“Verily, I say unto you, this generation shall not pass away until all that has been hidden is brought again into the light, for it is the epoch for the fulfillment of promise.”
Oracles of Celestine Light, Nexus 1:21

The Coming of the Ark


Elohim the Father speaks to Noah in a dream and tells him that the earth must be cleansed to be rid of the wickedness that now dominates the world. But Noah is given forty years to preach the light, to see if the light can grow and the earth spared. Fallen angels are seen to be the root of the evil upon the world, and Elohim creates the damned class of demons from the former angels and condemns them to a horrible fate. When Noah fails in his forty-year quest to bring light back to the world, Elohim tells him the cleansing must come. All the Children of Light from across the world and thousands of animals converge on Kamoya to await the coming of the Ark. When all are gathered into the great valley, an enormous V-shaped ship appears in the sky and everyone watches in awe as the Ark descends to hover above them. So great is its size that the Children of Light and all the animals easily find space within it, and they vanish like a star into the sky while the earth and all the people remaining upon it await their fate.

1 And it came to pass that after the days of Enoch, the people of the Earth became even more wicked, and save for some of the descendants of the twelve families that had remained upon the Earth when the city of Enoch ascended into Heaven, there were precious few people who walked in the light.

2 Elohim the Father came to Noah, the great-grandson of Enoch, in a dream and spoke with him as one man speaks to another. And he said unto him, “Noah, we are distressed greatly because of the wickedness that man has become, for most all of our children of spirit are losing great parts of their eternity to darkness because of their wickedness in mortality, which expands each day upon the Earth because the light that remains is too small and weak to hold back the darkness.

3 “We are considering now whether man upon the Earth should be consumed that the Earth and all life therein might be renewed and man might begin anew unburdened by the great weight of darkness. What think, you man of light?”

4 Noah looked at Elohim in wonder that he had asked his opinion, and he answered saying, “Great Father, who am I to know the course that God should take?”

5 Elohim spoke to him again, saying, “You are he whom we have called to be our prophet, to hear our voices, to see our faces, and to speak to those in the light that they might know our will and of the things to come.

6 “It is your world of which we speak and your mortality. Because we love you, son of the son of the son of Enoch, we desire to know your thoughts concerning these things.”

7 Emboldened by the words of the Father, Noah spoke now with confidence, saying, “Great Elohim, I think you should stay your hand and not destroy man upon the Earth, for there is much other life and animals, many that are innocent and pure that would also see the end of their lives before their time, and they do not deserve an early end to their mortal progression.

8 So too are there many souls of men upon this Earth whom I believe would turn to the light if they were not surrounded by so much darkness.

9 Therefore, take not man from the Earth and so much of other life therein, but take those fallen angels from the Earth that have brought so much of the darkness upon it that they can no longer spew their poison. Then perhaps the light can again begin to overcome the darkness.”

10 Elohim considered the words of Noah and he was pleased, and he said unto him, “Well thought, son of the son of the son of Enoch. It shall be done even as you have spoken, but not entirely in the way you have imagined. Sleep now and I will return to you another night.”

11 And Noah slept, but the next day, he remembered all that he had dreamed.

12 And it came to pass that Elohim the Father appeared atop the tallest mountain upon the Earth, and with a mighty voice, he commanded, “Come!” and the air reverberated with thunder at his word, and the Earth shook and great avalanches of snow rushed down the mountainsides, and in the blink of an eye, all of the fallen angels that were upon the Earth appeared before him.

13 Shivering in the bitter cold on the high mountain and being suddenly compelled to appear before Elohim the Father, they shook with great fright. And the Father’s light was brighter than the Sun so much so that they could not see his face, but only the outline of his body, and they cowered into the snow in a futile attempt to hide from his light.

14 And he spoke unto them, saying, “It grieves me to see how low you who were so high have fallen, even to the corruption of the people of an entire world, simply to satisfy your lusts that are here today and gone tomorrow.

