, other than two arms, five- excuse me, six fingers, and two legs, this creature does not resemble anything close to a human.”
159 Salome put her hand on Yeshua’s arm, asking, “Are there creatures like this inside all of the orbs?”
160 “Yes,” Yeshua answered. “The orbs are merely the ships. These beings are the masters.”
161 “Ships that fly; mastered by peculiar creatures the size of rats, without mouths or ears?” This is certainly the strangest of worlds, mumbled Yohhanan. “I wonder how it is that they eat or speak?” he muttered to himself.
162 While everyone else spent several minutes gathered around the orb looking at the creature within, Miriam went quietly to all of the other orbs and opened them up. Gently extracting the small, limp pilots she returned to the group cradling all of them in her arms. She laid them down gently in the soft, burgundy grass beneath her feet, and took out the pilot from the orb the others had been observing and laid it alongside those on the grass.
163 Yeshua gestured toward the unmoving pilots laid out on the grass, saying, “Now you see the wrong that might have been done. In your efforts to extract yourself from the grip of the orbs, which as far as you knew might themselves have been alive, you certainly killed the pilots, by your commands for the orbs to die.
164 As I have taught you, it is permissible to take a life, if there is no other way to save your own or protect your family. But there was nothing to indicate that the orbs were trying to kill you, only compel you. Therefore, the force you meted out was in excess of what should have been, and the consequences unfortunate, and in other circumstances, forgivable only after a long and fruitful repentance.”
165 Hearing this, the Apostles wailed in grief, some holding their hands over their face in shame. And Cephas spoke for all of them, stammering, “Forgive us Lord of Light…we did not think that the orbs could be life or that there could be life within them…and I was the one who directed my brethren into sin, so let the consequences fall only upon me.”
166 Philip raised his arm slightly to draw attention and added meekly, “Even if we had imagined such possibilities, we were blessed simply to see our gifts of the Celestine Light called forth with focus successfully. But to have more control of the power, to be able to say, This much to disable, but not so much as to kill, is beyond our understanding and abilities at this time. Please forgive us and tell us how we might make amends and affect a worthy repentance.”
167 Yeshua answered, saying, “Learn from your mistakes. Practice more and learn to control the power of your gifts that you have discovered this day. Covenant to use them only for the light, and only in ways that honor and respect all life and all will be well, for the error that was done this day, can still be undone.
168 This world is called Ferrtho, by these beings which are Hebs. They are one of three different types of very intelligent beings that inhabit this world in the Fifth Kingdom, which is only one of countless worlds in the vastness of the kingdom, filled with innumerable creatures, greater than the sands of the sea.
169 Though the Hebs are very small in relation to you, they are so far advanced in their civilization and knowledge of science that you would seem barely above the animals to them.
170 In fact, there also lives upon this world another intelligent life that the Hebs do consider animals. They are similar in appearance to you, but the males are covered in thicker body hair than you are, and both the males and females are shorter of stature and more squat. They call themselves Broz and they are similar to those that lived upon your Earth many thousands of years ago.
171 They are still in the age of stone, whereas the Hebs fly in the sky in orbs without wings and build great cities whose towers reach far into the sky, and many other marvels that would be incomprehensible to you.
172 As I said when we first arrived, these two species are mortal enemies. The Broz, being so much larger than the Hebs, try, and sometimes succeed, at overrunning outlying parts of Heb cities.
173 The Hebs would prefer to just be left alone, but are vigilant in defense, even to the point of sending hunting parties out to seek out and engage the Broz.
174 They thought you were Broz. If they had captured you they would not have killed you. They simply destroy the reproductive ability of any captured Broz, hoping to diminish their numbers and thus diminish the threat.”
173 “Why?” Wondered Amram. “What is the point of the Broz causing such trouble? Why attack a city of the Hebs? If they take it, it might be grand and reach into the sky, but the rooms would be far too small for the Broz to stick more than a hand into, and the civilization beyond their understanding to take advantage of, so why waste resources and probably lives, attacking a city, from which nothing can be gained except stirring up the wrath of the Hebs to their own misfortune?”
