“Verily, I say unto you, this generation shall not pass away until all that has been hidden is brought again into the light, for it is the epoch for the fulfillment of promise.”
Oracles of Celestine Light, Nexus 1:21

Mystery of Moses


Yeshua reveals to the Egyptian merchant, Babuaten, that the brother of the pharaoh Akhenaten was the man the Hebrews know as Moses. Their father was the Egyptian pharaoh, Amenhotep III, and their mother was Queen Tiy, whose mother was a Nubian princess and whose father was a Hebrew. Their youngest brother was who we know today as “King Tut.” Yeshua then tells the true story of Moses.

1 Nine moons had passed since the departure of Lazarus and Yochanan, and Yeshua and Miriam continued to live in the house Babuaten had offered them with their children. And they taught their children from an early age in the ways of God that as it was said by Solomon, “When they were old, they would not depart from them.” They also taught them of the many good qualities of the lands of which they knew, including languages and history and cultures.
2 From time to time, Yeshua journeyed to the market to sell his creations to the merchants, but he did not sell directly to the people as he did not wish to spend so much time away from his wife and children.
3 And Yeshua and Miriam and the children did many things together and waxed strong as a family.
4 From time to time, Yeshua and Miriam and the children visited the home of Babuaten, and they were always greeted with great respect and gratitude. And Yeshua and Babuaten had many long discussions, concerning the ways of God, and thus, it was that Yeshua came to reveal a great secret that Elohim the Father had told unto him.
5 This came about when Babuaten said, “Yeshua, when you first came to my house, you invoked the name of Aten. It is no secret among my friends that I revered the ancient pharaoh Akhenaten and believed in the one god, Aten of the Sun, which he proclaimed, and turned the soles of my shoes upon the multitude gods of Egypt.
6 “Yet when my daughter was healed, it was because my heart was softened to accept a greater truth and a greater god. I was moved by your words about the one true God, and I perceived that Aten was the glory of one Sun, but Elohim was the glory of all the heavens.
7 “Now I realize that perhaps after all, Aten is just a false god.
8 My heart is therefore open, but my mind is still ignorant. I do not fully comprehend your words, and I am still somewhat vexed in my thoughts that the blood of Egypt runs in the veins of both Hebrews and Egyptians as you said. If you would be so kind, enlighten me.”
9 Yeshua looked deeply into the eyes of Babuaten, for he was moved by the depth of his thoughts.
10 Many others were also present, including Miriam and the wife of Babuaten as well as his older sons and a priest of Ra and two wealthy merchants who were friends of Babuaten. By now, all of the friends and family of Babuaten knew of the miraculous healing, which Yeshua had done, and most were followers of the religion of Aten, but they were also open to hear the words, which Yeshua would speak of the Almighty God that had wrought the miracle.
11 And Yeshua said unto them, “My friends, listen closely, for upon the foundations of this truth is a path to everlasting brotherhood between the Children of Israel and the Children of Egypt, if they will receive it.
12 You know somewhat of the history of the pharaoh Akhenaten and now you shall know more; for this has my Father in Heaven revealed to me: The man you know as the pharaoh Akhenaten was the brother of the man the Children of Israel know as Moses, the lawgiver.
13 The brothers were neither Egyptian nor Israelite, but both and more, for they and their elder brother and a younger brother, which came much later, were the sons of Amenhotep III, an Egyptian pharaoh of pure blood, and Queen Tiy, whose mother was a Nubian princess and whose father was Yosef, who spoke for a pharaoh, and he was a mighty Hebrew through the loins of Yakov.”
14 There was a great amazement among the Egyptians at the words of Yeshua, for they shook the world which they all thought they knew.
15 And Yeshua said, “And often the queen dwelt in the land of Goshen among the Hebrews, in the palace of Zarw, and it is here that Moses was born as royalty of Egypt.
16 Just before his birth, his eldest brother was slain by Amun priests. His mother and father knew not the cause of the disappearance of their older son, but they were suspicious of the priests and feared for the lives of their newborn and of his brother.
17 In truth, many of the priests continued to be angry because of Queen Tiy, the chief wife of the pharaoh, feeling she polluted his thoughts with the beliefs of the Nubians and the Hebrews.
