“Verily, I say unto you, this generation shall not pass away until all that has been hidden is brought again into the light, for it is the epoch for the fulfillment of promise.”
Oracles of Celestine Light, Nexus 1:21

Miracles and Suffering


After a break for lunch, Yeshua continues his sermon and speaks about why God allows suffering in the world. He announces that after he is through speaking, he, Miriam, and Cephas will walk through the crowd and people who wish to be healed may touch any one of the three, and through their own worthiness and faith, they will be healed. Many are healed and some are not, but almost all see and feel things that they have never even imagined.

1 While Yeshua had been speaking, his Apostles had been sitting in a semicircle directly below him and the multitude sitting beyond them. But in the place closest to him sat four women, and the order in which they sat was meaningful.
2 Facing Yeshua, his wife Miriam sat on the left, which was Yeshua’s right hand and the place of honor reserved always for her; beside her was Salome; Martha was next; and Miryam, his mother, beside her.
3 Throughout his discourse, the women held hands or linked arms or leaned against the woman beside them. This was common practice among Miriam, Martha, and Miryam, but Salome had purposely been included with them and, by Martha’s request, sat between her and Miriam, that she would have no doubt that they accepted her as one of their family and held no animosities for her part in the death of Yochanan.
4 After Yeshua had stepped down to go to the company of his family, Cephas stood up on the pinnacle and announced to the multitude in a loud voice, “We have been blessed by the teachings of Yeshua, Son of Light; surely, none have heard his words this day and not been pierced by their significance and inspired by their promise.
5 Yeshua has told me that he desires to still speak more this day, but first, as it is already well into the afternoon, let us all break for a meal. But please remain where you sit, and once Yeshua has finished eating, he will speak to us again.”
6 Then after asking for silence and saying a short prayer of thanksgiving and blessing for the food they would all eat, Cephas stepped down and went to his family.
7 The people did as Cephas bade. As most had traveled from other areas and encamped around the Communities of Light, they had ample food with them, and those that had none found the strangers around them happily shared whatever they had.
8 When Yeshua was ready to ascend again the pinnacle, he informed Cephas, who went up to the pinnacle and announced to the multitude that Yeshua would now to speak to them again.
9 Once again, Cephas offered a prayer for the multitude, asking, “Elohim, God of the Earth and all that is, thank you for this opportunity we have to hear the words of Yeshua, your Son of Light. Let our hearts be open to receive the Celestine Light that he brings and our heads be clear to understand his words. So let it be.”
10 Then Cephas stepped down from the pinnacle and Yeshua stepped up. Looking over the multitude, he said unto them, “I know many of you have come to Capernaum to see me because you have heard it said that I have healed people in miraculous ways, and you hope that I will heal you or a member of your family.
11 When I come down from the mount, I will walk among you, and you may reach out and lightly touch my garment, and those who are prepared shall be healed.
12 That you may know that it is not through me alone that the Celestine power of Elohim comes to heal, but through any of the Children of Light who have been given that authority; my wife Miriam, who is one of my Apostles, and Cephas, another, will also walk among you.
13 If you are ready to be healed, you have repented of your weaknesses and stand upright before men and God. If this be so, then simply touch our garments as we pass by and ask aloud with your words for Elohim to heal you. We are bridges of the Celestine Light, and if you are prepared in your heart, it will be as you desire and you shall be made whole.”
14 At this revelation, the Apostles were surprised, all save Miriam and Cephas, for Yeshua had not spoken of this to any of them or taught them how they could be channels of the Celestine power of Elohim as he was.
15 Then Yeshua preached to the multitude, saying, “This will be an afternoon of miracles, but it will also be an afternoon of disappointment. Many will seek to be healed, but only some will obtain that which they seek.
16 How can that be? Why would some be healed, but others not? Is it the fault of the healer? Are they not true channels of the Celestine Light of Elohim? Nay, that cannot be so, for there are some that will be healed, even of very great diseases and infirmities.
17 Have you ever wondered why Elohim even allows suffering and disease and infirmities at all?
18 Have you not seen at times when the pain of suffering is so great or the agony from the loss of a loved one; that a person will cry out in despair to God, asking why?
