“Verily, I say unto you, this generation shall not pass away until all that has been hidden is brought again into the light, for it is the epoch for the fulfillment of promise.”
Oracles of Celestine Light, Nexus 1:21

Purpose of Life


Yeshua expounds further upon wealth. He explains that life should be a circle of unity, where each person contributes the excess of their gift for the benefit of all so the family of man becomes like the spokes of a wheel, where each supports and benefits the others and, in unity, rolls forward.

1 As the new day rose, Lazarus was still troubled by the things Yeshua had said about rich men and inquired of him for further explanation.
2 Sensing his thoughts, Yeshua told him, “Men think to use their wealth and save their wealth for the benefit of their family, and that is righteous within moderation.
3 But remember that all the people of the world are God’s children; all are your brothers and sisters of spirit; all are your family. And this understanding is especially important for the faithful Children of Light to fulfill among one another within the body of the Celestine Light.
4 Therefore, when a rich man uses his wealth to benefit many people upon the Earth, rather than just a few of his close family in excess abundance, he fulfills the full measure of his creation and walks a path that leads to God.
5 Verily, all people are connected and all serve a vital purpose, one to another. To some, it is given to have wealth; to others, mastery of art or music or invention or to understand higher truths as servants of God. Should not the gifts of one be there to benefit all? I tell you that it is for this cause that God has given the gifts unto them.
6 But if the musician or the artist or the inventor or the servant of God has to spend all of their time working at a task that is not their gift in order to feed their family, they may have no time remaining to develop and exercise the gift God gave them, and a great loss is then upon the world, both upon the rich and the poor; for the greatness of an inspiration that could touch souls and change the world might never be for lack of time to cultivate the genius within the man.
7 Therefore, has God called the rich man, whom he has given to have more than his needs, to be his special steward: that he can generously share his bounty with the many whose gifts bring joy to the world but not riches to the giver, that they might bring forth the fruits of their gifts and thereby benefit all of God’s children on Earth and give unto them eternal treasures, which moths and rust do not corrupt.
8 And I say unto you life should be a circle of unity, where each person contributes the excess of their gift for the benefit of all, be it the creation of wealth or the creation of the arts or the wisdom of the spirit or whatsoever God has given unto them, and thus the family of man becomes like unto the spokes of a wheel, where each supports the others and benefits the others and in unity rolls forward.
9 And woe unto the man who inherits wealth that came from the efforts of his father or kinsman and then hoards the wealth unto himself. If it is a sin for a rich man to hoard his wealth unto himself, then it is a sin upon a sin for he who inherits another’s wealth to do so, for he has not even earned it by the sweat of his brow or the intellect of his mind.
10 In this, Elohim has given the inheritor a blessing by which he may in humility bless others, and as he does, he proves to be a good steward and God shall store up for him great treasures in Heaven; and as he does not, so shall God take away from his eternal reward.
11 Verily, I say unto you this life is but a breath in eternity, yet it is the most important breath you will ever take, for the day shall come when all will stand before the throne of Elohim and be weighed in the balance and judged according to how they walked in life, after the manner of men or after the manner of God, and be pulled into their place in the kingdoms of eternal life, be into darkness or into light, by the resonance from their life on Earth.
12 And if they walked according to the manner of men, then they shall be given a lesser reward for all eternity, equal to the reward they gave to their brothers and sisters of light in their breath of mortal life.
13 But to those that walk after the manner of God, unto them shall be given a reward in Heaven that surpasses their understanding and uplifts their soul into the Celestine Light that shines forever.
14 And to those who receive the generosity of others, let them not accept it as beggars, who receive gladly but return nothing, for in that, sustenance is gained at the price of dignity.
15 But let them accept the help of others as part of the wheel of fellowship: that as they receive a gift from one, they give a gift to another, not in money of which they have none, but in their time and talents. Thereby, upon every turn of the wheel, there are no weak spokes, for with such as they have, in dignity do all give.”
16 And Lazarus said unto Yeshua, “Your words are powerful. They enter my heart and rumble inside. But you must forgive me, for I still do not understand. I know that some are born into a life of ease and treat others without respect, and for such, I have no pity; but there are many, like my father, who have earned every coin they have by hard work and ingenuity far beyond the efforts other men make.
17 My father has done this because he loves his family and wished us to have more than he had as he struggled with life. And though I will inherit, I have tried to follow in his footsteps and be a diligent man who succeeds from effort and inspiration so that my family who has supported and comforted me can be in turn supported and have comfort.
18 The other people of the world, not of my family, have not supported me or my father. Why then should we be asked to help them as greatly as you say and not just with a small portion, which to them is a great amount?”
19 Yeshua answered him, saying, “Whether you are rich or you are poor, this life is not easy. It is full of the most painful trials and tribulations.
20 Unto each person is given the opportunity to prove their worthiness and the power of their soul over the adversities with which they are the weakest, that they might grow strong and gain faith in the Celestine Light of Elohim, a power greater than themselves and all the adversity of the world.
21 Life is a crucible that either burns up the children of men or purifies them. And the day will come to every man, when they will either abandon themselves to the evil that tempts and torments them or humble themselves and call at last in sincere faith upon the higher power of Elohim to fill them with their Celestine Light that they may overcome the darkness.
22 To some, it is given to be tempted by carnal pleasures that they may become the master over their own passions and learn to cherish the sanctity of virtue.
23 Others are challenged by the allure of gambling and the temptation of easy money that they may learn to value diligence and effort.
24 To some, it is given to be beautiful that they may overcome vanity and learn selflessness.