174 “Sadly,” Yeshua answered, “The Hebs are the favorite food of the Broz.”
175 “The Broz eat the Hebs?” Salome exclaimed incredulously.
176 “Yes Salome,” Yeshua acknowledged. “The Broz eat the Hebs.”
177 “But the Hebs do not kill the Broz?” Philip said in astonishment. “If they are continually attacked it would seem that their castration tactic is insufficient to counter the threat.”
178 “When their cities are attacked, they do kill the attackers when they can, and they are justified before Elohim, for they act in defense of themselves and their families.” Yeshua answered. “But it is not such any easy task when the attackers are five times larger and attack in hordes with nets and clubs from many directions at once.”

The Hebs Return to Life
179 Then Yeshua looked at the deceased Hebs laying on the ground side by side and turned to his Apostles and Salome saying, “As it is you who killed the Hebs, it is only fitting that you should also restore their lives.”
180 “But how?” wondered Shim’on. “I thought only you could bring the dead back to life.”
181 “I will help you,” Yeshua replied. “But you must give them your love from the depths of your Ja, and bless them with a portion of your Soul Essence, even as Salome did for Cephas, when you were being attacked.
182 Only when you love them enough and freely give of your most precious soul treasure, will they return to the living. I will only give them the final breath of life. Everything else, even if they live again or not, is up to you and your love and unselfishness.”
183 Then he turned to Salome and putting his hand on her shoulder he said unto her, “As you gave so much of your essence just moments ago, I do not ask for you to give another portion again so soon, and excuse you from this.”
184 “Thank you, my Lord,” Salome replied reverently. “But I plead to be able to join in the Circle of Love with my brethren the Apostles. I was as much a part of the demise of the little ones as they were, perhaps even more so. I do not mind giving up more of my essence of Celestine Light for the little ones to live again, and am honored and humbled beyond words to have the opportunity to undo the mistake that was done.”
185 Yeshua smiled a warm and loving smile at Salome and bent over and kissed her on her forehead, saying, “You are a treasure, Salome.”
186 He then bade Salome and the Apostles to join in a Circles of Power and Love surrounding the Hebs and to reach deep into their hearts and call forth all of their love and send it unconditionally to the Hebs. To put aside all thoughts of anger or upset; to be at peace with themselves and the world upon which they stood, and with the Hebs; to have no malice toward them, only love.
187 He then called upon them to immerse the Hebs in an auric light of soft purple changing to deep green, called forth from the very core of their soul essence. And though physical eyes could not discern it, the spiritual eyes of one and all soon saw a translucent purple light stretch out from the bodies of Salome and the Apostles, forming an oblong, waving mass that settled over the Hebs and then began to spin faster and faster until it was but a blur that changed to deep green as it swirled.
188 Then Yeshua cast forth his hand toward the spinning green mass of light and it was suddenly filled with many tendrils of bright white lightning, which exploded and turned into sparkling rain falling down upon the Hebs.
189 Then the hazy, green mass slowed its spin, turning again to purple light; then stopped altogether, and in another moment it dissipated and was gone.
190 At that moment, the Hebs all opened their eyes. Looking up they saw all of the giants looking down upon them and hastily got to their feet and tried to flee.

The Hebs Meet the Children of Light
191 But Miriam spoke a word of power as she waved her hand at them, and like Lazarus had been earlier, they suddenly found that their feet were stuck to the ground and could not be moved.
192 And all who were with Yeshua soon heard the Hebs speaking to one another in their minds. And every word the Hebs said, in their fear, disbelief and curiosity about the giants, each of the Apostles and Salome understood as if they were speaking in the language they were most familiar with- some Aramaic, some Greek, some Hebrew.
193 And they heard Yeshua speaking to the Hebs in their minds, saying, “Have no fear my friends. We are not Broz. Nor are we your enemies. We come in the light of peace from a world far from this one.”
