“Verily, I say unto you, this generation shall not pass away until all that has been hidden is brought again into the light, for it is the epoch for the fulfillment of promise.”
Oracles of Celestine Light, Nexus 1:21

Path to Enlightenment


Yeshua and Miriam arrive at the temple of the Egyptian priests at dawn, and Yeshua is pleased to see that the priests did a good job completing the pattern of the Path of Three upon the floor of the Hall of the Sun. He then explains in great detail what it means and what is gained by walking the path. This chapter ends with a spectacular and unforgettable miracle.

1 And it came to pass that Yeshua and Miriam appeared at the temple the following day upon the dawn of the rising Sun, and the priests were all still asleep for they had worked late into the night by torchlight to complete the pattern of the Path of Three upon the floor of the Hall of the Sun.
2 But upon hearing of his arrival, they quickly rose and bid him welcome, but were less welcoming to Miriam, and Yeshua said unto them, “That which you learn, she must also learn, nor is there anything I give to any of the children of men that can be kept a secret from her.
3 For it is given to Miriam to know all the revelations of God, that she might be the perfect witness of truth unto the world.”
4 He spoke in Egyptian to the priests, but from time to time said again part of his words in Aramaic to Miriam that she might fully understand, as her command of the language of the Egyptians was not perfect.
5 Yeshua was pleased to see what the priests of Egypt had done, for the pattern stretched across the great chamber from wall to wall; and that which he had drawn small, they had drawn large in every detail.
6 Then Yeshua stood at the entrance to the outer labyrinth, and he raised his arms to the right and to the left and said, “The first circle of the labyrinth is only of light, for a babe is born innocent and pure and there is no darkness in them; but even in innocence, choices must be made and consequences do befall; therefore, choose to walk the path of light to the right or to the left and discover what comes unto you.
7 With each step within the Path of Three, ponder upon deep thoughts and seek answers and illumination from your life to your eternity. Learn to see the significance in the subtleties of the path and understand how they show you the answers you seek.
8 See how some places will easily merge to the next progression, while others will require that you turn back nearly upon the way you came. See how some colors stand alone while others merge and form something new.
9 Understand the black path represents evil and the white represents good, and there are many things of significance in their relationship that is revealed on the path.
10 As you return again and again to walk the Path of Three, choose to sometimes walk the black path that you may learn of the fallacies of evil within the safety and sanctuary of the maze, that evil may have no power over you in the world beyond the temple walls.
11 Upon the same color, you may return back the way you came; even as in life, when comprehending your errors, you may retrace your steps and start anew, having lost your time and sometimes much more, but learning from your experiences; thereby, your future may hold a greater light than your past.
12 Do not think to deviate from the path by cutting across the lines, for as in life, the wisdom is gained in the journey, and if you shorten your journey, you cheat yourself of the treasures of knowledge and light you could have gained. Even as in life there is order in success and chaos in failure, so it is upon the Path of Three.
13 There are times when you may walk alone upon the Path of Three and other times when there will be many other seekers upon the path. There is significance in the times you are alone, the times shared with a few, and the times when many others are with you. How you interact in silence with those you meet is important, as is how you choose to pass or not pass one another.
14 The gray areas represent the vast lands of the lost existing in the world, where both good and evil entice, and man is often lulled into living in the twilight of both good and evil, thinking that because he is not all evil, he must be good.
15 But verily, I say unto you: Only those who valiantly strive to keep the commandments of God are found worthy to dwell in the house of God.
16 The three-colored circles represent the Father, the Mother, and the Son, the three aspects of the one God. As you walk the path again many times, choose to walk it differently on each occasion that you may learn new truths and gain greater understandings.”
17 Zebak said unto them, “Let us choose the path to the left for the Sun rises in the east and sets in the west.”
18 And so it was that Yeshua and the three priests of Egypt took the path of light to the left, and after circling halfway around the outer band, they came to the entry of two paths, one black and the other white, and Yeshua said unto them, “Behold two choices before you, one of light and one of dark, but before you choose, tell me what would have been the consequences had you first gone to the right instead of the left when we began?”
19 One of the priests answered, “We would have returned to the spot from which we started, or coming upon the spot we now stand, but facing the wrong direction, we might pass unknowing by the entry to the path that leads onward.”
20 Yeshua complimented him, “You have spoken well, and so it is in life that there are some choices that do not take you down a path of destruction, but neither do they bring you to greater light; they merely keep you in the light you possess.
21 Verily, I say unto you that there will be those who will cling to the light that they have, happy not to be in darkness, but the valiant will take issue with the darkness that they might gain the greater light.”
22 Then Yeshua entered the labyrinth along the white path and began to walk into it. And he bid Zebak and two other priests to follow him, and one by one, they came into the Path of Three and Yeshua said unto them, “You enter now into the map of your eternal progression, for the Path of Three shows your past and your present and your future.