18 The pharaoh and his queen determined they must take action to protect the royal lineage. Therefore, in the darkness of the night, Queen Tiy had her infant taken by boat beyond the walls of Zarw and given into the safekeeping of her family dwelling in the land of Goshen.
19 When it became known that the infant was missing, the priests sent forth spies among the people of Egypt, trying to determine what had happened to the newborn son of Queen Tiy, for they desired to kill him rather than chance that a kingdom of Egypt might someday be founded upon the son of a Nubian Hebrew.
20 But they found him not, for the child was kept safely hidden among the Hebrews for several years and was never permitted to enter into any of the major cities of Egypt.
21 When he was of an age to begin his education, he was sent to Heliopolis to live and train in secret with members of the queen’s family.
22 During this time, his brother Amenophis would sometimes visit his relatives at Goshen and then secretly be sent to Heliopolis to receive training with his younger brother.
23 During these infrequent visits, Amenophis was quickened by the concept of the one God taught by his Hebrew relatives and his younger brother. But rather than accept the truth of Elohim the one Almighty God in fullness and purity, he was moved in his thoughts to adorn the one true God with aspects of Egyptian religious beliefs and ritual.
24 Thus, he fashioned a god to his liking that was neither Hebrew nor Egyptian, but his.
25 When he was of age, he appeared in Memphis, taking the name of his father, Amenhotep, and he gained the right to ascend to the throne when he married his half sister Nefertiti.
26 He was then named co-regent by his father Amenhotep III and became known as Amenhotep IV.
27 And the wicked priests of Amun were exceedingly angry at the pharaoh Amenhotep III, because he had made his half-breed son co-regent.
28 And that which they most feared soon came to pass, for not long after his appointment, Amenhotep IV began to erect temples to the God of his creation, whom he called Aten of the Sun.
29 Though Aten was entirely created from the mind of Amenhotep IV, there still remained some of the foundations of truth, for among the secret rites of the followers of Aten, it was made known that the Sun was merely a point of light in the crown of the God of all the Earth and all the stars in the sky. And this was never said to be Aten, but was left for each believer to ascertain its meaning. Is it not even so today?”
30 Babuaten and his brethren nodded their heads in agreement, perplexed that Yeshua could know the inner secrets of their religion. But still they did not understand that which he was plainly saying. And one of the men with Babuaten said, “What has this to do with the god of the Hebrews?”
31 And Yeshua said, “Verily, I say unto you even as the pharaoh Akhenaten was the brother of the man known as Moses by the Hebrews, so has your worship of Aten laid the foundation in your heart and mind to find and know the one true God of all the suns and stars and earths. This Almighty Lord is Elohim, the God of the Hebrews. Verily, this is the very god which the pharaoh Akhenaten learned of among his mother’s people when he was young.”
32 Then one of the visitors of Babuaten objected to the words of Yeshua and said unto him, “You are sticking a dagger in our hearts to say that Aten is not the true god we believe and that Akhenaten was not the greatest of all pharaohs and a man of inspired faith as we believe.”
33 And Yeshua answered unto them, “Though Akhenaten erred in substance, he was blessed for bringing his followers closer to the truth than any in Egypt had ever been. His heart was filled with righteousness for his family and his followers and his sincere belief in Aten. In his mind were many truths, and he vowed to always walk the path of light, regardless of the consequences.
34 Because of his example and the good that he taught, those who followed him became better than they were, which thing is always pleasing unto God.
35 But great unrest was caused by the actions of Akhenaten, and exceedingly wroth were the priests of Amun. Therefore, his mother asked him to relocate to a place dedicated to no other gods where he might build his temples as he desired.
36 Thus, it was that he came unto a land dedicated to no other gods and built a large new city with great monuments of stone to mark its boundaries. To this place, his followers came to have fulfillment to worship as they would.
37 And many Hebrews came to live in the city built by Akhenaten, for within it, they were given the peace and freedom to worship in the ways of their fathers under the protection of Akhenaten.
