“Verily, I say unto you, this generation shall not pass away until all that has been hidden is brought again into the light, for it is the epoch for the fulfillment of promise.”
Oracles of Celestine Light, Nexus 1:21

Secrets of Magic Revealed


Yeshua teaches the Children of Light some of the secrets to calling forth their “gifts,” particularly levitating objects by utilizing unknown natural laws created by Elohim. He also explains some of the secrets to making instant fire and how Moses turned his staff into a snake, which are things that an unbeliever might think of as magic, but to the Children of Light, they are merely employing the gifts bestowed upon them by Elohim through the understanding of how to utilize natural laws.

1 And it came to pass that on the following Sabbath, all of the Children of Light of the communities of Gennesaret came to Capernaum to hear the further instructions and teachings of Yeshua. And he brought them down to the lake, and standing with his back to the water and they upon the shore, he spoke to them saying:
2 “Each one of you is a worker of miracles, for as Children of Light, it is your blessing to be able to call upon the greater Celestine Light of Elohim as you have needs, whatever those may be, provided you are seeking only that which is righteous and needful and not for riches or acclaim of the world.
3 Yet you could live your entire life and never be the conduit through which a miracle flows, unless you understand the principles upon which the powers of Celestine Light bring wonder upon the Earth.”
4 Then reaching down, he grabbed a fist-size stone and threw it high over his head and above the lake. Turning toward the lake and extending his arm, he pointed his right forefinger at the stone just as it reached its apex and commanded, “Kel Arz!” and the rock remained suspended in the air.
5 Then turning to look over his left shoulder at the Children of Light, he said unto them, “You see a rock that does not fall, and because every rock you have ever seen thrown into the air always falls, you think that you now see a miracle or magic.
6 But verily, I say unto you: There are no miracles or magic, events the ignorant call what they do not understand, which seem to violate all that they hold as natural and normal.
7 In truth, every miracle from a healing to a rock floating in air is but the manifestation of a natural law created by Elohim that is unknown to the world, but given to be known and understood by Children of Light of uprightness and virtue.”
8 Then he quickly sliced his arm through the air, and bringing his hand to his side, he turned again to face the Children of Light, even as the rock plummeted and fell into the lake behind him with a loud splash.
9 Then he continued to instruct them, saying, “The rock remained suspended in the air, not because Elohim made a great miracle, but because I understand all of the natural laws created by the Elohim and called upon those I needed to cause this rock not to fall.
10 And what are these natural laws to be known by the Children of Light but mysteries to the world? They begin with faith and love. These two essences, which you cannot hold in your hand, are some of the essential attributes needed to affect the physical world, including suspending rocks in the air.
11 This is incomprehensible to the people of the world. They understand how one physical action can create another, such as when you hit a tree sufficient times with an axe, it is felled. But it would seem the greatest mystery of magic were the same tree to be felled without anything physically touching it, but merely by the unseen powers of faith, love, passion, and focus, harmonized with the knowledge of how to use the unseen aeons of Celestine Light.
12 Understand that it is by absolute faith in our Mother and Father in Heaven, whom we cannot see, that we can call the unseen forces of the Celestine Light to manifest that which is seen.
13 It is because of my love for you and desire to see you grow in the Celestine Light that the aeons activated by my faith come to me when I bid them.
14 I pointed my finger at the rock just as it reached its apex, when it was neither propelled to continue rising higher, nor compelled to descend rapidly downward into the lake. This was the easiest moment to have effect upon it.
15 With my eyes steadfastly upon the stone high in the air, I extended my arm and pointed my finger at it that the energies of Heaven flowing through me would be exactly focused and could have a most sure effect.
16 Understand then that undiluted and undistracted focus upon your desire is also imperative to your success. But no less than this is, you must also have a passion to see your desire accomplished.
