“Verily, I say unto you, this generation shall not pass away until all that has been hidden is brought again into the light, for it is the epoch for the fulfillment of promise.”
Oracles of Celestine Light, Nexus 1:21

The Power of Sound


Yeshua speaks to the Children of Light from the four communities of Lake Gennesaret at Capernaum about the power of rhythmic sound when performed individually or in groups in harmonious patterns with focus, passion, and intention.

1 The following Sabbath, Yeshua once again gathered the Children of Light from the four communities together on the shore of Lake Gennesaret at Capernaum.
2 And he spoke unto them, saying, “Today, I will give you pearls of great price, concerning the power of sounds and more.
3 These sounds include the sounds of the Earth and the animals of the Earth, but more importantly, intentional sounds that you make, especially when gathered together in a Katah, a Shanar, or a Q and focused upon a purpose.
4 The spoken voice alone can become a magnification of your inner or group power. All that is required is passion and unwavering focus upon that of which you speak.
5 This activates and expands your aura which calls in still greater powers from beyond to aid you in empowering the words that you speak.
6 Beyond the spoken word, there are chants, of both the individual and a group, where the same word or words are repeated rhythmically, with each repetition acting as a lodestone to call in greater aeon from beyond to combine with your aura and be sent forth with greater power.
7 In a like manner, the singing of songs or whistling or humming can invoke greater powers to swirl upon you or the group that blends their sounds melodiously.
8 In this, harmony and resonance of the voices combined are vital, as disharmony or discordant sounds will usher in energies of darkness rather than Celestine Light.
9 The same is true for instruments of music. The sounds they make should bring a peace and uplifting of the spirit if they are intended to magnify the Celestine Light.
10 Therefore, with either your instruments or your voice, create harmonious melodies that stir the soul.
11 And create with intention. Have a purpose in your song or music beyond simply soothing sounds to be enjoyed.
12 Each of the seven aeons of the body resonate to certain sounds and music, and when they are in resonance, they heal and strengthen and expand.
13 Because rhythm and repetition are used to magnify specific aeons, drumming is very powerful in calling in and enlarging the desired energies, especially the drums of deep sound—not tinkling, and drums that beat in harmony with many others, with increasing and decreasing tempos as is appropriate.
14 Let drumming begin with the beat of the heart and increase in tempo and complexity. But harmony and unison are essential, and only those who can beat as one, even with complex rhythms, should drum together.
15 Lastly, once entranced into a focus of mind, heart, and harmonic aura, by the rhythmic sounds, if you are moved to dance, not aimlessly, but in unison and harmony with others—naturally, without thought to the union—you greatly amplify the aeons of that which you are seeking to accomplish. But if your dance is not in harmony with the others, you sever the link to the greater powers.
16 These things, I shall teach to my Apostles by word and example, and they shall teach them to you in like manner. In this, even in your idle hours or those at work, you will find greater power from a simple whistle or song or humming of melodies.
17 And when you join in your Katahs and Shanars and Q’s, your powers will be greatly magnified and your goals more quickly and easily accomplished.
18 In all these forms of sound used to call upon and magnify powers, practice both alone and in groups that you might become more perfect, before you begin in earnest to use sound for a greater good, for disharmony of sound or movement prevents the energy from building.
19 Therefore, only those who have proven the ability to be in harmony in sound and movement should join together in a circle, using sound or movement to magnify the power of Celestine Light. Else, the power of the circle is diminished rather than enhanced.
20 Let those who are still challenged to find harmony of sound or movement with others watch only, humming quietly to themselves in harmony, that they may begin to feel the oneness and unity in their heart and aura, until the day that they are prepared to become one in the circle, without thought, guided true, simply by the rhythm of their heart and spirit.
21 Each of these skills can be added one upon another to bring still greater power. Therefore, drumming and dancing together are more powerful than either alone, even as drumming and dancing and singing or chanting are more powerful still.
22 Once you have built the power of sound and raised it to a crescendo in volume, beat and complexity, stop it in an instant, in unison, to release the power for your desired goal.
23 In this, it is best to find a single simple word that sums up your purpose, to shout out in unison as the sound ends abruptly. This is the surest way to send forth your desire with the greatest and most focused power.
24 If you are playing musical instruments, it is best to begin with a single instrument such as the beat of a drum. To this, add another instrument in perfect harmony. Once the two have become one, add a third, and once the three have become one, add a fourth. In this way, you weave a spell of magnificent power.
25 Nor does the weaving of spells of sound need be limited to musical instruments. When the second is added to the first, perhaps it is not an instrument but a voice in song or voices singing or whistling in harmony and adding to the melody.
26 Raising your vocal tones up the musical scale is another way to magnify the powers you are calling upon. This should be led by the person with the best voice and most perfect tone that the others can most harmoniously follow and again should be ended suddenly with a unified shout of a single simple word to send forth your intention.
27 You are Children of Light, which implies that your very soul essence embraces the essence of rhythmic sound and music and song and movement, for these are among the foundations of the powers of Celestine Light that can be manifested by the Children of Light, especially when they are gathered together for common purpose.
28 Therefore, take time to practice that you may become proficient; that in your proficiency you will be able to join with your brothers and sisters of light and become a sound that touches souls, that carries upon the wind and is felt around the world.”