“Verily, I say unto you, this generation shall not pass away until all that has been hidden is brought again into the light, for it is the epoch for the fulfillment of promise.”
Oracles of Celestine Light, Nexus 1:21

Miracle of the Blind Girl


Arriving in the city of Memphis, Yeshua, with his family and Yochanan, goes to the house of a merchant by the name of Babuaten. After an unwelcome meeting, Yeshua beseeches him to look within his heart to know that there is more to God than he has been led to believe. In return, the merchant’s love, along with the hand of God, can return the sight of his only daughter’s eyes. In a very touching scene, his daughter’s sight is restored.

1 So it was that Yeshua and Miriam and Yochanan, and the children traveled to Memphis. As they journeyed near to the center of the city, they came to a house of a merchant by the name of Babuaten. Yeshua went straight to the gate and bade the servants to tell their master that Yeshua of Aten was at the gate.
2 The master Babuaten soon arrived at the gate in confusion and was angry that poor, unbecoming travelers, even Hebrews, would appear at his gate and give such offense as to use the name of Aten, the God whom he worshipped. And speaking in Greek, he said, “What have you to do with me, rabble of a desolate land? Be gone from my home before I call the pharaoh’s guards.”
3 And Yeshua said, “Would you chase the spirit of Aten from your home? For verily, if you put us away, so shall the spirit of Aten no more reside with you.”
4 Babuaten was very wroth at these words, and he said, “Who are you to say such blasphemous words! You know not Aten and I know not you; therefore, be gone this instant!”
5 Yeshua responded with a voice of authority, saying, “The God of all the Earth and all the suns in the heavens has sent me to you, and if you turn me away, so shall the God of all that is turn his face away from you; but if you will repent of your anger and hear my words, and give a place for my family, then verily, as you love, so the God of Heaven and Earth shall restore to you that which is most precious and has been lost.”
6 Now at these words, Babuaten trembled, for he had a daughter, most precious to his heart, and she had been spitted upon by a cobra when drawing water from a well and had been blind ever since. He knew in his heart that it was of his daughter that Yeshua spoke. And Yeshua had invoked the name of Aten, whom he did venerate, and in humility, he said, “You speak of my greatest treasure, and though I understand not at all, I will give you entry into my home for a time to see if there is weight behind the lightness of your words.”
7 Thus, it was that Yeshua and Miriam and Yochanan entered the house of Babuaten, and when they had washed their feet, a young girl entered with a servant bringing water to drink, and she clung to her father, and all could see that she was blind, for where her eyes had been, there were only crusts.
8 And Babuaten said, “This is my only daughter Nanu, whom I love more than life. It is a great miracle that she lives at all, and I am thankful to Aten for every moment I have her. I took her to the priests, and though they can do great magic, they could not give back her eyes which the cobra took.”
9 And Yeshua said, “You called us rabble of the desolate land, yet because you worship Aten, you know also of the pharaoh Akhenaten. Verily, I say unto you that Akhenaten and the Children of Israel are ever intertwined, but they and the Egyptians know it not. There is much more here than you know. Therefore, can you, hearing this, give a place for my words in your heart?”
10 Babuaten nodded in silence. And Yeshua said, “The priests of Egypt cannot heal your daughter’s eyes because neither their eyes nor their hearts are single to the glory of the true God, but are divided by the many false gods of their beliefs. Nor can magic heal such as this, but only true faith, with nothing wavering.
11 And I say unto you that above all creation, both in the heavens and on the Earth, there is one true God, and Aten of the Sun, which you worship, is only a reflected glimpse of the light of the glory of the one true God.
12 Verily, when Aten was revealed to the children of Egypt by the pharaoh Akhenaten, it was a great step for them, and all they could hold.
13 But in the belief that you hold are the seeds of the fullness of truth, and I declare unto you that beyond the Aten you worship as the God of the Sun is the one true God from whom the Sun and all the stars of the heavens have been born; and they are numberless unto man, but they numbered unto the Almighty God, for they are his.
14 Therefore, if you will humble yourself and carry your belief beyond Aten by whom your daughter’s eyes have not been healed and believe with greater faith in Elohim, the one true God of all the Earth and of the Sun, and of the uncountable stars of the heavens, and this with all of your heart, and give love to the Almighty God even as great as you love your daughter, then by the power of your faith and your love, your daughter’s eyes will return.”
15 Babuaten wept and said, “Your words touch my heart, and I do believe that which you say is true, for always have I known in my deepest places that there is much more to God than Aten. I now have an overflowing of light inside me such as I never could conceive. I pray if it is within your power, if the Almighty God Elohim of all of which you speak loves you, then ask him please to love my daughter too and give back to her that which the serpent took.”
16 Yeshua bid the servants to bring some wet, green clay, and they shortly returned with the clay. And the mother of Nanu and her brothers also appeared, and though they were agitated by the visitors within their home and understood not the words Babuaten spoke to them in Greek, they remained silent out of respect.
17 And Yeshua bade Nanu to lie upon a bed, and he bade Babuaten to place some wet clay upon her eyes and to keep his hands upon her eyes and said unto him, “As you place this clay upon the eyes of your daughter, think about how much you love her and how much more your Father and Mother in heaven, which are the one Almighty God, love you.
18 As your own daughter calls to you for help, call out now with great depth of sincerity and desire to Elohim, the Almighty one and true God, and ask the Father and the Mother that are God that if it be their will, that they would send their love, greater than any love that men may know, through your heart and through your hands, and give back to your daughter that which was taken.”
19 And Babuaten called upon Elohim, even as Yeshua had bade him. And he called out in Egyptian; therefore, his wife and his sons and his daughter and his servants all heard the words he spoke.
20 And so great was his feeling that great rivers of tears ran from his eyes, and everyone in the room, including Yeshua and Miriam, wept with him.
21 And Yeshua placed his hands on top of the hands of Babuaten, and together they lifted the clay from the eyes of his daughter Nanu. And her eyes that had withered away were restored in beauty, and her sight, which had gone, returned in fullness. Great was the joy and the tears of all who witnessed this miracle.
22 And the servants prepared to go quickly to tell the joyous news to all the people, but Yeshua forbade them and asked that they tell only a few of the close friends of the family, until he had departed because he did not wish to be known in Egypt by the pharaoh or the priests.