19 If there truly is a benevolent God in Heaven, a mother and father who love their children beyond measure, how could this God of all that is, with the power to make or destroy the Earth and all the heavens above with a single command, allow such misery and suffering and pain to their children who walk the Earth?
20 You would be less than honest with yourself if you did not admit that at times, such questions have passed through your thoughts.
21 Today you will have the answer to those questions. You may not like the answers. You may not accept the answers. But you will know the answers.
22 I tell you these things with the hope that in understanding the truth, even if at first you may not accept its reality, that you will accept it enough that it will begin to alter your habits and choices and will make a beneficial difference in your life.
23 It is taught by the priests and leaders of the faiths of this land that God is an omnipresent, omnipotent, presence. God is referred to in our times in the masculine structure of speech, but only as a form of speech, and is not thought of as actually having a form of a man.
24 But in ancient times, God was not so considered. In ancient times, God was spoken of in the plural and in both the masculine and the feminine.
25 When next you are in the synagogue and they are reading from the scripture scrolls, ask them to read of the creation of the world.
26 In truth, much has been removed from the sacred scrolls that were originally written, and more has been removed than remains.
27 Why was much that was written removed? Because the scrolls as they were originally given by Elohim to the prophets were given from Elohim and the true understanding and implications of that are at odds with the teachings that men desire to hear.
28 The very nature of the name Elohim, by which God chose to be known to man, is plural in its composition. More importantly, it embodies both the masculine and feminine. Even in what remains of the tattered scriptures read in the synagogues, this name of God is used over two thousand times.
29 But it is almost always used in contradiction upon itself, and this was not done by they who originally wrote the scrolls, but by the scribes and priests who came after them and desired a different God, for it is employed as a singular and masculine title, but it is in fact, not only plural, but both male and female, even as the true God of Heaven is.
30 I speak now from the same scrolls that still are read in the synagogues, and God said, ‘Let us make man in our likeness and let them have dominion . . .’
31 And again, ‘Behold the man has become as one of us . . .’
32 And again, ‘Let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.’
33 In these words, you see mankind was made in the image not of God, but Gods. They were made male and female in physical appearance like the physical appearance of God, one a male, one a female; a father and a mother, a part of the Elohim whom you worship.
34 Elohim is not a faceless aeon without substance or form as is taught today. Even the very text of the scrolls read in the synagogues record Moses speaking to Elohim, face-to-face. That there is no doubt that the scroll records an actual event and not a metaphor, the scripture concludes, as one man speaks to another.
35 Understand that Elohim is not a faceless aeon of the male persuasion. Nor is Elohim only one aeon as you have been led to believe, but many.
36 But the Elohim that is the creator of this world are three: the Father, the Mother, and the Son, who is your brother, for the eternal soul of each of you is a creation of our Father and Mother in Heaven.
37 And more than this, an Elohim is also what each one of you can become someday as you learn and grow from your experiences and choices and become perfect.
38 And it is for this cause—to learn and grow and become more perfect—that you should be striving for every minute of your physical life upon the Earth.
39 And it is for this cause—that you might learn and grow by your experiences and choices—that suffering is allowed to exist in your life and the life of every person, some to a very great degree.
40 There is no greater desire of your Father and Mother in Heaven than you should return to them in glory, and they wait with love to embrace you and welcome you home.
41 But you cannot return to a realm of perfection ruled by the Elohim, unless you are first more perfect.
42 You do not need to be perfect as the Elohim are, for you continue to expand for all eternity and you have forever to improve upon your perfection.
43 But you must grow beyond the bonds of the ways of the world; you must grow into the ways of the Elohim; and in that, you become greater than you are, greater than you began, and with a harmony that can live in the presence of the Elohim.
44 When you seek to understand the nature of Elohim and try to comprehend why suffering exists and why bad things happen, even to the most wonderful and righteous people, remember how you help your own children to become more than babes, in the same manner your Father and Mother in Heaven seek to help all of their children upon the Earth.