15 Great gifts of power and ability were given to you because of your virtue and faithfulness, but you were corrupted by the power and lured into darkness by your vanities and unrighteous lusts.

16 Despite all of the evil you have caused, we have stayed our hand upon you, hoping you would remember who you are and return to the light from whence you came and bring again the light to the world that you were called to bring.

17 But year upon year has passed and one generation has been added to another, and instead of returning to the light, you have darkened the Earth almost beyond recognition from the Eden we created.

18 And not even one of you has taken the tiniest step back into the light. Therefore, it is a great sadness to see that you have become unredeemable and your eternal progression must end.”

19 At the Father’s last words, one of the fallen angels rose to speak, but before the first word could leave his lips, the Father pointed his finger at him and the fallen angel was entirely encased within a thick block of ice.

20 “None of you shall speak!” the Father commanded with thunder. “You are no longer even worthy to exist in the divine bodies made in our image.

21 By your actions, you have changed the destiny of man and forced us, who intended to be Watchers only, to intercede.

22 We gave you life, and we could take all life from you, but that would be a blessing upon you, ending your existence without a taste of the suffering you have caused others.

23 Therefore, this is your fate for eternity: Your progression is damned. You are condemned to never again have a physical or immortal body of flesh and bone, but shall forever more be beings of dark spirit only.

24 You shall continue to have all of the desires of a physical body, but shall never again be able to satisfy or even taste the least of them. You shall be forever tormented because of your unfulfilled passions so much so that you will crave to be even a worm, to feel again the pleasures of the physical. But it will be your eternal torment to forever desire that which you will never again have.

25 You shall still have the ability to influence the minds of the weak in the most subtle of ways, but the sons and daughters of light shall have the power to destroy you in pain and anguish. But because you can never die, you will suffer a thousand deaths, over and over again.

26 Nor shall you ever see your numbers grow or diminish, and you shall grow to hate one another even more than you have despised the sons and daughters of men.

27 You who once were among the chosen of our children are now lower than the lowest of all life. You are demons, you are cursed forever to be what you have become, and that shall be less than the least of all life.

28 “So be it!” As he spoke, the Father waved his hand, and in the blink of an eye, all of the fallen angels vanished from the physical realm. From that moment on, they became beings without substance except the substance of darkness which they were. So it is even today.

29 The following night, Elohim the Mother appeared to Noah in a dream, and she said unto him, “Noah, the fallen angels have been condemned to never again be able to taste any of the pleasures they desire. They are still upon the Earth, but without physical form or substance and now can only subtly influence the weakest of men.

30 “Nevertheless, the greater threat remains, which is not the adversaries outside of man, but the adversary inside of man, even his own dark side.

31 No being that exists is without both light and darkness, even the Elohim, for it is necessary to have opposition, even within yourself, that the light may grow stronger as it holds back and overcomes the darkness.

32 The people of the Earth have given up their light and completely embraced their darkness. By their great fall, they have made all the world around them a dreary and forlorn place, even so much that the world must be washed clean and begin anew unless you can reverse the tide and show that the light returns and the darkness abates.

33 Now that the fallen angels are no more upon the Earth, you shall have forty years to preach the light and help others to turn back the tide of darkness within them and that the light may again flow with great strength. Enlist all within your family and all that you meet who are still guided by the light in this cause.

34 When forty years have passed, we shall weigh the light and darkness of the world again on the scales. If light has gained even the smallest amount over darkness, the world shall be spared.

35 But if darkness has continued to gain over light, then we must intercede, for this is not the destiny of our children of spirit, and the world shall be washed clean to begin anew.”

36 Noah heard the words of Elohim and immediately went forth and did as they had commanded. From that day, he went unto the world as a prophet of Elohim, proclaiming, “Repent, repent, for the terrible day of God comes unless you repent.”

37 Noah also sent his three sons, Shem, Ham, and Yapeth, out into the world to preach repentance, and for forty years, they also labored.