17 By extending your arm and your finger, you are channeling all of the necessary aeons through a long conduit and the single small point of your fingertip. As the powers of Celestine Light swirl inside of you and then travel through your arm, they compress and increase their strength.
18 As the aeon shoots from your fingertip, it is both highly focused and of greater power because of the focus through a narrow channel. This effect can be even further enhanced by holding another object that is both long and slender, coming to a point, and intrinsically holding Celestine aeons, such as a crystal, a spiral shell, or a specifically fashioned wand of wood and gems.”
19 Yeshua then beckoned a young man of about fourteen years to come to him, and a youth of humble and noble visage stepped forward from among the Children of Light.
20 “You are the son of Daoud and Thara, who recently came to us from the wilderness beyond Bahr Lut?”
21 The young man nodded his head affirmatively and said, “Yes, most revered teacher and light of lights. I am Galal. My father saw a vision in the night as he slept, and so real it was he thought he was awake.
22 He saw these communities upon the lake and saw you clearly although he had never in life even heard your name.
23 He saw a pillar of light pierce dark clouds in the sky and fall upon you as you walked in these communities, and a voice came upon his mind, saying, ‘Behold the light of the world.’ The very next day, our family departed from our brethren and have lived now among you for these past two moons.”
24 “And we are happy that you are among us,” Yeshua said unto him. “Truly, you and your parents and your brothers and sisters are Children of Light and one with us. What the world would separate, Elohim has brought together.”
25 Yeshua looked upon him squarely and asked, “Before you came among us, you were raised to believe in a God that is different than we know. For Elohim of the Children of Light is different than the imagined God of the Hebrews or the Egyptians or any other that men do worship and venerate.
26 “Having lived among us now for a short time and having learned somewhat of our ways, have you through your prayers and in your heart and mind come to a greater understanding?”
27 Galal nodded affirmatively and said unto Yeshua, “I have a witness in my heart and head that cannot be denied, nor would I dare even on pain of death. My witness is that I have a divine Father and Mother in Heaven and that I am their son of spirit.
28 So too have I a noble brother of spirit, who is their son of the flesh. And he ever watches over me as an elder brother should. And through them, we call the Elohim, by our efforts and virtue, all good things come and all things are possible.”
29 Yeshua looked upon the Children of Light before him and said unto them, “Verily, no greater testimony of the Celestine Light could be given than this. Galal may be young in years, but his soul resonates with the wisdom of Heaven.”
30 Then Yeshua bent down and whispered into Galal’s ear, saying, “Do as I shall direct, hold your faith true and unwavering, and do not be weakened in your conviction or focus if you do not succeed on your first attempt, for he who perseveres with faith, focus, passion, and love shall succeed.”
31 Then rising, he again addressed the Children of Light, saying, “I have explained to you how to hold a stone in the air. Size is important, and the larger or heavier an object is, the greater aeon is required to hold it or move it.
32 The words you heard me command, “Kel Arz!” are not found among the languages of men, but are words of power from the Celestine language of the Elohim. Spoken by unbelievers, they are merely empty words, but spoken by a Child of Light, for a purpose of righteousness, with faith, love, passion, and focus, they call upon a great aeon of the heavens, which overcomes the lesser aeon by which all things fall to Earth.”
33 Turning to Galal, he reached down and picked up a stone, and instructed, “As you saw me do, so do you now.”
34 Galal’s eyes went wide in astonishment, but quickly became peaceful and resolute as he took the stone from Yeshua and turned to face the lake. For a moment, he remained silent with his head bowed in contemplation and perhaps a silent prayer.
35 Then he threw the stone high into the air, and as it reached its apex, he extended his arm and, pointing his finger, yelled out, “Kel Arz!” However, the rock did not hesitate or remain in the air, but ignoring his words and intent, it fell quickly back into the lake with a high splash.
36 Galal looked back to Yeshua with some embarrassment upon his face, but Yeshua smiled at him and patted him on the back, assuring him that he did well.