45 You let your children experience their life. You teach them right from wrong, what can hurt them and what is good for them. You admonish them to be of good character and virtue.
46 They journey through life, and they never forget the teachings you gave to them, both by word and by example.
47 But until your teachings are confirmed by their own experiences and observations, they do not shape them into more than they were.
48 By the teachings of your words and the examples of your lives, you lay the foundation for the building upon which your children construct their lives.
49 But the building is not built until they can prove by their own experiences and observations that the foundation is true.
50 By this, they learn and they grow. Sometimes, they make mistakes, and even those confirm the foundation you built and help them to become more the next day than they were the day before, if they so choose.
51 And I say unto you that every day of life is a school, no matter your age, and each day, there are many tests; and each choice you make, be it big or small, is one.
52 Sometimes people, even well-intentioned and righteous people, make the wrong choices. They learn from the pain and the error of their ways. When the choice comes again, they hopefully choose wiser.
53 It is better to experience a little pain and suffering for your short time in mortality to help you to walk a better path than to not have that incentive to walk in righteousness and condemn yourself by your poor choices to far greater pain and suffering for days without end in the life to come.
54 It is by this means—to experience the bad and the good, to make choices, both right and wrong, to have the opportunity each day to become better than you were the day before—that your sojourn in mortality is fulfilled, and you may pass beyond the shinning gate and into the realm of the Elohim forevermore.
55 “Consider this now- when a man is born crippled, it is asked who sinned, he, or his parents, that he was thus born.
56 I say unto you that neither the man nor his parents sinned, for Elohim is a God of love and would never punish a newborn with any punishment, for any cause.
57 I know it is not taught thus among many, but when you consider the nature of Elohim, consider your own nature as parents. Let your heart feel how you would feel. Let your mind think how you would think.
58 Would you who love your children cripple them at birth to be punished for your sins, instead of you?
59 Nay, you who love your children, yet are mortal and imperfect, would beg Elohim to put an infirmity upon you, rather than see your child suffer. Do you think that your Father and Mother in Heaven, being immortal and perfect, could act any less loving or caring for their children of spirit?
60 How then is it that a man is born crippled? Or another suffers from disease when he is a man? Or another, a lover of peace, is murdered at the hands of bandits? Or why is one man healed by a spiritual blessing, but another remains as he is?
61 One answer to all of these questions returns to the journey of mortality and what it is that each of you desired to gain in your sojourn upon the Earth, as you contemplated the journey, before you were ever conceived in your mother’s womb.
62 Verily, verily, I say unto you: Before you were born of woman, you were born of spirit, and before you lived upon the Earth, you lived in spirit beyond the Earth.
63 You came down into mortality that you could experience things that only a physical and mortal body can experience, and this that you might learn from your experiences; that you might become an eternal soul of greater wisdom, of more love, and fuller empathy and sympathy for your brothers and sisters of life and eternity.
64 That you might become more like the Elohim.
65 Therefore, when you see a man born crippled, do not imagine who sinned that he was thus born; do not scorn or pity him. Instead, honor him, for he has shown uncommon love for himself and his family and an intrepid courage and devotion of desire to grow into a magnificent Son of Elohim by being thus born.
66 Having lived within the challenges, he will gain empathy and sympathy for the plights of others such as no one who has not lived thus can ever gain.
67 Having lived within the challenges, he will learn to cherish love, both that which he receives from others and that which he can give to them; and this in ways such as no one who has not lived thus can ever gain.
68 Having lived within the challenges, he will see all the world with different eyes and learn to appreciate the beauty and wonder of many common things, in ways such as no one who has not lived thus can ever gain.
69 Having lived within the challenges, he will afford his closest family and friends an opportunity to also learn empathy, and sympathy, and love, and stewardship to a greater degree than they otherwise would have been able, had he not been born thus and lived among them.
70 Therefore, when a person is born crippled, but still capable, this is someone who chose to be born thus, before they were ever birthed, that both they and their family and friends might have greater opportunities in their sojourn in mortality to become more than they began.