38 The brothers took turns traveling away for six months and then returning and remaining home. When one arrived, another would leave, while the brother that returned would remain home with his family for one year to tend to their needs.

39 But Noah traveled into lands far away, and sometimes his family did not see him for as many as three or four years at a time.

40 And the women feared not while the men were away, for great was the power of the spells of protection they wove and no harm ever came upon them or any of their children from beasts or men.

41 And great was their joy whenever Noah or his sons would find someone still living in the light.

42 To each of these, they gave encouragement to labor among their brethren that they might still find others to turn from the darkness into the light.

43 Each was given instructions that on the day forty years after Noah had spoken to Elohim, they must all be at Kamoya to hear the words of the Elohim and discover the fate of man.

44 Thus, it came to pass that forty years after Noah and his sons had begun to preach repentance, the land of Kamoya was swelled by the Children of Light who came from near and far to be upon that spot on that day, as Noah had directed.

45 Counting only the adults, there were 144 Children of Light who were in Kamoya that day. Among them were people of many hues and sizes, including Darlonz the giant and his family. And everywhere there were children.

46 Seven days earlier, Noah had gone atop a high hill to fast and pray and communicate with the Elohim. When he came down into Kamoya, his hair had turned all white, and he gathered the people to him and spoke with great solemness.

47 And he said unto them, “The Elohim have weighed the light and darkness of the people of the world in the balance and found them destitute, and the great and terrible day of God is upon us.

48 The world shall be cleansed, and God, who has given all men life, shall take it away now from many who had received such a great gift.

49 From this day forth and continuing for forty years, the Earth shall be convulsed in great agony. Some mountains shall spit up liquid fire, which shall cover much land. Other mountains shall sink into the sea and disappear, while some places that are plains shall rise up into mountains.

50 Rain shall fall such as it has never fallen in ferocious storms with terrifying winds such as you cannot imagine in your worst nightmares, and great shall be the floods in various and sundry places.

51 Even more calamitous, immense storms shall come upon the seas, and they shall spurt as fountains and shall assault the lands upon the shores with terrible fury.

52 In some places, crops shall fail for lack of water; in others, because of too much, and all the people of the Earth shall fear and tremble knowing not what shall become of them and a great many shall perish.

53 But because of the convulsions of the Earth, those that remain shall remember the power of the God, who made them, and comprehend how small they are compared to the immensity and greatness of God. Perhaps after all of this, they will turn again to the light and be spared an endless time of darkness in the life to come.”

54 The people in Kamoya showed many emotions as they heard the words of Noah; some feared, and others excited and wondered. And many voices cried out at once, seeking answers for the questions that had come into their minds.

55 “What of the innocent animals?” cried one.

56 “What of our families who are not with us?” shouted another.

57 “What will become of us?” asked another in earnestness, and many others repeated his words crying unto Noah, “What will become of us?”

58 Noah raised his hands and answered them, saying, “The animals shall be spared as much as is possible. They shall have time to flee to higher ground and escape the floods and shall be warned by Elohim to move away from the places that shall be consumed by liquid fire.

59 “As for your families who are not among us, if they return to the light, they might yet be spared, but that is beyond our power to know, for their fate is in their hands not ours, for they are the ones who have created it and they are the only ones who have the power to change it.

60 As for us, I have something to tell you which will seem the most strange thing you have ever heard, but I tell you this in all seriousness as the prophet of Elohim, so do not make light of that which I shall reveal to you, even though it will be beyond your understanding.

61 Our Heavenly Mother came to me and spoke to me several times concerning this, for even I could not at first comprehend the fullness of her words.

62 Tomorrow upon this spot, a ship shall come for us, but it is not a ship of this world. Nor is it a ship of the sea. Verily, it is a ship of the sky.

63 I have seen this ship in my dreams and surely it is real, for it is something I never could have imagined, and it is unlike anything I have ever known.