37 He then reached upon the ground and picked up a fairly straight stick about the length of his arm and snapped a third of it off including the unbroken tip and handed it to Galal, saying, “Hold this stick in your right hand and point it instead of your finger. And remember to have a passion for your desire.” Then he threw another stone into the sky, and once more Galal waited until it was at its apex then extended his arm and pointing at the rock with the stick he held, he commanded, “Kel Arz!”
36 For the barest moment, it seemed that the rock lingered for an extra heartbeat at its apex; then it too fell into the lake.
39 Galal looked back to Yeshua, and Yeshua took the stick from his hand. Then reaching inside his clothing, he pulled out another stick about the same length as the first, only this one was perfectly straight and tapered to a distinct but rounded point with a delicate spiral pattern finely cut into it, beginning at its base and rising to its tip. Its wood was very dark and unfamiliar to Galal as he took it and rolled it in his hands after Yeshua handed to him.
40 Without further instructions or words, Yeshua reached down and picked up another stone and threw it high into the air above the lake.
41 Once more, Galal waited until the rock reached its apex, then extending his arm and pointing the fine spiraled stick, he commanded, “Kel Arz!” and this time, the rock remained undeniably suspended in the air.
42 As it did, there was an audible gasp from those who were watching and Galal moved his eyes for a moment to look at the crowd, and when he did, the rock immediately fell into the lake.
43 Again Yeshua smiled at him but did not speak. But he did hold out his hand by way of asking for Galal to return the spiral stick to him. But in its stead, he took out another item from within his clothing and handed it to Galal.
44 This new item was also a like a stick, but one such as neither Galal nor any but the Apostles had ever seen, for it was heavy and made of clear crystal, having also been finely worked with a spiral pattern. On its base was a rounded cap of deep-blue Lapis spider, webbed with golden lines and held to the crystal wand by a band of gold.
45 Turning to the Children of Light, Yeshua said unto them, “When you have learned to harness all of the aeons Elohim has blessed the Children of Light to know, you will have no need for sticks or wands of crystal to aid you in accomplishing that which you desire.
46 But until that day, there are tools upon the Earth that can magnify your abilities because they readily call to them the aeons you seek and further amplify the power of Celestine Light that flows through you.
47 You have seen what was manifested by the finger of Galal and when he held a simple stick and then a wand of wood fashioned to serve the Children of Light. Now he holds a wand of crystal put upon the Earth by Elohim and spiral cut and inlaid with gold and Lapiz by my own hands. It resonates with the powers of Heaven and beckons still greater aeons to aid young Galal in his quest. See now the final difference.”
48 Once more he threw a stone into the air, and once more Galal thrust his arm upward and pointed the crystal wand at the rock as it reached its apex, commanding in a loud voice, “Kel Arz!” This time, the stone remained in the sky and did not fall back to Earth.
49 As Galal continued to focus his eyes and thoughts upon the stone, Yeshua spoke to him, saying, “You now are one with the stone. It is merely an extension of you. Like your own hand, it moves where you guide it and will it to move. Therefore, continuing to point the wand of crystal and keeping your focus, move the stone some distance to the right.”
50 As Yeshua bid so Galal did, and there were more gasps from the spectators as the stone moved the length of a fishing boat to the right.
51 “Now make the stone begin to dance,” Yeshua bade. “Move it up and down and all around.”
52 Again, as Yeshua bade so Galal did, and the stone moved through the air following exactly as he moved his arm in a figure-eight pattern. Then he brought the stone down to a point that it nearly touched the water, and he held it there.
53 Yeshua put his right hand upon his head, saying, “Well done, good brother of light. You may release the stone now.” As he spoke, Galal quickly pulled the wand away from the lake and handed it to Yeshua, and the stone quietly dropped into the water.
54 Galal returned to his parents and family who embraced him, and Yeshua returned the crystal wand to the folds of his clothing and continued his discourse and instructions, saying, “To hold and move objects that otherwise could not rise or move without a visible physical action upon them is only one of many gifts that are given to the Children of Light.