194 “Impossible!” Everyone heard one of the Hebs shout in their minds. “No creature but Hebs can speak in their minds. Beware my comrades. This is some type of trap!”
195 Though no one else seemed to have a clue as to which Heb had been speaking, Miriam knelt down in front of one of them and smiling mischievously she shook her head a little and reached forth and touched the Heb lightly on his chest.
196 Then everyone heard her say to him, “Not so my friend, for all of us hear the words you speak in your mind. I speak to you now, because I know it was you who just spoke.”
197 “Impossible!” the Heb exclaimed again.
198 “They are very strange looking Broz,” everyone heard another of the Hebs comment. “Look at their nice clothing; far more than a Broz could ever conceive or create.”
199 “That is because we are not Broz,” Miriam spoke again. “We are Alamars and we come from a world in another time and place.”
200 She looked directly at the Heb in front of her, who with spindly arms crossed seemed to still be in denial that any creature other than Hebs could mind speak. “I caused your feet to be stuck to the ground,” Miriam confessed. “If you promise not to run or to try to hurt us, I will release all of you, with the promise that none of us will do anything to hurt you in any way as long as you reciprocate the courtesy and kindness.”
201 The Hebs spoke quickly among themselves in their minds, then the one before Miriam, said, “Agreed. Release us giant.” And with a wave of her hand she did and they stepped free of the bonds that had held them.
202 Another of the Hebs boldly walked over to Miriam and spoke to her in her mind, which all heard, saying, “How did you accomplish this feat of holding our feet to the ground? And by what technology did you render us unconscious and bring our ships to the ground?’
203 Hearing his questions, the Apostles realized that they did not understand that they had actually been dead and returned to life, and apparently Miriam did not plan on enlightening them, for she answered simply, saying, “There is much about your civilization that is beyond our ken to understand. In a like manner, the means by which we accomplished that which we did, is beyond your ability to fathom, for it has nothing to do with science, but only with that which is spiritual, and of this you have no foundation to comprehend the edifice.”
204 Another Heb came up to Miriam and spoke to her in her mind, saying, “You say you are from another world. That is remarkable. We have studied the other worlds through our sky glasses, but never did we suppose that any life existed upon them. We thought ours was the only place in the cosmos fortunate enough to have life.”
205 Miriam nodded her head with understanding, saying, “Yes, from what my husband Yeshua tells me, that is a common misconception on many worlds.”
206 “Many worlds?” asked another Heb incredulously. How many other worlds have life on them?”
207 Yeshua spoke to them then in their minds, saying, “You know the beach of sand beyond the far side of your city?” “Yes,” many Hebs said at once. “If you were to take all of the grains of sand upon that beach and multiply them enough to fill your entire world, you still would not have even begun to count the worlds of life that exist, which the Elohim have created.”
208 “That is too many,” another Heb commented. “There are not that many worlds in the cosmos.”
209 “The Elohim?” they heard another Heb speak. “If you are Alamars, who are the Elohim?”
210 “The Elohim…” answered Philip also kneeling down to be closer to the Hebs… “are the creators of all life. They are the creators of us. And they are the creators of you and the Broz and every spec of life upon this world and every other.”
211 “You have strange and primitive notions,” said another Heb. “Life creates itself or in some cases is created in our laboratories. But no creature from another world created life here!”

Yeshua the Elohim
212 Hearing this, Yeshua walked over to a mottled red and green plant with many spike-like leaves and a tall central shoot that was just preparing to release seeds. He plucked one of the seeds and knelt down in front of the Heb, asking, “What is this?”
213 “That is the seed of a Gerbob,” one of the Hebs answered.
214 “And how long is it’s germination from planting to maturity?” Yeshua inquired.
215 “One hundred and eighty sleep cycles are required before a Gerbob bares its fruit,” answered one of the Heb.