23 Upon its steps, you can discern the secrets to everything you have been, everything that you are, and everything that you can be.
24 Within its realm, you can discover yourself as you have never known, and once found, the pure Celestine Light of God can be revealed in ways you could never have known.”
25 Once Yeshua had circled the gentle spiral of the labyrinth two more times, he came to the edge of the great gray circle that marked the boundary from the outer labyrinth to the inner maze and he stopped, and turning to the three priests, he asked, “What have been your thoughts as you have circled through the outer labyrinth?”
26 The first priest answered, “I have thought of my life to this point, and with each step upon the path, moving closer toward the maze, I remember all that I have known and believed, and I ponder if I am doing a good thing to listen to you and follow you upon this path.”
27 The second priest answered, “I have thought of how tedious is life that we must continually travel around in circles and everything is the same.”
28 Zebak answered, “I have been looking at that which is to come, for the maze ahead is most intricate and I am anxious to know of its meaning.”
29 Yeshua elaborated, “Thus, it is that you are beginning to feel the quiet power of the Path of Three and are even now reflecting upon the past, the present, and the future.
30 So it is when you travel your path of eternity in ways that are pleasing unto God, for you are meant to become more than you were born, and only when you comprehend where you came from, accept why you are here, and honorably live your life for the part of eternity it is, can you fulfill the full measure of your creation.
31 And I say unto you, of what good is all that has been unless you have learned from your experiences and they become the foundation to build your life to a greater height and draw closer to God?
32 Tremble not for the adversity that each sunrise can bring, for the path of today is also strewn with blessings big and small, and it is amidst the bad and the good, the sad and the joyful, that you give thanks to God for the smiles of your lives and understand that happiness is all the sweeter for having tasted the bitterness.
33 Amidst the hot winds of life, you see the towers of the city in the distance through the blowing sand, and it is in the lights that await you that you find the strength to press on through the darkness of the night.
34 Verily, the mansions of God wait with burning lamps for all those who keep the commandments and teachings which God has given unto the children of men.”
35 Then Yeshua circled his arm, showing the great gray circle upon which lay the inner maze and the spiral path of the labyrinth that had led to it, and he said unto them, “The outer path which circles around itself and leads to the edge of the circle of gray is your life in the world filled with both good and evil, and you must walk through the world and all the confusions therein to find the entrance to the path of God, which leads to eternal life and exaltation.
36 And I say unto you that the spirit of man is a true child of God; therefore, the outer spiral of light draws ever closer to the inner center, even as the hearts of good men and women are ever drawn to the Celestine Light of God, and their eyes remain single to the light and the glory, even when surrounded by the darkness of the world.
37 And in the world, the adversary within and without continually entices the righteous and the unrighteous into darkness.
38 Therefore, with each step upon the outer labyrinth, ponder upon your life in the world and all that has been; that when you reach the inner ring of light, may you be prepared in your heart and mind to leave the world behind and pass through the gray directly upon a path that leads to the God of light.”
39 Then Yeshua pointed at the intricate patterns of the inner maze and told them, “Upon the inner maze are three circles of color, which represent the triality contained within the foundation of life and eternity and within man and God.
40 Some will say that it is not triality but duality that is the foundation of all things, even as in the day and the night and good and evil.
41 But I say unto you that duality cannot exist within itself, nor can there be only black and white, for there is also the gray between the black and white, even as there is a dawn and twilight between the day and the night and the many variances of man between he who would be called good and he who would be called evil.
42 Therefore, as you pass upon the outer labyrinth, ponder upon the trialities within mortality and immortality of all that has been in your life and all that will be in your eternity.
43 Ponder deeply upon the meaning of God that you might comprehend that there is one God, not many, but more to God than just one personage.
44 Look diligently, therefore, to find and understand the triality of all things in your life that have been, your life that is, and your life that may be.
45 See how the three circles intersect, whereby a portion of one is in each of the others, and how at their center they are all one together, even as God is the Father, and the Mother, and the Son; and though each is a distinct individual with their own attributes, they are united and inseparable, and, at their core, a power of infinite oneness and one God.
46 Within each of the intersections of two circles are great lessons for life and eternity if you will ponder upon them.
47 Walking through the maze consider wisely before going back upon forward steps you have taken. If you reverse, you may lose not only the steps you retraced back, but also the additional steps you could have gone forward upon in that time. And all only to retain that which you had already gained and passed beyond. But then there are times when that may be the better choice, and it is for you to learn when and why.
48 Consider wisely why you should not pass back into the outer labyrinth once you have entered the inner maze, even as in life to go back fully into the ways of the world after you have been showered in the Celestine Light of God can make you fade so far into the darkness that the light of truth might become but an ember in your heart. Yet there are times when it may be necessary, and it is for you to learn when and why.