55 But you must not use any of these gifts before unbelievers, for they will accuse you of magic and to them it is, and such is incomprehensible to their minds and forbidden by their beliefs. Therefore, you would bring not only unwanted attention, but even persecution.
56 Nor show these gifts to Neophytes who are not yet one with you, for they might not remain with you and should not be given secrets they could misuse or reveal to the world.
57 Nor even among yourselves should you manifest these gifts except in time of true need or within your quorum while teaching or practicing, and never simply to show another that which you can do, for to do otherwise calls forth pride, which is a destroyer of gifts of the Celestine Light.
58 Today only, I show some of these gifts unto you that you may begin to comprehend and know of a surety that which the world cannot understand.
59 My Apostles shall further instruct you in the days to come, as I have instructed them. Let each of you learn and understand the principles of the natural laws of Elohim by which all these things can be, and then go alone into the mountains or within the sanctuary of your home or in solitude upon a boat on the lake or within your Q-roms, and practice that which you have learned until you have with certainty mastered the unknown natural laws of Elohim that they will stand ready to do your bidding in time of need.
60 Then grasping a stout and sinewy tree branch that was before him on the ground, Yeshua demonstrated further, “You have heard of how Moses in pharaohs’ court turned his staff into a serpent. Behold!” Suddenly, the branch began to twitch and then it became a dark, thickly bodied snake, which Yeshua held behind its head even as it wrapped its coils around his arm.
61 Again there were many gasps of shock and fright from those who watched, for they were gathered very close to Yeshua, and he said unto them, “Fear not, good brothers and sisters, for this is not a snake, but only an illusion.”
62 As he said that, Yudas Iscariot reached forth his hand and touched the snake and exclaimed, “But it moves beneath my hand. I can feel its strength, and its skin is like a serpent, not the bark of a tree branch.”
63 Yeshua shook his arm, and once more he held a lifeless tree branch and he said unto them, “Nevertheless, as real as it seemed, it was but an illusion, but one created not by tricks but by calling upon natural laws of Elohim. Truly, this can be one of your greatest gifts if used only in righteousness and time of true need.”
64 Then before he spoke another word, holding the branch up in his left hand, he waved his right hand over it, and immediately, it burst into leaping flames.
65 And Yudas Iscariot asked, “I feel the heat, yet is this also only an illusion?”
66 Yeshua answered him, saying, “No, Yudas, this is no illusion, and creating fire at your command is one of the more powerful gifts given to the Children of Light.” And saying that, he flipped the branch over his head, and it tumbled in the air until it landed with a hiss in the lake where the flames were quickly extinguished.
67 Yeshua explained several other natural laws of Elohim to them that day and manifested their effects, so they would understand. And he commanded them that they should speak to no one not numbered among the Children of Light of the things they had witnessed.
68 He admonished them to listen to his Apostles and heed their teaching as if it were from him, promising he would give the Apostles understanding of all mysteries that they could share with all the Children of Light as they were worthy and prepared to receive the greater knowledge.
69 And he spoke to them once more, saying, “Today, you have seen some of the more spectacular gifts of the Children of Light, but do not forget that in your day-to-day lives, the teachings I gave to you about the miracles that come from herbs and minerals are of greater worth, for these are the skills you can use openly every day to heal the sick, uplift your spirits, prosper the land, and help create Eden wherever you are.
70 Nor ever forget that your ‘gifts’ are not special powers that people of the world do not have, but secret knowledge they do not have, which allows you to call and use natural laws they cannot comprehend or call upon, because they are called forth by knowledge, faith, love, and passion for the Celestine Light and the good it can manifest, all things which they have not.
71 Be not prideful or boasting, but in humility and gratitude, make your way upon the Earth, bringing the Celestine Light and making the world a better place for all people.”