38 Upon the death of his father, Akhenaten became the ruler of all Egypt, and he forbid the worship of any god but Aten, except for the Hebrews, who were allowed to continue in their ways, worshiping the one god as they desired.
39 He commanded his soldiers to close the temples to all other gods of Egypt and to remove their names from the buildings and to put the priests of the false gods into the street and to confiscate their estates.
40 With these commands, anger grew among the soldiers, for many worshipped the old gods and paid homage at the temples; and it came to pass that the generals rose up against Akhenaten and forced him into exile in the Sinai along with his followers who would not repudiate Aten, and a relative was given to rule in his stead.
41 And it came to pass that Moses, the younger brother of Akhenaten, who had remained in obscurity, living in contentment among the Hebrews, came to him in the desert.
42 For many days, the two brothers spoke, for Akhenaten was stricken with grief for having lost his kingdom so soon after losing his wives Nefertiti and Kaya and others of his family to a plague.
43 He gave Moses his royal scepter and told him to go and be pharaoh of Egypt as it was his right, but Moses refused to do this.
44 And Akhenaten became sorrowful unto despair, and soon after, he died.
45 His body was returned to the city which he built, but thereafter in Egypt, it was punishable by death to mention the name of Akhenaten in the lands of the pharaoh and his city of the sun was let to fall to ruin and his name was wiped from the monuments throughout the land of Egypt.
46 When the priests of the old Egyptian religions came to power once more, they heard rumors of a forgotten brother of Akhenaten and sought to find him. But God warned Moses and he departed deep into the Sinai, and the Egyptians searched no more for him for a time, thinking he was only a myth or, if a real man, one of no consequence.
47 But many of the Hebrews found him in the Sinai as did many of the Egyptians who still worshipped Aten.
48 But the followers of Moses in Egypt desired to have the priests and generals continue to think of him as a myth of a wishful people and, therefore, only spoke of him in secret by saying MS, which was to mean, the rightful son or heir.
49 There was another brother, the youngest yet, who had also been born to Queen Tiy. A couple of years after the death of Akhenaten, the priests of Egypt put him on the throne for he was only a young boy whom they could control, and thus Egypt returned completely to the ways of old.
50 But he grew into a young man with thoughts of his own, and their control lessened. And it came to pass that he was poisoned in the dark of the night, not to death, but to sickness. And his leg was broken while he was in delirium to hasten his death by what would seem to be natural causes.
51 And then, because they believed in the one true God, the Hebrews that remained in Egypt began to be greatly persecuted.
52 After a time, this came unto the ears of Moses, who had dwelt for almost forty years with his followers in the Sinai. And Moses felt compelled by God to do what he could to save his Hebrew kinsfolk from the persecutions of the Egyptians.
53 The reign of two pharaohs had passed since the death of his younger brother who had been given the throne two years after the death of Akhenaten, and Moses decided that he must leave the wilderness and claim the throne of Egypt to save the Hebrews.
54 As he walked back into Egypt, word was quickly carried across the land that the true successor to Akhenaten and a son of Amenhotep III was coming to claim the throne. And many vowed to find and kill him, but many others came unto him, both Hebrews and Egyptians, to be one with him.
55 Then he came unto the palace of General Pa-Rameses in Zarw, even as he was preparing to assume the throne, and Moses revealed himself to be the brother of Akhenaten and the son of Amenhotep and Tiy. Moses carried the royal scepter of power, which had been given unto him by Akhenaten. And there was much confusion among the priests and wise men as to who should be pharaoh.
56 Therefore, a great meeting was called to determine whether Moses or Pa-Rameses should claim the throne of Egypt. And Moses showed the priests and wise men his royal scepter and revealed to them secret rituals which only the Pharaoh and high priest could know, which Akhenaten had told unto him in the Sinai. And they were convinced and prostrated themselves before him and acknowledged that only he could be the rightful pharaoh.
57 But the soldiers of Egypt answered only to Pa-Rameses and with their power, they put Moses out, and Pa-Ramses took the throne of Egypt and called himself Rameses I.
58 Then there was no place in Egypt for Moses and his followers, and they began to be persecuted greatly. Therefore, Moses sought to depart the boundaries of Egypt, but Rameses would not permit him or those who followed him to leave, for he wanted them to remain under his subjugation.