25 To many, it is given to experience great personal loss at times in their life that they might come to understand the timelessness of eternity and the bonds of forever that seal the faithful.
26 To some, it is given to be poor in material things that they may find a true happiness, which is not based upon having the things of the world.
27 While others are given to be rich that they might learn to be humble and generous and value time with their family greater than time with their work or pleasure.
28 Each of these and many more trials of life are seen as torments, but they are really blessed gifts. For every temptation, weakness or challenge provides the opportunity to become more righteous, virtuous, and full of light. Conquering weaknesses of the flesh turns them into strengths and places you firmly on the path to true fulfillment of spirit- a gift so great that all the treasure of the world cannot buy it.
29 But the sweetest of the gifts that prove the man is the gift of wealth. For some adversities are horrors to bear, and the only consolation is knowing that the greater is the trial, the greater is the reward for those who find the light.
30 But to have wealth as a test is to have a temptation that brings continual pleasure to bear and in that, it is most insidious, for it deceives the rich man who does not see wealth as a vexation to be rid of, but as a blessing to retain.
31 Wealth is therefore one of the most difficult of all trials. Therefore, God gives the gift of wealth only to those who are counted among the most valiant spirits.
32 Lazarus, I love you, my brother. And for this cause, I am going to give you a greater understanding than is known among men, that you may clearly see the light of truth and ever walk the path of righteousness, as you come to know who you are and why you are here.
33 Before you were born into this world by your parents, you were born into a Celestine glory as a spirit child of your heavenly parents. The children of men are literally sons and daughters of God. Therefore, knowing this, it is given to you to fulfill your nobility with honor and righteousness.
34 Your mortal life is but the blink of an eye in the eternity that is yours. But in that blink is determined, in a great measure, your inheritance in the heavens to come, which can be far greater than all the inheritances of men upon the Earth.
35 You lived for countless time in the Celestine glory, learning and growing from your experiences and relationships. Before this world was, you were.
36 For most, it follows to have one physical, mortal life after they have gained all there is to gain in the heavenly glory, before they came into the world.
37 Millenniums of existence prepare each soul for the fateful day when they are born with forgetfulness of the realm of Celestine Light and enter into the world of darkness and despair, where the Celestine Light does not abound but must be sought and cherished and claimed.
38 For though some may be born into very trying circumstances, none are born without the spirit of Elohim residing in their heart, waiting to be found; that the world of darkness may also become a world of light unto them; and that in their forgetfulness of the glory that was, they might find an abiding faith, as they live for the glory that can be.
39 And to each are given special gifts, some as trials and some as blessings, but all that they might learn in the furnace of the world to share their good gifts with their brothers and sisters.
40 Remember, when you have a candle in the darkness, you do not hide it under your cloak so that only you can see, but you hold it high that it may give light to everyone. And the good that you thus do gives greater light to you as well.
41 Now there are many gifts that can benefit the children of men and the Children of Light that walk among them. There is music, dance, art, a cheerful disposition, spiritual insight, invention, willing service to others, a respect for all men, fairness, and creativity in many forms.
42 But one of the most powerful gifts is wealth, for with it, many of the gifts of others can be empowered to come forth in abundance and glory. Alas, it can also be the most selfish of the gifts that prove the man, and only they who conquer themselves can free the gift and reap the blessings that are eternal.
43 For the part of man that is allured to darkness is ever seduced to selfishness, and many are the gifts of others that never have the opportunity to give light to the world, when the rich man succumbs to the darkness instead of the light.
44 Verily, without the patronage of the rich, many of the poor are ground down by daily existence and never find the foundation of stability and freedom of time to let their light shine.
45 Because wealth so tempts the righteous into selfishness, our Father and Mother in Heaven chose the most valiant spirits of the premortal glory to be given the stewardship of wealth in life on Earth, that they would remember who they are and why they are here and be the candle that lights many more, that darkness would retreat upon the world because they fulfilled their blessing.
46 If the musician thinks that he will only play one day a week, how many less smiles are there?
47 And if the artist thinks that he will only create on Jubilee, how much inspiration is he giving to the world?
48 And if the man with spiritual insight thinks to only share his illumination on the Sabbath, how much poorer are his brothers and sisters all the other days of the week?
49 And if the man who has riches thinks to only share a portion of his wealth and not the excess of all he has been blessed with, how many candles will never be lit because of his selfishness?
50 Why are you here? You are a child of God. You have been given marvelous gifts. You are here for a grand purpose.
51 Embrace your trials with thankfulness, for because of them men turn to God and find faith, which is the greatest of all powers, with which the world and all the stars in Heaven were made. For the faith you gain carries with you beyond this short life and serves you well in the eternity to come.
52 Let your greatest garden be the cultivation of loving and respectful relationships with all whose lives you touch, especially your parents and your wife and your children; for on the day of judgment and sorting, these will be the voices that sing your praises or your shortcomings; and in the world to come, the coin of the realm is the loving time you spent with those of your heart and the good that you helped others to do.
53 Nor ever forget that the gold you hold is that which your Elohim has made possible for you to have, and this was done because of your valiant spirit, trusting that you, who were among the most noble in the glory before the world, would find that place in your spirit while in mortality that reminds you of your greatness, that you might fulfill the full measure of your creation and be the candle that lights the wicks of many, that the world might be filled with a glorious light.”
54 Lazarus was humbled, and at last, he understood the fullness of the words Yeshua spoke. There was gladness in his soul and happiness in his heart, and even from that moment, he began to plan the good things he would do.