64 The ship is black as night with lights like little suns upon its edge. And it shimmers like waves of heat upon the desert. It is shaped like the wings of a giant bird, and it is more immense than anything you can use to compare.

65 Days before this day, Elohim called many of the animals of the world to come to this place, those that would be in danger of not surviving the catastrophes, and they shall converge here when the Sun rises tomorrow and shall go into the ship with us.

66 Ask me not where we shall go, for I know not. Nor ask me how a ship can be in the sky without falling to the Earth, for that too I know not, save to say that with Elohim, all things are possible.”

67 When Noah stopped speaking, many others began speaking at once, and many questions again flew toward Noah.

68 And though they were Children of Light, one and all, many spoke with doubts, not only that there could be such a thing as an enormous ship of the sky, but even if it were true, how would the animals survive the gauntlet of hungry clans to reach the land of Kamoya? And how would they who had gathered survive on a ship when they had only a few days of food among them?

69 Hearing all these things, Noah spoke again unto the people, saying, “Doubt not the Elohim, and have a true faith in your hearts. You have trusted the teachings of Elohim all of your lives for things small and great, and they have not failed you.

70 Do not waver now in your faith simply because you are asked to trust in something beyond your understanding, for surely all things shall be made known to those who hold fast to their faith.”

71 And it came to pass that the people of Noah did as he exhorted and held strong to their faith.

72 The following day, as the Sun rose, a loud clamor was heard coming toward Kamoya. And expecting the arrival of the animals, the people went to the top of the nearest rise that they could see for themselves the source. And great was their wonder at what they saw.

73 Coming from every direction were animals of all descriptions, birds of many colors in the air and beasts of every type upon the ground. There were snakes and elephants, mice and lions, and many creatures that no one had ever before seen.

74 People of the clans could be seen in the distance staring at the animals as they passed, but they looked at them confounded and attacked them not.

75 In only a few hours time, the small valley of Kamoya was filled with animals and the air overhead and the trees all around with multicolored birds of great variety.

76 Noah called all the people to gather together in a group, and they came to him, standing near the lake upon the original site of the first Kamoya that had been torn down and burned when the people of Enoch had moved to the island of Latani on the lake.

77 Then Noah raised his staff and pointed to the eastern sky. All eyes turned to see a large immensely bright light approaching with the speed of a shooting star.

78 As it drew close, its light dimmed until it was gone altogether, and hovering over their heads, low above the nearby hills, was a great black V, like the wings of some monstrous bird, with lights like suns upon its edges.

79 So great was its size that though the point of the V was centered over their heads, the expanse of the wings covered the entire valley of Kamoya, and the tips could not be seen before they were lost from view beyond the rising hills.

80 Then before the amazed eyes of all upon the ground, an opening appeared in the bottom of the ship on the right wing and a vast ramp unfolded, extending downward toward the ground and doubling back upon itself several times.

81 As the ramp descended, three small figures, appearing like men, walked down upon it, even to the point that it touched the ground, and two men and a woman wearing strange clothing stepped off the ramp and onto the Earth.

82 The people of Noah parted in awe that the strange visitors from the sky could pass, and the three walked directly toward Noah and stood before him.

83 And the woman, who stood between the two men, held her hands near her chest in the prayer position and said unto Noah, “Greetings, good prophet of Elohim. I am Jelatana.” And pointing to her right and then left, she continued, “And these are my counselors, Rabak and Gensai.”

84 Then she pointed to the vast ship that hovered soundlessly in the sky above them, and she said unto him, “This is our home. It is called Ark. We have come at the command of Elohim to take you and your people and all the animals of your world that have gathered here, upon the Ark. Will you come with us now?”

85 Noah was speechless for a moment, overwhelmed by the strangeness of all that he was seeing. But soon he nodded his head slowly and said unto her with awe in his voice, “We too have heard the call of Elohim, and we are ready. We will come.”