59 Moses pleaded to Elohim in prayer to deliver his people from the persecutions of Rameses. And Elohim heard the voice of Moses and loved Moses for his goodness.
60 And it came to pass that seven dreadful plagues fell upon the land of Egypt. And each was foretold by Moses to Rameses, and before each, he asked Rameses to allow those who wished to follow him to peacefully depart from Egypt. And each time, Rameses refused.
61 Upon the last, the son of Rameses perished even as Moses had foretold, and at last, the pharaoh Rameses bowed down to the power of the one true God and let Moses depart with his followers, both the Hebrews and the Egyptians.
62 Then Moses led the people across the shore of the desert sea and across the swamps, north of the sea, so the chariots of the pharaoh could not easily follow. Upon the low tide, the sea suddenly retreated farther from the shore than any could remember as the people of Moses finished passing across it.
63 But when Moses and his followers had been gone from the sight of Rameses, the pharaoh conceived a great anger at Moses for the dreadful plagues that had befallen Egypt and for the death of his son.
64 In his anger, he called forth the armies of Egypt to pursue the Israelites and Egyptians who followed Moses and to slay them, every one.
65 Even as the last of the people of Moses came to the far shore of the sea, the army of the pharaoh was fast behind them, crossing near the sandy edge of the receded sea that they might gain ground on those who had crossed when the sea was higher.
66 But the wisdom of Moses and the power of God was manifested. When the mounted army of the pharaoh was racing upon the smooth sand, the wheels of their chariots slowed and wallowed in it. And while they were thus mired the waters of the sea came quickly upon them in a great wave and swallowed them all.
67 But Moses knew that pharaoh would come again to attack the Children of Light. One of his leaders, an Egyptian named Hamadi, counseled that they should hasten to Gaza to conquer and fortify it, that they might have a city to defend when the armies of pharaoh came upon them.
68 But God spoke into the ear of Moses and told him that they must hasten south into the Sinai. When Moses revealed the counsel of Elohim, the Egyptians were not desirous to flee into the wilderness, nor did they see how the food of the wilderness could support such a large number of people. And many of the Hebrews agreed with the Egyptians.
69 Therefore, they divided into two groups with the Children of Israel and some Egyptians taking a trail into the south of the Sinai, and the greater number of Egyptians and some Hebrews following the road to Gaza.
70 But before the Egyptians and Hebrews who marched to Gaza could take the city, a son of Rameses led an army of Egypt against them at many places on the road to Gaza, and they were utterly destroyed.
71 Moses and the Children of Israel and those Egyptians who came with them wandered many years in the wilderness of the Sinai, and Moses communed with God in the great emptiness.
72 And it was in the Sinai that God gave Moses the Twelve Commandments to Happiness and Exaltation inscribed on stone by the finger of God, but the Children of Israel were not worthy of such a gift, for they had become idolatrous and adulterous and cared not what they ate or what they drank.
73 Therefore, Moses broke the commandments upon the ground, and they became as dust. And the wicked people, who remembered not the God who had delivered them from pharaoh, created Ten Commandments that were easier to live, whereby they could find peace amongst them.
74 And the Twelve Commandments whereby they could know God, and find the God within themselves, were taken from the Earth, nor will they be given again until a more righteous generation shall come forth in the last epoch.
75 Verily, the words I have given unto you are for a great cause that you might come to desire to know the one true God, the magnificent God of all light, and know that we are brothers in spirit and blood, and never should the Children of Israel and the children of Egypt be enemies, for there is more that unites us than divides us.
76 Now I declare unto you with the power of God that is in me that the light you have known in the beliefs you have held is but a glimmer of the brilliance that waits for you.
77 It is only as far as your knees to the ground, in humble supplication with a sincere desire to know the truth, a mind open to discover it, and a heart willing to accept it.
78 If you shall ask of Elohim to know if my words are true, then the spirit of Elohim will enter your heart and fill you with a marvelous expansion of light such as you have never known, and in that, you will have a firm knowledge of truth and open your life to receive cherished blessings that endure beyond the span of days.”