49 Once within the three inner spirals of the maze, stay on the spiral bounds of light within each one and cross not their walls except as the path may lead, for there are lessons to learn at every step.
50 These three spiral mazes are together the inner maze of the Path of Three. They represent the triality of God: the Father, the Mother, and the Son.
51 I remind you that these three are separate and distinct, but also one and undivided; which one represents the Father and which one the Mother and which one the Son depends not upon a constant color and position, but upon which you choose to enter first each time you walk the maze.
52 The path of light within the maze sometimes takes you to the edges of the world, so it is in life that you sometimes come upon that which entices you away from the light and tempts you with the pleasures and ways of the world insomuch that you would forget that you are children of God.
53 Near unto the center, the path takes you also into the sphere of one of the other of the three circles of God, that you may reflect upon the light that is created when they are joined in power and how that can help you in your life.
54 And you will come upon the center of each colored circle, and the path will reverse back upon itself. Take some time at each of these points to give deep contemplation upon the aspect of God you are in before you seek to depart it for another; that by an orderly progression and contemplation, you may gain foundations of great knowledge.
55 And I say again unto you, remain at the heart of each aspect of God with deep meditation upon what you have learned that it may become a part of you before you seek to know more.”
56 Then Yeshua led the priests along the spiral path of the first inner circle and said unto them, “As you pass through the first circle that you choose to enter, think of God the Father and of your relationship to him. Ponder upon his goodness and how faithful you have been to his commandments. Feel the power of the male flowing in your spirit and allow the power of the Father to come upon you.
57 When walking the spiral path of this circle, you will touch for some moments within the bounds of the circle of the Mother and should ponder upon the interactions of the male and the female and of all the people, rich and poor, high and low, who come into the circle of your life, seeking the same light that you seek.
58 Consider that though they may be very different than you, how much further you can go seeking the light united and supportive of one another than either can alone.”
59 As they reached the center of the circle of the Father, Yeshua asked one priest to remain there and meditate upon the lessons of the Path of Three to that point.
60 Yeshua beckoned the other two priests to follow him upon the path that led out of the circle of the Father and toward the circle of the Mother, and he said unto them, “When you pass out of the circle of the Father and near again to the twilight of the world, consider all the ways in which the adversary holds sway over the world and entices and lures good souls away from the Celestine Light and precepts of God.
61 And in the depths of your journey near the gray twilight, consider the endless stars of the heavens and the endless lights of God that uplift and love you.
62 Seeing again the glory of the light, reject then the persuasions of the world and allow your understanding and the remembrances in your heart to bring you back into the fullness of the Celestine Light of God that you may have worthy entry into the next circle and the embrace of the family of light.”
63 Yeshua and Zebak and the other priest continued along the path out of the circle of the Father and toward the circle of the Mother. And as it passed upon the very center point of the maze, Yeshua remained at that spot.
64 He told the two priests to continue on, and he said unto them, “The Mother is the female that balances the male of the Father, and by the blending of their essences do all things exist and reach their greatest light. Therefore, seek to understand and benefit from the differing aspects of your life and the space that is between, for you are more than a man.
65 Moreover, you must come to understand that even as God is a man and a woman and a son, that inside of you there is a man and a woman and a child, and though one aspect of you may be all the world sees, even as the Father is all of God most people know, your other aspects do not vanish simply because they are ignored; you merely are less than you could be for turning your back upon the fullness God has given unto you.
66 As you travel within the circle of the Mother, consider how you can be more balanced in your life, for God is balanced in the Father and the Mother and the Son; in this, may you discover the importance of this secret of Heaven.
67 In your pondering of balance, remember balance does not always mean equal, but more often the proper amounts, even as a soup may only need a hint of pepper to make a savory blend.
68 Verily, I say unto you: A man or a woman alone is not as balanced as a man and a woman together, and a man and a woman together is not as balanced as a man and a woman and a child, and man and a woman and a child is not as balanced as a man and a woman and a family of children.
69 And the good gained from a family is a treasure that enriches all of life.
70 Therefore, seek these things and great shall be your rewards in Heaven and upon the Earth.
71 And I say unto you that even as in the circle of the Father, you will be led from the circle of the Mother back into the gray edges of the world and will have a longer journey to reach the path that leads to the son and will have to travel a great deal more through the world to arrive. Ponder upon why that may be.
72 With every step beside the gray of the world, consider how you can better be in the world but not of it and avoid the snares that await those who watch not to beware of evil and seek not God in all things.
73 Passing along the gray of the world, reflect deeply upon the greatest subversion by which the holiness of God is turned into wickedness in the world, for it is with the sacred urge to procreate, which God has given for purposes of great light, that the demons of evil do ever tempt the children of men to pervert them into a great darkness.