71 Sometimes an affliction will strike a man in the prime of his life, for no apparent cause of his own. But like the man born crippled, this can sometimes be a choice made before he was ever born into the world or a choice made by his higher spirit later in his life to help him or those in his life to learn greater empathy, sympathy, faith, and love.
72 But there is also a second aeon that may overshadow the man who becomes afflicted later in life, and it is this aeon that is usually the cause.
73 Like the man who was born crippled, it is often the case that the man who acquires a disease or infirmity also made the choice to do so. But unlike the man born crippled, he may not have made the choice by action, but by inaction or incorrect action.
74 There are certain laws of health by which you would be wise to abide. These are not necessarily laws written on the sacred scrolls, but they are taught and known to the Children of Light.
75 Living the true laws of health and vitality produce superior wellness. More pointed, not living the laws of health, whether by choice or ignorance, bring about greater disease and afflictions.
76 This body you wear is mortal. It is subject not only to death, but to all manner of diseases, infirmities, and imperfections. That is how it was created by Elohim that through your mortality, you would be given the opportunity to make wise choices.
77 As you are a good steward of the temple of your body, that habit becomes a part of who you are, and you become a better steward of other things given to your care such as your children, your animals, your crops, and your community.
78 As you prove yourself with lesser things, Elohim will give you greater things, both in this life and the next.
79 Elohim rewards the good steward, but has an empty cup for the poor steward, save they recognize the error of their ways, repent, and commit to living a greater light.
80 Therefore, when you find yourself sick and afflicted, do not curse what has happened to you, but give thanks that through your infirmity you are reminded that you are the master of yourself and can make changes in your lifestyle that will improve the state of your wellness in the times to come.
81 If you do not learn the lesson of your poor health, even as you recover, you are doomed to fall to another infirmity soon again.
82 Therefore, this day, as I walk among you as a bridge of light between man and God, to bring the healing Celestine Light of Elohim upon you, reach out and touch my garment if you will; if you have the faith; if you have the desire; if you are dedicated to living the greater light called Celestine.
83 Consider the man who took off his garments and labored in a loin cloth for all of the day under the hot Sun, because he was uncomfortable and sweating wearing his clothes.
84 At the end of the day, his body badly burned, he sought to be healed. He reached out to touch the light, but it did not come upon him and he was not healed, for it had been by his choice that he had forsaken his clothing that protected him from the Sun, and he had not learned from his error, and upon another day, the same thing he would do.
85 Then there was the man who was imprisoned by the Romans and forced to work all day in the hot Sun in just his loin cloth. He too was badly burned; he too desired to be healed by the light; but when he reached out with faith and hope to touch the light, his body was restored as it had been, because the cause of his suffering had not been by his choice, and in his desire to be healed, he held humility and faith and love and desired to be a better man in his heart.
86 As I walk among you today, ask yourself which man are you: the wise man who seeks to ever act in wiser ways or the foolish man who seeks always immediate comfort and pleasure and considers not the painful consequences that shall fall upon him on the morrow.”
87 Then Yeshua stepped down into the crowd, and he beckoned Miriam and Cephas to also come down into the multitude. And the three of them walked out in different directions that they might go among all of the people.
88 As they passed through the multitude, nearly everyone present reached out a hand to touch them, not just those who were noticeably infirmed or afflicted.
89 The old and the young, the Hebrew and the Gentile, the Egyptian and the Roman, all reached forth their hands and let them linger on their garments, with softness and respect, as they moved slowly among them.
90 And of miracles, there were many. Men on litters stood up and walked. People with sundry pains from sources they knew not suddenly had none. Men, women, and children who had been blind for years or since birth at once saw the wonder of the world, and they fell to their knees and praised Elohim.
91 Many who had no noticeable affliction still were changed, and you could see it in their countenance, which as they touched Yeshua or Miriam or Cephas went from an expectant, hopeful smile to rapture and joy and tears.
92 Though some were not healed, as Yeshua had said would be so, upon the joyous faces of the thousands of people in the crowd, it could not be doubted that almost all had seen and felt a light such as they had never imagined, even the Celestine Light, and they would return to their homes with a warmth in their hearts that before had never been.