216 Yeshua used his index finger to punch a hole in the sandy soil, then dropped the seed into the hole and covered it. Then looking at each of the Hebs, one after another in their tiny eyes, he quietly announced. “I am an Elohim.” Then he waved his hand over the spot where he had planted the seed and stood up.
217 Within moments a tender shoot pushed through the ground and rapidly grew upward. Within ten breaths it shot forth spiky leaves. Within another five breaths the tall central shoot had grown up. Within another five it flowered. Within another five it fruited, and in the time it took Yeshua to step over to it the fruit ripened and he plucked one off and sat it down upon the ground in front of the astonished Hebs saying, “There is more to know than that which you know, and if you would become more than you are, you should listen now to what we have to share with you.”
218 There was dumbfounded silence for a moment and then one of the Hebs answered Yeshua, saying, “You are certainly more than we have conceived any other being could be. If you will teach us of your ways, we will listen.”

The Children of Light Minister to the Hebs
219 And it came to pass that Yeshua, Miriam, Salome, Lazarus and all of the Apostles walked forth to the city of the Hebs, many of them carrying the Hebs upon their shoulders.
220 As they approached the city, the Hebs that were with them communicated with those in the city, telling them of all that had transpired, and hundreds of thousands of Hebs came out to greet the giants from another world who could render them unconscious in their ships, and stick their feet to the ground, and fruit a Gerbob seed in just a handful of breaths.
221 And the visitors from Earth stayed with the Hebs for many, many days, teaching them the story of the Elohim and the creation of all the worlds, and the principles of light.

Who are the Hebs?
222 And it came to pass that Yeshua announced one day that the time for his group to depart would soon be upon them, and before they left he had a great secret to share with them.
223 And it came to pass that all the Hebs everywhere stopped whatever they were doing and listened in their minds to that which Yeshua spoke. And he told them that though they were beautiful as Hebs, that they too once were Alamars in the kingdom of spirits.
224 He shared with them the events of the rebellion in the heavenly realms led by Lucifer, and how their spirits had been among those who did not follow Lucifer, but neither did they support Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, but instead stood aside waiting to see who would emerge the victor.
225 Because of this, they lost a great deal of the Celestine Light of their Soul Essence, so much so that they no longer could maintain the appearance of an Alamar, which is made in the image of the Elohim. And thus it is that they were born as Hebs, having two eyes, two arms and two legs, even as the Alamars and the Elohim, but in so many other ways appearing and acting very differently.
226 Yeshua explained that every creation of life was on a path of eternal progression, and that progression was achieved not by gaining wealth, physical beauty or strength, but by humbly accepting ones imperfections, repenting of actions not of the light, and striving to henceforth live in the light and gain greater knowledge, faith and love.
227 He encouraged them, by saying they were already very far along the path and that is why they came into this life as Hebs and not Broz, or even a Gerbob plant.
228 He admonished them to commit to the living the Celestine Light that they might greatly add to their Soul Essence; that in their next physical life they might come forth once again as Alamars, made in the image of the Elohim.
229 And many more things did Yeshua speak to the Hebs that day, even as he had taught the people of Palestine for many years.

Conversions and Baptisms of the Hebs
230 As he came to the end of his sayings, he spoke to the Hebs of baptism as the threshold that must be crossed to leave your old life behind and embark upon a new life in the Celestine Light.
231 During the next ten sleep cycles, the Apostles, Miriam, Salome and Lazarus baptized hundreds of Hebs, and gave them authority to baptize others in the name of Yeshua and this they immediately did in great numbers.
232 And it came to pass that when the time came for Yeshua, Miriam, Salome, Lazarus and the Apostles to depart, over fifty thousand Hebs had repented of their sins and been baptized with a commitment to henceforth live in the Celestine Light.
233 And Yeshua promised he would come again to them soon, to teach them more of the principles of Celestine Light that they might become more than they had been.
234 Then the Children of Light from the Earth returned through a portal to the world from which they came, and other than Yeshua, they never saw any of the Hebs again, but neither did any of them ever forget the profound experiences they had among them.