74 So important is mortality that God gave the children of men powerful urges to procreate. And God gave the children of men commandments that they should multiply and replenish the Earth, but also that they should not commit fornication or adultery, but cleave only unto they to whom they are married, and that there should be no divorce among them save it be for adultery or fornication or unrighteous abuse.
75 All these things God did and commanded that there would be pure and worthy tabernacles of flesh, which the spirits made by God the Father and the Mother could reside within without remembrance of their former life, that they might learn and grow from their experiences and gain faith from the union of their heart and mind reaching out to seek the God of light.
76 Therefore, for it to come to pass that the Children of Light born into the world might gain the greatest good, it is of great worth for them to be born into a home of goodly parents, who will teach and raise their children in a like manner.
77 And verily, I say unto you, upon the foundation of the righteous family is the kingdom of God built, both on Earth and in Heaven.
78 Therefore, the adversary uses the greatest persuasions to cause the children of men to abuse their sacred urges, which God has given them for great and glorious purposes.
79 Evil laughs and rejoices to see the Children of Light debase themselves, and thus be separated from God and no longer seek or live the light of truth.
80 Like Adam and Eve, who sinned and hid themselves from God, the righteous turn away from the light in their shame until repentance comes into their hearts.
81 And before that day, they justify their wickedness, and in their sin, injure their children. For the parent who cannot stand the light of God will raise their children to not know God or follow the teachings of divine light, and the children then cannot see the light from which they have come.
82 Therefore, when you walk along the precipice, along the edges of the world, contemplate your own weaknesses with the sacred power of creation God has given to you and repent of the transgressions you may have made.
83 Resolve now to never allow evil, within or without, to entice you to misuse your most sacred power. But covenant to reserve it for acts of love and procreation within the holy realm of marriage, as God has ordained.”
84 As they walked upon the circle of the Mother, Yeshua pointed to the place where the circle of the Mother met the circle of the Son, and he said unto them, “When you pass through this point, consider your blessings and responsibilities to your closest family, for a parent receives blessings from their heavenly parents equal to their fulfillment of the righteous needs of their children, even as the children receive great blessings from on high when they care for their parents when they are old.
85 And the treasures of life and eternity are many when a family stays united and bonded through the generations.”
86 Yeshua then bade another priest to remain in the center of the circle of the Mother and to ponder and meditate upon all he had learned in his journey of the maze.
87 He asked Zebak to travel into the circle of the Son and said unto him, “Know that as you are a good steward of that which God has given unto your charge, abundance is your reward in Heaven, and for proving worthy, you will be entrusted with much more.
88 And I say unto you that faith is the foundation of Heaven and faithfulness the secret to exaltation, even as the Son fulfills the righteous admonishments of his parents by the faith he has in their love and desire for his happiness. And unto him is given glory and power forever.
89 Therefore, within the circle of the Son, ponder upon the blessings which God has given to you, those both big and small, and the things which are asked of you in return.
90 Likewise, consider all that your earthly parents and friends and teachers and others have given to you and that which you do to return and magnify the good they have bestowed upon you.
91 Then consider your children, both those that are and those that may be, and the joys they bring to you and the great responsibility God has entrusted unto you to care for and enlighten the children whose spirits have been sent to you.
92 Consider with great thankfulness the blessing of your wife and ever strive each day to show your affection and appreciation for the light she brings into your life.
93 Consider the community in which you live and all that it provides to you and the responsibility you have to uphold and help your community to prosper.
94 Consider your brothers and sisters of light and remember the golden rule to do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
95 Then Yeshua bade Zebak to remain at the center of the circle of the Son and contemplate all that he had learned.
96 So it was that there was a priest at the center of each of the circles of God, and Yeshua stood at the center of the Path of Three.
97 And all of the priests, both those in the maze and those in the room, as they pondered upon the feelings in their hearts and the opening of their minds, looked together to Yeshua, who stood with his hands clasped and his arms down, looking upward into Heaven.
98 When upon that moment, there was a sharp clap of thunder and the roof of their temple was cracked asunder and dust came down upon them, and a beam of sunlight shone through the crack and, piercing the dust, illuminated the face of Yeshua, and he alone.
99 Yeshua lifted his arms up to the heavens and at that instant, the roof collapsed about them, but the falling stones touched them not and injured none.
100 Through the billowing dust of the fallen stones, the priests looked in awe upon Yeshua and bowed their heads and put their knees to the ground; and Yeshua bid Miriam come to him, and hand in hand, they walked forth from among the rubble, and Yeshua said unto them, “I will always hold a place for you in my heart as you keep the commandments of God and seek to do good in the world; and upon this place, build again the Path of Three and what God has opened up to the light of the Sun, leave it to always be so.”
101 And Yeshua went out of the temple, and they saw him no more.